
January 24th, 2025


ERDA - Internal Journal of The Black Order

This is a Death Spiral Press reproduction of the original and extremely rare journal by The Black Order.

Interested parties follow the link below to order.


Eira & Exeat

November 27th, 2024

Eira & Exeat

In Satanism, lies the stuff of modem folk-tales – of future legends; for unlike others, the Satanist lives the life and dies the death of a Hero. This is not a claim made lightly. As a consequence of the actions of a few, the next fifty years will witness a Recalling of the devastating Creative force that each individual life can will into Becoming.

Though many will dismiss it because they do not have the courage to try, the Way of Satan remains, amidst the myriad of 'paths' the essence of the Great Work.

Second Edition of Eira: A Satanic Guide to Future Magick by Nonagonal Press.

Interested parties follow the link below to order.


If you are a distributor contact us for wholesale prices.

[email protected]



November 22, 2024 marks the commencement of *Bhairava Ashtami aka Bhairava Jayanti* or the Holy Day of *Bhairava* (Sanskrit: भैरव, lit. ’frightful'), the fierce vampyric/demonic aspect or manifestation of *Lord Shiva*, the great destroyer.

*Lord Shiva* in himself is held as a prominent figurehead within what would be termed the "Left Hand Path" of *Sanātan Dharma*/Hinduism.

Shiva is the original and ultimate/highest Guru, the first and original *Aghori*, who dwells on the forbidden Mountain *Kailash* smeared with the ashes of the dead and consuming meat and alcohol, adorned with Nagas/Cobras, renowned as the consort of the supreme feminine divinity, *Kālī*. In the full spectrum of Hinduism there are three primary fractions of divinity; The Creator: *Brahma*, the Preserver (also the Highest) *Vishnu*, and the Destroyer: *Shiva*. Whilst Vishnu is the Highest and the creator of Brahma and Shiva, Shiva is the One who destroys creation/the Universe when Vishnu gives him the signal, whereby he begins his *Rudra Tandava* or *Dance of Destruction* which is the nuclear weapon that erases all of existence.

As Tradition states, *Brahma* the Four- Headed Creator originally had five heads. One day Brahma asserted that he was the most powerful form of divinity ever to be or have been, and his pride triggered Lord Shiva's anger, which spewed out as a flame from his Ajna Chakra (Third Eye) and manifested as *Bhairava* who cut off Brahma's fifth head with the nail of his little finger, for his arrogance.

You can essentially think of Bhairava as the "Dracula" of Hinduism. The Yantra (Sigil) of *Bheeshana Bhairava* is in fact even an inverted pentagram within a Lotus. He is the guardian of the cremation grounds. Even in his child- form as *Vatuka Bhairava* he is understood as essentially a child of Ma Tara or Ma Kali, etc. ¢with all the powers of his Mother.

He is renowned for the unexplainable phenomena of alcohol literally being drunk by his statues within the Temples where he is served, and he is associated with his companion animals of dogs and jackals- particularly black dogs. Within Tantra and Kundalini/Shaktī practices he is the counterpart of the Devi/Goddess, and no form of Devi Upasana (Goddess Worship) can even remotely be successful without his blessings. That is because as his great Upasaka (Worshipper/Practitioner) Rajarshy Nandy states, "He is the one who will teach you how to approach her; he will show you where the root goes..." Meaning he will show you what form of the Mahavidyas walks with your soul in this life and how she may be correctly approached, as the Mother can be very Dangerous. 

~ ~ ~

As Bhairava (along with Devi Bhairavi) is the *Ishta Devata* (Patron Deity) of Czar NSK and the patron deity of Weltfeind/The Black Order, and as our roots trace back to the days of the now defunct *Tempel ov Blood* which was blessed with the form- specific shaligram of Lord Kalki and sacred clay from the earth where Lord Kalki will be born, inaugurating the tradition of Sanātan Dharma worship within the TOB, we continue within our unique heritage and Vampyric Praxis to venerate our patron deities Bhairava and Bhairavi.

Public Announcement Weltfeind 01


It must be emphasized here very clearly that without Diksha/Initiation via qualified Guru/Spiritual Master, one is ultimately neither licensed, fit, nor qualified to wander around a graveyard or cremation ground trying to do some weird "ritual" they found online, or attempt to use *Bija (seed syllable) Mantras* or any mantras other than the basic *Naam Mantra* given below.

Outside of Naam Mantras and Stanzas from Devotional Stotrams, a genuine mantra must be received directly via Guru during initiation. Otherwise they not only are rendered completely ineffective, but they may even stir up negative reactions and effects within one's life bringing detrimental consequence.

The average person hasn't the slightest comprehension of how powerful a legitimate mantra actually is. People attain Siddhis through them; not that they are the objective at all, but this should begin to illuminate at least a beginning of the magnitude of such power.

If one can acquire a Japa- mala rosary/meditation beads this is ideal. Otherwise one may employ whatever means for counting they prefer or tie knots in a string to keep count with in the same way that a rosary would function.

You may draw or print and trace the Yantra (Sigil, essentially) of Bhairava given below as a focal centerpiece for your Devotion during this period of veneration of the deity.

If you can acquire a Ghee Lamp this is would be the Traditional method of performance, however if one is in a situation where this is difficult to access a simple candle works perfectly fine. Color does not matter, though for the sake eliminating distractions it is best to stick to a simple white or black candle. 

Weltfeind Public Announcement 02

The following mantra is to be chanted 108 times per round, for as many rounds as one desires, though for beginners one round is perfectly acceptable.


Within the dynamics of *Shaivism* and *Shaktīsm* the sacred forms of wood used for the beads of japa mala rosaries are Sandalwood, Rosewood, Black Hakik, and above all the supreme *Rudraksha*. The only other form equivalent to Rudraksha is one associated with the Devi (Goddess)- most often in the manifestation as *Kali* or *Durga*, which will not be named here as it is equally as Holy and esoteric and conversely as *serious* as Rudraksha.

*Rudraksha* within ancient Hindu lore and scriptures is called the tears of Shiva- tears of bliss which bled out as ascended in deep meditation to his supreme abode. It is said that whoever wears Rudraksha Mala will in doing so seal the blessing of enlightenment for future generations and further advancement for one's self in future incarnations.

You can also make offerings to Bhairava's *Vahana* (animal vehicle) as well by giving any Dog you know or have access to treats during Bhairava Ashtami whilst chanting the above Naam Mantra.

The Akanda Flower and Datura Flowers are highly auspicious, as they both are intimately connected to Lord Shiva, with the Akanda being his personal favorite. These also make for powerful offerings, though any flower will do. The only thing one cannot offer to Shiva/Bhairava (they are One and the same) is Tulsi/Tulasi, as he has a personal history against it, as well as it being reserved for the Priests and Devotees of Lord Vishnu within *Vaishnava* Lineage (worship of Lord Vishnu and his various forms/avataras).

And finally, procure an image of the Master as a focal point with His Yantra. This is as simple as printing one or all or whichever of the following images provided herein. 

