Guns N' Roses - Lies (1986) (MPC) [Muzyka zagraniczna]

2006-02-12 16:53:09


 Polski opis

Gatunek :   Hard Rock 
Rok Wydania :   1986 
Jakość :   MPC BraiDead  
Ripper :  BCM 

Pod koniec 1986 roku, zespół wydał "G'N'R Lies", która zawierała 8 utworów, opartych na akustycznym brzmieniu ( singlowy "Patience"). Zamykający EP-kę utwór "One In A Million" wywołał spore kontrowersje, a Axl zaczął być kojarzony z mizogenią, bigoterią i przemocą; w niezwykły sposób udało mu się "upchnąć" wszystkie te uprzedzenia w 5-minutowym utworze.

 English description

Genre :   Hard Rock 
Year :   1986 
Quality :   MPC BraiDead  
Ripper :  BCM 

God, there's so much good about this album. First of all, the previously unattainable "Live ?!*@ Like A Suicide" is on here, which really shows longtime fans how GNR was back in the day. You can really understand what these guys were going through as they talk about life in the city. "One In A Million", while controversial, is one of the best lyrical musical composures Axl has ever written. Axl truly is a genius. But to really get into it, "Patience" is an awesome song as well. The tune and characteristic whistling is just pure GNR. I got this album today, and i listened over it once. It is one of my favorite GNR albums now. Second only to Appetite For Destruction, with the Illusion ALbums coming in next. The Aerosmith cover is notable, but "One In A Million" is the highpoint of this album. If you're new to GNR or a hardcore fan, just buy it. It's definitely worth it.

01. Reckless Life [3:21]
02. Nice Boys [3:02]
03. Move to the City [3:42]
04. Mama Kin [3:57]
05. Patience [5:55]
06. Used to Love Her [3:13]
07. You're Crazy [4:09]
08. One In a Million [6:08]