
A slice of potatiskorv, which in Sweden is better known as värmlandskorv.

Potatiskorv (more commonly known as värmlandskorv in Sweden) is a regional Swedish sausage from Värmland, made with ground pork, beef, onions and potatoes. Potatiskorv is traditionally served hot at Christmas in Värmland but often served hot or cold throughout the year.

Ingredients: 2/3 potatoes, 1/3 meat (half beef, half unseasoned pork), 3/4 lb onions per each lb of meat. Seasoning: 1-1/2 tblsp salt and 3/4 scant tsp pepper per pound of meat.

Recipe: 10 lbs potatoes, 2.5 lbs lean beef, 2.5 lbs lean pork, 3.75 lbs onions, 7.5 tblsp salt, 3.5 tsp pepper. Medium or coarse grind potatoes and onions, mix well with ground meat and seasoning. Stuff gently in 12" segments of salted pork casings (well rinsed and softened in warm water). Cover with mildly salted water and bring to gentle boil for one hour, pricking skins @ 2" intervals to vent pressure and prevent bursting. Makes about 20 lbs.

"Potatiskorv" is what this sausage is called in parts of Värmland. In most parts of Sweden, the word "potatiskorv" is unknown, while "värmlandskorv" is well known and sold commercially around Christmas throughout the country, for the benefit of people from Värmland. In the United States, "potatiskorv" (usually written "potatis korv") is the name that has stuck among people with Swedish roots.

There is also a local sausage in parts of Småland known as "potatiskorv", mentioned in the Emil children's books by Astrid Lindgren. However, that sausage contains no beef, only potatoes and pork.

See also


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