YOU MAY COMMENCE the holy act of veneration with the vibration of the simple grounding/centering/balancing mantra *"OM"*. Although this is technically a Bija/seed- syllable mantra, it is one which does not require Diksha as it is intimately attuned to the base vibrational frequency of all matter in our realm/dimension/universe, and some even say that it is the base vibrational frequency of our existence. This does not need to be loud. Remember that mantras are to be uttered softly to oneself, and if you feel compelled to raise your volume you will know when and how much intuitively.

Place the image or images of Bhairava standing against a wall/shelf/any object for the purpose, then place the Yantra of Bhairava on the floor, or other such surface such as a nightstand or table, etc. in front of the image(s). Now I'm front of or around and on the Yantra and images you may place the candle, flowers, and other items of offering such as sweets, fruits, tobacco or marijuana smoke, liquor, incense, etc. to name a few.

You can also go out into the woods and search for bones (or if you have some on hand, even better) then place some in a metal bowl over a charcoal disc with some raw wormwood and Sulphur powder.

Light the charcoal disc on fire and proceed to waft the smoke from the burning bones towards and around the Lord Kaal Bhairava murti (figure/statue) as a gift of burnt offerings for the infernal Black God of terror and nightmares; also known as Kalaratri, he is the all-consuming fire of dissolution which consumes all time and space and the very building blocks of reality themselves. Maha-Pralaya personified.

Sit in a comfortable position (chair or sofa is perfectly fine) and relax, use whatever methods you find most effective to enter into a relaxed state of meditation. Yogic (Kriya is best) breathing techniques and *consistent* daily meditation exercises are excellent; when cultivated daily they afford the practitioner the capacity to rapidly slip into a deep state of meditation at will.

Focus on the image(s) and contemplate the nature and mysteries of Bhairava in accordance with your understanding. If you wish, you may speak to him from the heart.

When you are ready, you may begin your Japa Performance as an offering of pure love and devotion to the Master.  


(108X per Round, minimum 01 Round)

If possible it is best to wear all black ritual clothing, and if you can obtain *vibhuti* ash, you can smear three horizontal lines across your forehead.

It is best to begin this practice around 7:00 PM, but ultimately whatever works for you, if your devotional service is genuine/sincere it will certainly not be rejected.

If you feel good about your Japa and meditation you can continue this simple Sadhana for 11 days and then pay careful attention to your life in the following 6 months. Remember that Bhairava as Shiva himself is a powerful, powerful deity, and whilst it is not something to be sought or pursued he has been known to bestow surreal wealth upon those he chooses. He is also revered and sought after as an immensely powerful protector, often petitioned by those afflicted by black magick or haunted by ghosts.

His mantras are renowned among Tantric practitioners for their capacity to sweep entire areas and buildings of any entities with a single utterance. But as adherents of the Sinister Way it is his supreme secrets and power which the vampyric practitioner seeks. He is also the possessor of the deepest secrets of vampyrism and can also unlock the graces of Tara, Kali, or Bhairavi to receive/access those secrets.

May the Master bless you in your journey and his wrath which all of creation fears be swift upon your enemies.

As previously stated Bhairava and Devi Bhairavi are the patron deities of Czar NSK and The Black Order, and as such we will also provide here a short open - access Devotional Stotra which may be chanted as well at any time as an offering to the Czar's Mother and your vicarious patron Mother.


श्मशान भैरवि नररुधिरास्थि – वसाभक्षिणि सिद्धिं मे देहि मम मनोरथान् पूरय हुं फट् स्वाहा॥


*Shmashana Bhairavi Nararudhirasthi Vasabhakshini Siddhim Me Dehi Mama- Manorathan Puraya Hum Phat Svaha॥*


“श्मशान भैरवि” refers to Bhairavi, the fierce form of the Goddess, who resides in the cremation grounds (“shmashana”).

“नररुधिरास्थि – वसाभक्षिणि” means “consuming the blood and flesh of humans”, referring to her cremation ground dwelling aspect.

सिद्धिं मे देहि” translates, “grant me spiritual powers”

मम मनोरथान् पूरय” translates to “fulfill my desires”.

“हुं फट् स्वाहा” are bija (seed) mantras used in Tantric Sadhana to conclude mantras, signifying the *end* of the prayer or request. 


To a close now comes this aeon.
The final yuga of degeneration nigh.
The sky becomes thick with the fumes of your anger.
In the dead and burning dwells your wordless sigh.

Through the reflection in your eyes,
bleak mirrors of death.
We see the worlds burning, your cremating breath.
Oh timeless night, your shadow hungers for all.
Emerge from the Howler as creation falls.

Oh wrathful night consuming might.
Before you we kneel in your temple of doom.
We plead and plead for death, take heed.
Give us the boon of your unending tomb.

By your annhililation Beej.
Hruum, set the world on fire.
Om Krim Hrum Phat Pralaya Svaha!

Eternal Night of black death.
Thou art the holiest of holies.
Oh Darkness supreme, dissolving hate fire.
Burn the universal funeral pyre.

Public Announcement Weltfeind 07


Tyrant Nirrta/Czar NSK

Fenrir/Czar SVII

Shugara Syndicate
The Black Order ~ Weltfeind
Redwood Coven ~ Court of the Lion's Paw

~ ~ ~






Introducing the Black Order of Prydain

August 13th, 2024

The Black Order of Prydain is the 2nd Lodge of The Black Order and the only British Lodge that has been approved by the G.M.


As shall be the case with all subsequent Lodges, the Prydain Lodge embodies the Sinister Celtic of the reformed Black Order, as elucidated in the Black Book of Wyrd.

The primary expression of the Lodge’s magick is the sinister witchcraft and cunning ways of the British Isles. Through this expression of ritual magick and heterodox craft we venerate the dark muliebral, confronting and cultivating the Luna within our kin, as we pay our respects to those women who have performed this dark art throughout the history of our isles.

The primary expression of our alchemy is hermetic. Through this expression we seek to unify the Luna and Sol aspects of the self via the transformative stage of enantiodromia and move beyond them to the stage of principium individuationis. The method in which this is achieved is not through abstract rituals but pathei-mathos and tangible satanic accomplishments.


Our Lodge is now accepting candidates from the British Isles. If you are interested in becoming a member you can begin your application process by contacting the Office of the G.M at [email protected]

The Faustian Soul has returned…

-Theodore R.
Nat. Commander (England)
AoS 1

Note: The Black Order of Prydain has no internet presence at all beyond this announcement and its Lodge listing, and never will. Therefore, no one can claim membership without being tested and internally acknowledged as a member according to the way of traditional initiation.

The Black Book of Wyrd

August 13th, 2024

The Black Book of Wyrd


The state in which the current Grand Master of The Black Order of Nonagon inherited the organisation was less than optimal (through no fault of the prior G.M). There were many texts lost to time and many questions about the preceding organisations and proceeding divisions of TBO left unanswered or unknown. The current G.M and his office believed it was therefore important to establish a central corpus for the new era.

