Accused, The - Oskarżeni (1988) *1:1* [DVD]

2013-04-02 19:58:57

angielski, włoski, niemiecki, francuski, hiszpański, węgierski

 Polski opis

..:: Opis ::..

Sarah po kłótni z chłopakiem idzie do baru, gdzie zostaje zaczepiona przez kilku mężczyzn, a następnie brutalnie zgwałcona na oczach wielu świadków. Wraz z ambitną adwokat Kathryn Murphy próbują zapobiec uniewinnieniu sprawców.


..:: Obsada ::..

Kelly McGillis - Kathryn Murphy
Jodie Foster - Sarah Tobias
Bernie Coulson - Ken Joyce
Leo Rossi - Cliff 'Scorpion' Albrect
Ann Hearn - Sally Fraser

..:: Info ::..

Tytul oryginalny: The Accused
Rezyseria: Jonathan Kaplan
Rok produkcji: 1988
Kategoria: Dramat / Thriller
Czas: 111 min
Format obrazu: 16:9, PAL
Dzwiek: DD5.1: EN; DD2.0: ES, DE, IT, FR, HU
Napisy: polskie, portugalskie, angielskie, hiszpańskie, hebrajskie, greckie, czeskie, tureckie, węgierskie, chorwackie, islandzkie, francuskie, włoskie, niemieckie, holenderskie, szwedzkie, norweskie, duńskie, fińskie, arabskie
Video: nietkniete
Menu: tak
Dodatki: tak

..:: Kopia 1:1 ::..

 English description

..:: Plot ::..

A District Attorney represents a woman who was brutally gang raped in a bar while male patrons watched and encouraged the rapists. Jodie Foster won her first Oscar for her role in this drama, based on an actual incident. She plays a girl out for a night of fun at a poolroom. Before she knows what's happening, the men she's been flirting with have pinned her down for a gang rape. The story centers on the efforts of a district attorney (Kelly McGillis) to press her case, in spite of a wall of silence by the participants--and then to take the unusual step of going after the witnesses as accomplices. Foster is outstanding as a tough, blue-collar woman who persists in what seems like an unwinnable case, despite the prospect of character assassination for standing up for herself.


..:: Cast ::..

Kelly McGillis - Kathryn Murphy
Jodie Foster - Sarah Tobias
Bernie Coulson - Ken Joyce
Leo Rossi - Cliff 'Scorpion' Albrect
Ann Hearn - Sally Fraser

..:: Info ::..

Original Title: The Accused
Director: Jonathan Kaplan
Year: 1988
Category: Drama / Thriller
Runtime: 111 min
Aspect Ratio: 16:9, PAL
Audio: DD5.1: EN; DD2.0: ES, DE, IT, FR, HU
Subtitles: Polish, Portuguese, English, Spanish, Hebrew, Greek, Czech, Turkish, Hungarian, Croatian, Icelandic, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Finnish, Arabic
Video: Untouched
Menu: Yes
Extras: Yes

..:: 1:1 Copy ::..
