List of Ashraf tribes in Libya

Libyan society is composed of several Ashraf tribes. Ashraf (Arabic: أشرف) refers to someone claiming descent from Muhammad by way of his daughter Fatimah. The word is the plural of sharīf "noble", from sharafa "to be highborn". Ashraf, if pronounced with long ā in the second syllable (أشراف /ašrāf/) is the plural of Sharif, but with short a (أشرف /ašraf/) is the intensive of sharīf meaning "very noble", "nobler", "noblest".

List of Libyan Ashraf Tribes[1]

[A] Aal Ashraaf Sidi Haji Abdul Salam bin Hassan bin Omar Mashini tribe Alahbun {} [B] Aal Ashraaf of AlSharif AlHaaj Yahia bin Fakhruddin Nabeul tribe Albrasp {} [C] Aal Ashraaf of Na'il bin Abdel Mawla {tribe Na'il} [D] Aal Ashraaf Sidi Haji Mohammad Abdul Nabi Tayyur Safra, nicknamed Bclem and Abu Seif {grandfather tribe Samak Abuyusuf} [E] Aal Ashraaf Almkashv Abdul Rahman aka Baldray {a very pan-epiphyseal tribe} [And] Aal Ashraaf Al-Wali Sidi Mohamed Messaoudi fishing hunting Yahyaoui, a grandfather {boys fishing and Masoudi} coast of Tripoli ..

Issa tribe honorable sons {West} corner Libyan diameter and includes them honorable Amour Aldoaudh Libyan brothers who are in the south as well as the tribe Furjan sons Sharif, Mr. Faraj bin Hamdan. [align = center] tribe honorable Taiaarh They are the sons of Al-Wali, Mr. Abdul Karim aka the pilot {} They Mtoajdon area Sabratha and Surman, Libya and Tunisia Shaker home and Oran in Algeria, as well as the children of Sharif Sidi Slimane pilot Libyan south. [/ align

. Aldjaafarh honorable tribe and their grandfather Jafar Sharif, who hails from Aulaad zaari Moulay Abdullah bin Idris and reside Begrean and the Bedouins and Tripoli.

Honorable tribe built Badr and honor their grandfather Sidi Mohamed Ben Ali Devin Ghadames diameter Libyan {children} Badr.

Tribe Aal Ashraaf Almanafah sons Sharif Manaf and reside Balbtnan and Tobruk, as well as Western Sahara Egyptian diameter and martyrs whom Sheikh Sidi Omar Mukhtar {}. Tribe Aal Ashraaf

Sons, Sir Wazzani Btabriq. Tribe Aal Ashraaf Moulay al-Qasim ibn Moulay Idriss and reside Bdrna who are few in number have settled their grandfather tuber in the middle of the second century of the Islamic History Sharif. They are Aal Ashraaf tribe Almatik Zawh and Fassi boys Annan and Zakria children and the children and the children of the slaves Aoun They are scattered in the western region of the country of Libya.


[align = center] tribe Aal Ashraaf young Pegrean and Rahiban and Ifrane and Fassato grandfather and guardian Sharif Sidi Mohamed Ben Salem } Devin town atmosphere Libya u. [/ align

Honorable tribe insisted D and the children and their grandfather Haj Wali al-Sharif, Mr. Alhaji Sidi Mohammed bin Abdullah al-Haj refused Jtalh Devin Rodth Palace boys Haj .


  1. (1995), Tree of Ashraf Tribes in Libya, Nasab Newspaper (Morocco), p.6.
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