The staleness of the Norse and Germanic expression previously synonymous with The Black Order of Pan Europa has made way for a fresh, predominately Celtic expression in The Black Order of Nonagon, which respects and expands on the underlying theories and praxis of the old Order. In addition, constructs and systems from traditional Western alchemy have been incorporated into The Black Book of Wyrd (BBOW) to assist with the future architecting and expansion of the Order.

To this new beginning, we say: The future is bright, for the Faustian Soul has been reignited within The Black Order.

- Office of The G.M

Interested parties follow below to order.


If you are a distributor contact us for wholesale prices.

[email protected]

Daniel Barker Von Welf (NSK) Speaks

July 13th, 2024


BX: Let me first say thanks for letting me ask you a few questions. I know you are eager to set the record straight so let’s get right to it.

DB: Sure.

BX: Are you, or have you ever been affiliated with Tempel ov Blood?

DB: Yes, I was. For the better part of two decades.

BX: What was your position within ToB and what did it involve?

DB: I was second in command next to Sutter for about — um, let’s see… 12 – 13 years, give or take? But I was a member for a few more years than that. During that time I played a key role in the expansion of TOB from perhaps a handful of members at best, as it was when I was “made” or “patched in” if you will, to an internationally established and recognized organization with chapters spread out across nearly every continent. I was involved in the planning and overseeing of many activities, both personally as well as alongside Sutter, working in tandem.

I oversaw and actively participated in recruitment and…training — umm, mentorship of other members; both high tier and new, as well as new recruits.

Many organizational standards of practice were set by my person, including what became the standardized and highly recognizable altar set-up which evidently became something of a… well, calling card, due to the rabid propagation of such by those who were associated or involved with the organization.

The first TOB flag was made by me; constructed using a cut out heavy black cloth drape and white paint covered in blood. Was also the first member to get the crest tattooed on me which was done after completing my formal induction as a full member into the Blood Family.

I was also the organization’s outer representative and owned, managed and operated our official website, as well as other various public fronts attached to the organization, e.g., New Bihar Mandir; which I later learned was another one of Sutter’s honeytraps, which pissed me off.

Umm. Is there anything else I’m missing? Oh, yeah. I authored a substantial amount of fundamental manuscripts, propaganda and other forms of audial, written and visual content for the organization.

In addition to running the public front and websites, I was also in charge of our publishing sector with Black Light Distribution and The Black Press; both of which I was as well the owner of. The majority of editing for our mss and graphic art design was also done by me. My participation in the publishing sector came to an end when he started Martinet Press, yet another act that infuriated me. This came as a sudden surprise as I had just finished constructing, designing, formatting and editing what was supposed to be the final pre-production version of Liber 333, which was set to be published through The Black Press.

The original name of Liber 333 was actually set to be titled “Psycho-politics of Predation”, and then out of nowhere Martinet Press appeared with someone else whom I was not aware of behind it working with Sutter and Hoy. It was rather insulting to be honest, not to mention disrespectful by not being given any notice of the abrupt change beforehand. Yeah, I think that covers everything.

BX: I have it on good authority from an ex-ToB member that you were among the first to sound the alarm bells concerning entrapment practices within the organisation. Is this true?

DB: Yes, this is indeed fact. Your source is clearly well informed.

BX: Could you tell me what happened on the day that Joshua Caleb Sutter was exposed as a federal informant?

DB: After finding out, I took a few minutes to… ugh, it annoys me just thinking about it, pardon me. Yeah anyways, it took me a few minutes to digest what I had just discovered, to allow myself some time to think about what course of action to take next. I’ll be honest – I was shocked, appalled and completely enraged by this apparent massive breach of security and betrayal that verily came from the highest level of the Blood Family; literally. We were after all, at least as far as I was concerned, extended family in our own weird way; bound together by our clan. We spoke over the phone regularly and had done so for many years and therefore had long since come to be able to read his demeanor and/or general mode or state of mind simply by the sound in his voice. And..when he answered the phone, there was a noticeable sense of uneasiness or apprehension in his voice which I took note of immediately.

He had always come across very confident and with a sense of self-assurance present in his voice; that day was different. Right off the bat, I called him out on my findings which clearly caught him off guard. He was stuttering and obviously trying to come up with some kind of alternative explanation to the claims against him on the fly — you know, like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He settled with telling me in response that it was nothing more than a black propaganda agenda being implemented against him by unknown sources through using the media as their weaponized vehicle. He didn’t seem alarmed or even remotely surprised as he of course denied the entire thing; attempting to “laugh it off”with an underlying sense of desperation in his voice, in hopes that I would believe his narrative. However, I had already figured out he was lying when he answered the phone by way of his demeanour and stutter in his voice which I’d never heard before from him.

So I decided to leave it at that for the moment and pretended to go along with his explanation. There were certain precautions that needed to be tended to before showing him my cards. The call was brief and ended shortly after that by as per usual relaying that we would speak again soon. After the call ended, I went through a list of contacts in the organization and began making phone calls to them to make sure they knew what had happened and to give them heads up to cut contact with him immediately and prepare for whatever was to potentially follow as a result of his cataclysmic act of dishonor and betrayal against his own.

Later I discovered that he had been planning to set me up as well, just as he had done to other members of the organization around the same time — “cheeky prick”, I remember thinking at the time, or something like that anyway. These instances and others came to light once Sutter had been exposed; many question marks and missing dots suddenly connected and became clear.

I remember many years ago, Sutter quietly relaying to me through a “read between the lines” method of wording, that we had a member who was indeed also actively in the CIA. I was younger then and perhaps still somewhat naïve to certain things, as I never would have expected to later find out in the end, that in truth he was acting as a federal confidential informant and that the person he was referencing was clearly his… uh, handler, not a bloody member of ToB as he presented it to me way back then. Live and learn I suppose. Many of us were deceived by him in the end.

BX: It has been implied that you are affiliated with 764. I’m aware that The Black Order released a statement addressing the allegation with sound reasoning, but could I hear the truth from you?

DB: I have never been affiliated with the 764 group. I neither support them nor do I condone their degenerate behavior. For starters, the so-called “evidence” that has been propagated is absolute bollocks — utter rubbish. The image was taken from an AWD photograph and then edited. Before my information was revealed they suggested I was some scrawny kid, but as it has now since been made clear due to the dox, my body type does not match. The fact that they used that kid in the AWD photo reveals they knew nothing of my person or stature prior to the leak, so anything they claim should be treated with extreme scrutiny.

BX: What is your opinion on child abusers, and have you ever knowingly co-operated with them?

DB: I have zero, absolutely zero tolerance for these kinds of degenerate scum. It is never acceptable to abuse children and anyone that does should be opfered; they all deserve the tight rope of the dead man’s knot. I have never, nor would I ever knowingly associate or co-operate with anyone who abuses children or proliferates support for such despicable and degenerate activities.

It was roughly in and around the same time — shortly before — that Sutter’s acute treachery was exposed, that his agenda to encourage and proliferate the support of such disgraceful content and activities became blatantly evident. I had in fact already begun a process of distancing myself from him gradually, over the course of a couple years, preceding his exposure because of this very reason, for which I had suspicions of which continued to rapidly increase.

