# Static-site generators

Static-site generators like Hugo, VuePress, Nextjs, and Jekyll are all incredibly popular platforms building websites quickly. This guide walks through how to integrate IFPS into each of these workflows.

# Hugo

Refer the Hugo's Quick Start (opens new window) to install and set up your project.

In config.toml add relativeURLS and set it to true.


Build static pages

hugo -D

Output will be in ./public/ directory by default. Upload the public folder to IPFS.

# VuePress

Refer the VuePress' Getting Started (opens new window) to install and set up your project.

To build a static site:

vuepress build

Output will be in ./.vuepress/dist directory by default.

Use a command to convert a static site to only use relative urls. In this example, we'll be using all-relative (opens new window)

cd .vuepress/dist/
npx all-relative

Upload the dist folder to IPFS.

# Jekyll

Refer the Jekyll's Installation (opens new window) guide to to install Ruby and Jekyll.

Refer to Jekyll's Quickstart (opens new window) to set up your project.

To build a static site:

jekyll build

Output will be in ./_site by default.

Use a command to convert a static site to only use relative urls. In this example, we'll be using all-relative (opens new window)

cd _site/
npx all-relative

Upload the _site folder to IPFS.