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Re: Tor exit nodes

I agree that it is pointless to just shower unineterested people with
smartcards. However, it's also clear that it'd be good for more DDs to
use them.

* It's not all _that_ hard to learn how to use them. There's material
  to learn that online that works. Thus, I agree with Santiago's
  suggestion Debian asks for interest first. Also, some of us already
  have the hardware, and don't want more (I have, I don't).

* I think having security and crypto training at every Debconf would
  be a good idea: how to use gpg, how to configure gpg well, how to
  secure one's laptop, etc.

* The Yubikey 4 seems to be the best hardware option. It's not free
  hardware, however. I'm OK with that for my own use, and I'd be OK
  for that for Debian's use. But before Debian spends money on that,
  we should have consensus that it's OK. I'm also OK for Debian to
  choose an option with free-er hardware, but have no personal
  experience with those.

* One Yubikey model 4 is $40 (plus postage) on Times 1000
  DDs, that's a lot of money for Debian. Can we find someone to
  sponsor them? Maybe Yubico itself?

I want to build worthwhile things that might last. --joeyh

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