After the phone call made to him was finished, following the release of his publicized, damning ruin, I cut contact with him, tended to the necessary final arrangements, and then hammered in the last coffin nail of my tenure-ship with the Tempel ov Blood. Caveat lector – si monumentum requiris, circumspice.

BX: What are your intentions with The Black Order going forward?

DB: On an exoteric level: We have been preparing the necessary foundations to incorporate certain Central and South American based dark currents, traditions and systems of magick into The Black Order with the help of a dearly, dearly beloved Latin American brother of ours. We have particular interest in establishing a strong presence in the Central and South Americas in addition to our footings already laid across multiple other nations, internationally.

On an esoteric level, which I have mentioned to others quite a bit now, so it’s kinda’ rehearsed — From those who came before us, a brilliant shining torch carried. Illuminating are the calculations of darkness betwixt the grey angular incline. Traverse the labyrinthian hallways of always, to build ever upwards through the pyramid towards the cranial black sky that is without end. Upon the diamond femur of Terra, sand becomes iron; with honour, nobility and unforgiving perseverance. Molded and forged are they, the mountainous building blocks of tomorrow which aim even higher; seek to threaten the exosphere of potential.

For those who are yet to come, we prepare our camps, sharpen our blades and harden our tools. For those who are yet to come, we stock your woodshed and tend the fields of harvest in preparation for the solstice of ice which shall one day find and own your calendar; and when the cold once again returns, a torch to you blazing, in your hands burning.

To those of today, Carpe Noctim

BX: Wow. That was a mouthful!

DB: Haha. I guess it was, yeah.

BX: As you previously mentioned, your personal information was recently leaked, hence why we are having this interview. Could you tell me how this has impacted you?

DB: This changes nothing; I know the rules of the game. What’s done is done, but I hope those responsible will pay me a visit soon. That’s all I have to say on the matter.

BX: Considering that your information was released by an organization that was founded and named after a friend of ours and Traditional Satanist, Justin Jekt (Injekt Division). Were you surprised by the hypocrisy?

DB: Not really. The people who point fingers usually have the most to hide. I guess it does make sense because… umm, if you apply logic it reveals a personal motive of one of their members — a member that “justifies” their behaviour with national socialism and Christianity even though the origin story of their group is inherently satanic. You couldn’t make this shit up! It’s a cognitive dissonance that’s quite amusing to be honest. I mean come on, what’s so Christian about having a leader that tries to shoot up a Walmart? I don’t think they have a clue who they are deep down, just another bunch of lost kids that society has failed, looking for a surrogate mother in a man, in a Freudian sort of way if you know what I mean?

It could be deeper than that even. If we look at one of their victims, the porn star Riley Reid, what motive do we see? She’s a woman that loves sex, she’s… popular, she’s… successful. Any psychologist would tell you that those who are more likely to attack someone like that are the polar opposite of that person, that they are likely constantly unsuccessful with women or men, and that they get pushed around or are not even acknowledged in their day-to-day lives. They then lash out because they are unhappy with their own lives and it’s easier to project your insecurities onto someone else and cathartically attack them instead of admitting you perceive yourself as a failure. But what do I know? I’m just a nobody who happens to be a satanist.

BX: Okay. Great stuff. Thanks for your time, man.

DB: Thank you, it’s been a pleasure. Fides in Adversis.

This interview was conducted by T.C. Downey on the date of 11/07/2024 through a recorded telephone call that was then transcribed.

Note: within the following publication Erda, on pages 5 and 6 under the title, A New Beginning, more information on Kevin Lokison’s (Kevin Rockhill) successorship and reformation of The Black Order can be found.

Download Erda Here

Here We Go Again

May 27th, 2024

Here We Go Again A

Once again, social media has been used to push a scurrilous lie about an honourable man. The following photo, which allegedly depicts NSK as a member of 764, is a poor attempt at a smear campaign.

The photo below is of the neo-nazi organisation Atomwaffen, as you can see they are both identical except for the amusing provocative filter. Thus, the first — and crucial — piece of evidence is presented.

Here We Go Again B

Points to note regarding NSK:

(1) NSK has never been a member of Atomwaffen Division.

(2) NSK, Nonagonal Press and its associates, vehemently oppose the ideology and modus operandi of Atomwaffen Division.

(3) NSK, Nonagonal Press and its associates vehemently oppose the ideology and modus operandi of 764.

(4) For those who personally know NSK, they will immediately notice that the height and body type of the person in the photograph is markedly different.

Taking into account the evidence and the three statements, it becomes transparent that: (1) the person in that photograph is not NSK, and (2) NSK is not a member of, or in any way affiliated with, 764.

We surmised that NSK would come under fire for taking a stance against the black propaganda campaign currently being waged against the Tradition, and we were right. This only proves that he — and we — are proving bothersome to the grand plan of the Tradition’s enemies.

See you next time for another addition of…

Fallacious eye for the mundane guy: illicit transference gone awry.

- Stephanie Brown
Nonagonal Press
AOS: Anno One

A Noisome Maneuver

March 26th, 2024

Boeing - the American aerospace company – has had a very rough year so far. A series of equipment failures leading to intense scrutiny has opened an absolute Pandora's Box, or perhaps Lament Configuration, of investigations, the revelations therefrom suggesting very, very dubious behaviours on the part of the company's upper tiers. This is clearly not a good position for Boeing to be in – especially when there is a whistleblower plying his trade and blowing whistles about Boeing's internal practices, a development which makes Boeing's position especially precarious. The whistleblower, in a turn of events straight from poorly-written cinema, ended up dead by supposed 'self-inflicted' means. Naturally, it is all but certain who is actually behind this death, and they could not have made a worse move, as such a death makes a martyr for a topic that could have been dealt with quietly and with slightly less harm to the company. Instead, the whistleblower's testimony is now sanctified with blood, such a dramatic turn turning public attention towards his claims and as a final, spiteful measure on the whistleblower's part, getting him far more attention than he would have in life. If Boeing had been more tactful in his handling, they would have been able to avoid invoking the Streisand Effect upon themselves.

For those who are unfamiliar, the Streisand Effect is the curious phenomenon in which overt attempts to divert attention away from something only make it more noticeable, an action which, though intended to be sly, is blatant. Obvious. Had the individual with something to hide merely kept their cool and not reacted so impulsively, there is a very likely chance that anyone would have noticed at all. It is a naughty child who knows they will be caught, and hurriedly tries to hide their misdeeds, making a gigantic mess in the process.

The reason that I bring this up is because of a curious occurrence on X involving Jake Hanrahan and Agony's Point Press.

Jake Hanrahan posted a simple link to an APP post, likely one of their numerous promotional uploads, saying that

'This account is run by Joshua Caleb Sutter, the FBI snitch who ratted out his own “comrades” so that he could fund his esoteric fascist publishing company Martinet Press (who published books by convicted pedophiles). He’s even using his old props in this photo.'

