Brian Kenny (artist)

Brian Kenny
Born 1982
Heidelberg, Germany
Nationality American
Known for multidisciplinary
Movement photography, multimedia

Brian Kenny is an American multidisciplinary artist


Brian Kenny was born on American military base in Heidelberg, Germany in 1982 and traveled extensively with his military parents till his late teenage years. He graduated from Oberlin College. Kenny is a long time collaborator of Russian born artist Slava Mogutin, with whom they run SUPERM project from 2004.[1] Kenny exhibited in galleries, museums and alternative venues around the globe.[2] He created commissioned works for Yacine Aouadi, Walter Van Beirendonck, Petrou\Man, Max Kibardin, Bruno Magli, Matthias Vriens-McGrath and Please Do Not Enter.[3] One of the major themes in Kenny's work is exploration of his own sexuality, checking the boundaries between genders.[4] In 2014, Kenny collaborated with Visual AIDS foundation to raise awareness of the disease.[5]


Brian Kenny first solo exhibition had been held in 2008 in New York.[6] Kenny had solo exhibition in Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art as part of SUPERM in 2013.[7] In 2011 he exhibited in La Petite Mort Gallery in Ottawa with Slava Mogutin.[8] He participated in group exhibitions inclusing Leslie-Lohman Museum of Gay and Lesbian Art,[9] Station Museum of Contemporary Art in Texas,[10] Haifa Museum of Art in Israel [11] and Schwules Museum in Berlin.

Personal life

Brian Kenny is openly gay. His partner is his longtime artistic collaborator Slava Mogutin[12]


External links

This article is issued from Wikipedia - version of the 11/21/2016. The text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike but additional terms may apply for the media files.