VA - Forever Classics BOX: Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky (2003) (APE) *CD 6/16* [Lossless]

2007-12-28 21:07:58

brak języka

 Polski opis

Gatunek :   Classical 
Rok Wydania :   2003 
Jakość :   APE  
Okładki :   Nie 

Modiest Pietrowicz Musorgskij - kompozytor rosyjski. Pochodził z bogatej rodziny ziemiańskiej Musorgskich, porzucił karierę oficera aby zająć się muzyką. Musorgski grał na fortepianie i po bardzo krótkiej nauce rozpoczął komponowanie. Za jego życia nie znajdował pełnego zrozumienia wśród innych muzyków. Pod koniec życia Musorgski popadł w biedę, alkoholizm i melancholię. Wobec braku szerszej wiedzy muzycznej popełniał wiele niedoskonałości i błędów formalnych, jednak jego muzyka nacechowana jest oryginalnością i znakomitą koncepcją artystyczną. Słychać w niej wiele elementów groteski, pesymizmu, tajemniczości i rozpaczy. Musorgski należał do grupy kompozytorów rosyjskich "potężna gromadka".


 English description

Genre :   Classical 
Year :   2003 
Quality :   APE  
Covers :   No 

Modest Petrovich Mussorgsky, one of the Russian composers known as the Five, was an innovator of Russian music. He strove to achieve a uniquely Russian musical identity, often in deliberate defiance of the established conventions of Western music. Like his literary contemporary Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Mussorgsky depicts in his music "the insulted and the injured" with all their passion and pain. He raises these characters to tragic heights until the grotesque and majestic coexist. Mussorgsky could accomplish this not simply out of compassion or guilt toward them, but because in his works he almost becomes them. Mussorgsky's music is vivid, confused, feverish and ultimately hypnotizing—again, like Dostoyevsky at his best.

Many of his major works were inspired by Russian history, Russian folklore, and other nationalist themes, including the opera Boris Godunov, the orchestral tone poem Night on the Bald Mountain, and the piano suite Pictures at an Exhibition. However, while Mussorgsky's music can be vivid and nationalistic, it does not glorify the powerful and is at times (such as in "The Field Martial") antimilitaristic. For this reason, it was perceived as being directed against the state and its composer "under suspicion." He, like the others in The Russian Five, were considered dangerous extremists by the emperor and his court. This may have been the reason Tsar Alexander III personally crossed off Boris Godounov from the list of proposed pieces for the imperial opera in 1888.

For many years Mussorgsky's works were mainly known in versions revised or completed by other composers. Many of his most important compositions have recently come into their own in their original forms, and some of the original scores are now also available.


1-15 Pictures at an Exhibition
01. Promenade
02. The Gnome
03. Promenade
04. The Old Castle
05. Promenade
06. Tuileries - Childern quarrelling at Play
07. Bydlo
08. Promenade
09. Ballet of the Unhatched Chicks
10. Samuel Goldenberg and Schmuyle
11. Limoges - The Market-Place
12. Catacombs Sepulchrum Romanum
13. Cum mortuis in lingua mortua
14. The Hut on Hen's Legs (Baba-Yaga)
15. The Great Gate at Kiev
16. Night on a Bare Mountain
Georgian SIMI Festival Orchestra, Conductor: Nodar Tsatishvili
17. Smetana – Ma Vlast – The Moldau River
Philharmonica Symphony Orchestra, Conductor: Igor Ivanenko
18. Debussy – Prelude a L’Apres – Midi d’un Faune