In addition to the post linked above, Hanrahan 'went ham' as the younger generations so amusingly say, shown in the following attached images. In response and again, quite poor judgment, APP simply blocked him – something which makes sense when it comes to mundane interactions with no real consequence but is potentially fatal (figuratively speaking) in a duel of appearances. Quite simply, if Hanrahan weren't saying anything dangerous, where is the need for APP to react in such a way? Could it be that perhaps, as Jake has suggested, a handler somewhere has pulled the plug on the X end of things?

Now, Agony's Point Press is nowhere to be seen on X (and a slew of affiliated profiles, make of that what you will...). One does not need to be a deductive genius to figure out why. The allegation of collusion with Templist Canon and their later falling out, while merely a rational rumour being circulated with an absence of evidence beyond the circumstantial, would certainly reinforce the deceptive and nefarious methods of APP.

There are many better responses to such an attack than what APP chose. He could have simply ignored it and let the post disappear into background noise, as mundanes in the present era have laughably short attention spans. If he absolutely needed to respond for some reason or other, gaslighting would have most likely worked, mocking Hanrahan for his apparent paranoia and asking him if the demonic fascist informant was in the room with them right now, etc. Instead, he chose the course of action which, by virtue of its blatancy, gives the appearance of confirmation.

Even the lowly narcissistic response is more strategically advisable than this.

Such a revelation, straight from the source himself, then casts Agony's Point Press publications in a dubious light, not as a source of genuine gnosis, but as old dogs who have proven themselves unwilling or perhaps unable to learn new tricks. The reader is then not a potential student, a Dark Lord in-the-making, but a crop to be cultivated and eventually harvested, sold on clandestine markets after being watered on acid-laced blood, the buyers then using them to further an incredibly lucrative cycle of problem-creation and problem-solving. It's really a very profitable model, and I would respect it endlessly were it not for the fact that I and my kin are negatively impacted by its fallout.

In the attached document, the esteemed Thormynd goes on a well-reasoned defense of what o9a actually was, and while much of this is assertion of Traditional values as per primary sources, they also do a fantastic job of tying it in with the 'Black Propaganda', as they have put it, of Joshua Caleb Sutter and his employers, and how bad actors have created a Frankenstein's Monster with the express intent of entrapment. While government agencies might foot the monetary bill, the fact of the matter is that o9a paid dearly in other ways, and we have no reason to believe this wasn't a desired outcome on the state's part. I have also greatly enjoyed Thormynd's assessment of where exactly AL/o9a went wrong and enabled the abuse which was inflicted upon them.

entapment.pdf (

Even in the past several months, our own efforts to establish legitimate Traditional structures online (online resources, publication of authorised texts, etc) have been fraught with disruption by various entities. For example, the Anton Long volumes were briefly made available on Amazon, only to be removed from the site – and yet volumes of other such 'Sinister' literature remain available for purchase! It can then be concluded that these were specifically targeted, and certainly, those with the aims of spreading Black Propaganda have the most to benefit from silencing the primary sources which, upon study, soundly refute the lies of bad actors, and indeed, the written works of certain Black Propagandists are also sitting cosily in the Amazon storefront, awaiting the next poor, impressionable soul like a trap-door spider. Elsewhere, the previous iterations of our various web pages – incredibly benign ones at that – were recently removed by Blogger, citing violation of some nonsense policy against 'hateful content'. It is important to note that Agony's Point Press began to double down on its own presence in roughly the same span of time, and given the fact that true and sincere adherents to Traditional practice are a bit of a problem for the Black Propagandists, we would not say it is irrational to assume that the state entities with an axe to grind are keen to silence us. Attached are the oh-so-polite emails I had received from Blogger, and though the first iterations of our online presence were unjustifiably wiped out, they have graciously offered us the chance to take up the matter in court – an offer which sounds incredibly enticing but alas, we will have sate our appetite for truly awful courses of action elsewhere.

As it was previously mentioned in 'Built Upon Sand' one should think long and hard before spending money on such things, as they just might be part of something designed to prey upon the reader. If one truly desires dark apotheosis, then plenty of reputable sources are available (including us, but Rome has many, many roads to spare), sources which won't just exploit the impressionable for dastardly ends. It is the difference between wandering dark alleys like a naive virgin unwittingly courting violation by the unscrupulous, or choosing wiser routes which lead to the intended destination – and with much, much less of the aforementioned unsolicited violation.

As a final token of good faith, we would advise that buyers of materials pertaining to the now deceased Order of Nine Angles and adjacent inspirations purchase from sellers using publishers that restrict the seller’s access to the buyer’s information. We would further advise purchasing a PO box or petitioning a friend not involved or interested in the Dark Tradition to order such materials for you, either out of the goodness of their heart or adequate recompense befitting of the risk.

- Fion Culhwch

The Joshua Caleb Sutter Formula for Success and Financial Enrichment at Your Expense

The Black Book of the Marches

March 18th, 2024

The Black Book of the Marches

“Associated with Her are other dark, female acausal entities, some of whom have existed, hidden, on Earth for millennia, and who maintain their causal, ageless, and secret, existence by feeding off the acausal life-force of their male human victims whom they entrap, and test, using sexual enchantment, and which victims die after all their life-force has been sucked away.”

With the inaugural publication of “The Black Book of the Marches”, Nonagonal Press opens the pathway to the dark acausal fire of the Sinister Feminine and the germinating energies of Jupiter.

This classic Grimoire of the Dark Tradition gives the three most effective sinister rituals, complete with esoteric details, by which the Blood Mother and Her Dark Daughters can be communed with. Given additionally, is a rite by means of which an individual human being can acquire for themselves an immortal existence in the acausal continuum.

May Her basin be awash with the crimson elixir of life.

36 pages, colored print.

Interested parties follow the link below to order.


If you are a distributor contact us for wholesale prices.

[email protected]

A Brief Introduction to Aeonics:

The Occult Proxy War for the Future 

March 10th, 2024

Aeonics can be defined as the act of influencing or controlling perceptions of the past, present and potential future via heterodox, invasive and insidious systems, which influences or dictates the objective future of civilisations for the purpose of creating, perpetuating or ending an aeon.

There are numerous agents who engage in aeonics, yet the occult practitioner and “free world”
government will be used as an example to illustrate how different classifications of power and alternative methodologies have the same intention and desired outcome.

The practitioner method: primary utilisation of rites, rituals, astral techniques, and ceremonial magick designed and practiced with the intention of inciting change in the individual or collective cognitive processes of agents in the necessary positions of power to influence or control domestic, international, and/or civilisational change.

The “free world” government method: utilisation of classical and operant conditioning, controlled transmission of information, economic destabilisation and neurolinguistic programming (Perkins, 2004) developed with the intention of inciting change in the individual or collective cognitive processes of agents in the necessary positions of power to influence or control domestic, international, and/or civilisational change.

The end-game of aeonics is always the same, regardless of which agent is playing the game or the way in which they play it: influence the perceptions and subsequent actions of powerful players to incite domestic, international and/or civilisational change, thus influencing or controlling the objective future which can create, perpetuate or end an aeon.


(1) The “free world” government collectively refers to Western governments that preach and promote the ideals and political philosophy of democracy, yet exercise authoritarianism and intolerance towards those peoples and nations who do not wish to cooperate with, and/or be subordinated to, those governments and their interests.

(2) Controlled transmission of information refers to the meticulously planned release schedule of initially withheld information pertaining to an event that is released to the general public days, weeks, months or even years after the event in order to control public opinion and direct discourse.

Perkins, John. Confessions of an Economic Hitman. Berret-Koehler Publishers, 2004.

Hun Shui Mo Yu: Severn Points

March 10th, 2024

1. From the earliest age we are conditioned by society’s moral framework to judge human behaviour as either moral or immoral. The [conditioned] judgement process by which an individual’s or collective’s morality is determined is based on: a) the laws of the country/ community in which we live; b) the history and religious presuppositions of that country/ community; and c) the ideology of the political party in power at the time. Most of us carry society's moral framework and consequent judgement system to our graves, never deviating from its algorithm. But through repeat exposure to environments and phenomena contrary to our conditioned understanding of right and wrong – and through possessing agency in those environments and events – the conditioned [moral] stimuli & responses become less frequent, eventually becoming unconditioned entirely, at which point our own system of judgement and moral framework is established (a framework which may be determined as immoral by our former, conditioned judgement system) through the accumulation of lived experience. When we allow an external system to then coerce or pressurise us into breaking our internalised laws we become fugitives fleeing the scene of our own murder.

2. The excessive feminisation of society and its vilification of honourable violence has forced traditional masculinity and its priorly-tolerated expressions into the fringes of society where it has met with repressed psychological trauma, undiagnosed Monamine Oxidase A (MAO-A) deficiencies [mutation of the Monamine Oxidase A gene that is responsible for generating the enzyme needed to break down serotonin, epinephrine, and norepinephrine etc.], inherited abuse patterns, and/or an externally dominated locus of control. This has culminated in the birth of an extreme and senseless abstraction of masculinity that is being frequently unleashed on the streets and within domiciles by both the male and female sexes.

3. Mass media and marketing is rife with logical fallacies and neurolinguistic trickery designed to plant presuppositions within our subconscious, consequently influencing our behaviour and general discourse in accordance with the authorised narrative of governments and corporations. This is the product of the [academically perceived] unethical but successful science of behaviourism, a field of experimental psychology in which John. B. Watson and Rosalie Rayner proved (via The Little Albert Experiment) that the human animal can be programmed to produce conditioned responses to conditioned stimuli, just like Pavlov’s dogs and Skinner’s mice (Watson & Rayner, 1920).

4. Modern architecture is derivative of [soviet] brutalist architecture in its social engineering purpose and geometric aesthetics. Brutalism relies on the excessive use of concrete and steel
– materials that make for poor insulation. The physical coldness of the interior of brutalist architecture eventually affects the people within, particularly children, by ensuring the stress sensors of the brain remain in a constant, heightened state which stunts intellectual and emotional growth (CODC, 2012). The distinct absence of colour and unfinished surfaces projects a sense of apathy and utilitarianism that prioritises functionalism over aesthetics. Psychological studies have shown that human beings have a high propensity to be shaped by their environment, especially in stressful settings (Zimbardo, 1971), so to expose human beings to brutalist architecture on a daily basis will inevitably turn them into that which brutalism is: cold, uniformed, apathetic, and/or uninspiring. Modern architecture, however, is designed to condition us into being comfortable with a lack of privacy in our daily and private lives. Through the excessive use of glass and open plan interior design, modern architecture provides ample opportunity for voyeurs to observe us without our knowing, allowing also for the underprivileged to clearly see what they do not have and likely never will. This creates a subconscious aspect of the class divide that can be used by corporations and government entities for social engineering purposes.

5. The modern work life has us trapped in a monotonous loop. Monday: we wake up, go to work, leave work, and we go to sleep; Tuesday: we wake up, go to work, leave work, and we go to sleep; Wednesday: we wake up, go to work, leave work, we go to sleep, and so on and so forth until we retire or blink out of existence. The more we repeat this cycle the more worthless our lives become. What prevents most of us from becoming self-aware of the true nature of this cycle are the weekend distractions provided to us by entertainment venues, television, sports, religious services etc. This “looking forward” to the weekend does just that, it looks forward and ignores the mechanical, artificial nature of our weekday existence through bread and circus. The panem et circenses of the weekend’s anticipated decompressing events convinces the majority of us that subordinating our lives to a systematic work culture – that regards humans as mechanical parts to be swapped out for the good of the machine when efficiency is lost – is worth the price of admission.

6. Vigilantism and mob violence are different entities separated by personal responsibility and external accountability. The motivation of groups and individuals who possess a vigilante complex consists of a perceived responsibility to ensure that community indignation is addressed when the judicial system has failed to provide a punishment sufficient of the crime, whereas the ethos of mob violence does not require any evidence of judicial failure to justify its existence, only emotive conjecture and a physical trigger. By the nature of a mob being a large and chaotic entity there is less accountability for the individuals involved because of the low degree of agency they have in the mob’s actions, but due to the nature of an individual/group of vigilantes being a generally small and ordered entity, the accountability is much greater because of the high degree of agency they have in their independent and collective actions. Mob violence is an irrational and self-indulgent response to perceived injustices, however vigilantism is a rational and empathetic response to community concerns regarding the insufficient or disproportionate response of the police and/or judicial system.

7. Death is treated as a phenomenon to be exploited by governmental and religious institutions. By taking advantage of the metaphysical beliefs and emotions of a deceased’s loved ones, the church attempts to squeeze as much money out of them as possible under the notion that the deceased has posthumously achieved some notion of a superposition between life and death, reinforced by the “here lies...” inscription that is placed on graves and tombstones after the fact. By reinforcing the notion that the deceased is still a loved one (instead of the fact that it’s just a corpse) the church can get away with selling expensive coffins and services to the bereaved. The British government has an equivocally disingenuous practice: under Section 7 of the Cremation Act 1902 it is [legally] impossible to organise and orchestrate a private cremation without government sanction; and under the Coroners and Justice Act 2009 a full inquest must be completed by a coroner and a registrar notified before the body can be returned for its final rites (Legislation, 1902, 2009) impacting the causally time-sensitive customs (planetary cycles, wheel of seasons, lunar stages, et al.) of numerous old traditions that have survived the modern world. What was previously a remarkably special and personal event for the valued ones of the deceased – that had persisted throughout the centuries in its attempt to remain independent of state control – has been subordinated to a Kafkian system concerned only with efficacious procedure.

Watson, John B; Rayner, Rosalie. The Little Albert Experiment. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1920.
Zimbardo, Phillip G. Stanford Prison Experiment (1971). Stanford Libraries: exhibit. Retrieved from
Cremation Act 1902, Coroners and Justice Act 2009.

Built Upon Sand
The Exorcism of Deceit.

February 27th, 2024

Built Upon Sand 1

Over the past several decades and particularly the last several years, the now-defunct O9A and its broader family tree have been inundated with poseurs and charlatans, hungry for the fruits of such an infamous affiliation IE money, attention. However, it is not quite so simple as one merely donning a false title with malicious intent, but rather, that they themselves have been fed an equally false understanding, poison memes spawning an unfortunate bastard generation who unwittingly harm the culture they claim to be a part of. It would be unfair to say that they have malicious intent in most cases, instead it is more apt to say that that they are pawns in a game they simply do not – and cannot – understand.

In short, many of the Tradition's woes can be traced to a shoddy foundation made of poison mimetics – a misinformation campaign which presents a warped understanding of what the practice is all about, weaponising the young and impressionable (often mentally ill) so that what ought to be a fairly straightforward if somewhat difficult practice becomes a nightmare concoction of every mental illness under the sun.

o9a-refuting-allegations.pdf (

The document posted above highlights exactly the kind of problem individual which has been created by such a black information campaign, represented by the infamous Melzer case, as well as the incredibly dishonest ways those parties hostile to the Tradition utilize such unwell claimants to said tradition. While those who are familiar with the practices of the Tradition will utter 'no duh' every sentence or so as what ought to be patently obvious is continually stated, it is still an enlightening read with many, many valuable resources for those who are perhaps still in the dark about what's what.

The educational use of the PDF linked is all well and fine, there is a key element that bolsters my initial statement, which is the mention of two particularly troublesome paperbacks in the form of 'The Sinister Tradition' and 'Hostia'. It is these two that have been a common thread between the greatest nuisances of the Tradition. Starting on page 19, the linked PDF addresses these volumes and the fact that they are only very loose representations of what O9A was about, with many inclusions in these not being the work of Anton Long but other, anonymous contributors and thus, not primary sources which can be used to accurately depict what O9A stood for. What these writings represent are interpretations of the central form, and could not possibly be considered Sinister canon much in the same way that 'Paradise Lost' could not be considered canonical in respect to various Christian traditions, nor any kind of 'fan-fiction' in respect to their corresponding source material.

In fair defense of those who have been duped by these volumes, there are indeed claims to authority within these documents, as well as claims to authorship by Anton Long, and more often than not, those who obtained these books were yet immature, having not yet grown wise enough to doubt questionable claims by semi-anonymous publishers with their own agendas.

Having established the sandy foundation of these paperbacks, we can then conclude that all things which have emanated from them are similarly erroneous, which leads to the main focus of this piece, that of a certain effort to republish what the reader is assured are 'Classic O9A books'. Behold, from the incredibly tiresome YouTube pulpit of one such tragically misinformed case, Cameron Shea/Wilder:

Built Upon Sand 2

It's almost like poetry, propping up dubious sources as 'classic' O9A literature at the beginning of a carny's siren call to the inept and naive, sounding off a list of things for sale. The Alchemy of oneself and a future Imperium, all yours for a simple recurring fee! Of course this concept is not at all new, with such esteemed company as VK Jehannum having attempted the same with similarly faulty understanding and foundations. VKJ is but one of a handful of individuals who have promoted this idea of disrespecting what many hold sacred just for the sake of a few shekels, and with such a precedent established, it's hardly surprising that the easily impressionable, such as Cameron Wilder, would follow suit. It's understood that what we have as a subculture and as a living tradition is truly stellar, pun intended, and of course it seems appealing to try and sell it! Once again, it is unfortunate that Cameron Wilder is ostensibly the enduring symbol for everything wrong with what's mistakenly called 'occult' practice in the modern day, as shallow hawkers take what's meant to be difficult and formative for a very good reason and dumb it down for the masses, killing the magic in the process and selling but a corpse.

And so, there we have it. A troubled and misguided boy whose entire worldview is an assumption based on what insubstantial shreds of information he has obtained from the outside, playing pied piper to equally misguided individuals and providing the same shoddy foundation that has contributed to his own sorry, malformed state. If you, the reader, wish to proceed with such nonsense, then by all means proceed, but it isn't of the Tradition in any meaningful sense, instead you will only be taking part in a bastardization; an imitation. You'll be lining the pockets of an unfortunate, misguided boy who has been soundly rejected and displays exactly the kind of qualities we seek to destroy in an individual. As it stands, the texts which one requires in order to get started on the Sevenfold Way exist for free in various darkened corners of the internet; neither the means of finding them, nor the process itself, will be made easy or accessible, and that is how you will know legitimacy. Authorized, printed versions will be made available in due time, with no 'membership' or any such nonsense. Once one enters the labyrinth, it is up to them and them alone to seek the lady's gems and thus the path, or otherwise be lost, swallowed up by its twisting, winding corridors.

The choice is then yours – take part in an easy fraud, or, if your interest is genuine, take up the quest yourself with nothing but your own determination and will to power.

To Cameron Wilder, we apologize for what others have subjected you to and continue to subject you to. Knowing your struggles with mental health, you follow a similar pattern as others we have known who were similarly easy to prey upon for certain nefarious individuals and interests. The fault is not ours, but you have become a living symbol for exactly what needs to be changed and set right and in a figurative sense, you were sacrificed for evolutionary ends. It's unlikely that you'll ever fully recover from the damage done to your psyche, and we only hope it does not impede you from focusing your efforts on more sincere pursuits in your life, as many other individuals like yourself have been able to reintegrate back into society and lead normal lives.

New Home

(Reposted from Nonagonal Press)

February 10th, 2024

Nonagonal Press has recently been the target of an act of suppression, perpetrated by a magian entity at the behest of those who would seek to disrupt the natural evolution of the Dark Tradition; that which is currently taking place in this historical point in time; the very same external forces who are attempting to condition people — in the classical sense of behaviourism — into believing the lies of the black propaganda campaign that has been publicly circulated concerning the Longusian Tradition.

As a result of our releasing of such texts as The Esoteric Manuscripts of Anton Long, we, and our associates have come under fire due to our interruption of the black propaganda campaign, which has been unsuccessfully launched against us; thereby providing an antithesis which would rightfully, provoke questioning.

Due to this new-found, unwanted attention, we have necessitated the notion to adapt and resume operations on a format which provides a higher level of security and unadulterated efficiency. Thus, releases are slightly behind schedule but have not ceased.

Klan Terra Firma
Age of Saerus: Anno 1


On New Rituals

(Reposted from Nonagonal Press)

February 10th, 2024

In your beginnings – we, waiting.
In your quest - we are. Before you - we were.
After you - we shall be, again.
Before us - They who are never named.
After us - They who will be, waiting.

Such hand-wringing on the matter of authenticity. This Order has always maintained, long before its digital traces, that authentic existence is only granted by works. Whoever performs those works, unfolding Being through their symbolic and practical arts, is participating in a transformation sought by all those looking out upon the horizon with the foresight of an Aeonic Perspective. No further authority exists. There is only the effectual culling the indolent.

And so, Nature’s time-path continues winding down its helix, revealing a new starting point in a new cycle.

Time is not the rote, precise repetition of ritual, with consistent outcomes only possible through absolute fidelity to the existing process. This last turn of the strand of Time saw an immense accumulation of power by the Seven-Fold Way and its practitioners. It has also brought forth new challenges from an adaptive, desperate magian society which places new demands on all who oppose it. New challenges require new rituals. New rituals require new formations. New formations require us to leave behind who we are to embrace who we are to be.

To those who wish to see this Order carry on in a different direction or with a different cadence, I say Dark Blessings! May you truly be Kin, which is to say: May you wield such power through and over your alchemical processes that you seize the wheel for yourself. Push open the Gates!

No further authority exists. There is only the effectual culling the indolent.

by Logos Kyrios
Age of Saerus: Anno 1
134 yf

Support Nonagonal Press!

January 25th, 2024

Nonagonal Press is the newly inaugurated publishing house for the Enneadic Dark Tradition and other associated authors, artists and groups.

All donations will be automatically directed back into Nonagonal Press to help fund future publications and projects as we grow moving forward.

Veni Omnipotens Baphomet!

-9 Press Editorial Team

Dyssolving 1



January 25th, 2024

The following and final MS from the Order of Nine Angles will be revealed in two parts. The first part is written by Tyrant Nirrta of the Black Order, and the final part is handled by a representative of the Kollective.

2023 e.v.
A.S. 1 (Age of Saerus: Year One)


~Dyssolve et Coagula~

“Never love anything so much you cannot see it die”
-Christos Beest

“That which is falling, should also be pushed”
-Friedrich Nietzsche

As with every form of expansion, an equal antithetical contraction is sure to follow in its wake; as such is the recurring cyclic nature of the procession of time according to the limited confines of our dualistic, material existential experience.

This cycle of existential expansion and contraction has been personified in the Vedas as the primordial serpent Sankarshana, with which each of his exhalations beget the innumerous multiverses that account for the endlessly dynamic variant “realities” of quantum space-time dimensions and their counter-axis.

In this example, the nature of causal creation and that of its inherent, imminent destruction is explained via the act of inhalation and exhalation.

“In order to create, you must first destroy”

It is not atop living organisms that we lay our foundations; for what structure may be fortified upon the decaying earth beneath it? It is only upon the skulls and bones of yesterday that we find solid ground, ripe with fertile potential to build upon, not for today or tomorrow but for all time.

When your house has become dilapidated and run-down, at what point do you set it on fire and burn it to the ground? Whence the new House has been built and fortified!

The Order of Nine Angles has seen a long and abundantly dark history since its early beginnings, and has proven through its own feats of conquest and evolutionary gnosis to be a pivotal constant and guiding influence along the timeline of the Sinister Tradition and the dark currents of the Global Satanic Underworld.

There has been a house in which we have all been living in for the past 50 years; that house has been to date, known as the Order of Nine Angles. That being said, as with any other living organism, the ONA is not without exception to the process of atrophy and putrefaction. Just as that old house which over time succumbs to dereliction and ultimately falls to smoldering rubble, so too must the ONA succumb to its own alchemical winter of dissolution.

With this in mind, the consequence of nature’s cyclic forge to finality, we find ourselves on this day standing before the derelict shell of this old house with torches in hand and gasoline at our side. The new House has been built.

With this announcement fulfilled, we pour our gasoline upon the walls, ceilings and floors and raise our torches in its honor to set the ONA aflame and let burn to the ground.

As of Dec. 21, 2023 e.v., we hereby declare from this day forward that the Order of Nine Angles is officially caput ad infinitum.

As decreed by our predecessors, progenitors and the Fates.

Tyrant Nirrta
Black Order



Fear not death, for it is but a natural changing of energies is the message of the hour.

The ONA has surpassed and enjoyed over fifty-years of transgressive existence despite being one of the most renowned exeatic satanic entities of the 20th and 21st centuries. This is a tremendous feat in and of itself, especially in a plutocratic civilisation so rife with slippery agents, such as joint intelligence communities, transatlantic task forces, social justice groups, overzealous politicians, and ravenous media institutions, all of whose raison d'être can be likened to that of a lady of the night and little else.

Each and every member of the ONA, that is to say those who have chosen the sinister path and organised their existence to meet the standards of our Way, is owed a standing ovation for helping the Order to not only survive for as long as it has, but also for contributing – through their real world deeds and works of macabre-resplendent art – a marvellous plethora of emanations and nexions to the central nexion that is the Sinister Tradition.

The Sinister Tradition, not in name but quintessence, precedes the ONA by virtue of the ‘concealed-until-whispered’ way of the Camlad Rouning, which has been practiced for hundreds of years here in the British Isles.

Ad lib: The same Way which features ever so often in popular books and manuscripts, yet is regarded – quite simply but nevertheless enigmatically – by those authors and [non-Rounwytha] local communities as “The Tradition of the Welsh Marches”. Sufficed to say, locals who practice those aurally transmitted druidic and/or witchcraft ways originating from and around the border between England and Wales are veritably practising aspects, semblances, of the Rounwytha Way, without having apprehended it as such.

It is because of this era-spanning tradition that physical nexions of the Sinister Tradition continue to emerge as if from nowhere. It is a direct and by-proxy creator in every sense of the word; a carrier that reaches as far back as the first woman to enter covenant with Satan or Hekatos and reaches further still; beyond opposites, prior to the separation-of-otherness, outside of lineal time, where it becomes – returns – to its quiddity; inexhaustible yet always half-full, no longer sinister in the manner we comprehend and beyond denotatum. Conversely, comparative to the nature of Ouroboros, the Tradition is capable of autophagia, although none have yet borne witness to the degree that is about to be explicated.

The ONA was intended to self-destruct in 2020 e.v. after the gradual and sensitive handing over of something of great importance – an enigma – that was to be conducted in England, with the utmost secrecy, was completed. Unfortunately, the global pandemic, as well as a few other complicated variables, set those plans back by approximately three years. However, the handover has since been completed; thus the red curtain must fall on the ONA.

As a final message to those intransigent and hubristic agents – homo hubris and the hubriati – who have dedicated most of their lives to exposing the ONA and its associates in the name of whatever -ist or -ism grants fleeting purpose to their existence: you’ve just ran out of time.

33 has been circumvented. 513 lives on; but where did the Friends of Hekate disappear to, and why can virescit vulnere virtus be seen in 3 and 19?

What crimes do we commit for love?


• The “Kollective” in question does not refer to the umbrella term for the ONA community, but a traditional sinister tribe – a koven – secretly formed in England in 1982 for the purpose of protecting and cultivating The Enigma. The Kollective was comprised of individuals from different academic fields and echelons of British society, as well as active members of an organised Family, and former/active members of occult entities, including the ONA, [REDACTED, REDACTED], and a long-standing [all female] coven rooted in the Welsh Marches. The koven known as the Kollective, which still remains firmly situated in the British Isles, has since been passed down to the next generation to continue the great work.

• The Kollective does not, has never had, and will never have, an internet presence, such as a website, blog or forum space. Therefore, any internet presence established or contact made using the name in its non-umbrella capacity (sans validation from the inner Black Order) is imposturous.

Dyssolving 2
Dyssolving 3

Tree of Woe

November 9th, 2023

Thanks for playing!

'Hello friend!

I recently saw your article about me, and I absolutely LOVED it. Really, your vernacular and witty use of Traditional terminology were superb, I had myself a good laugh reading it!

In all seriousness, I hope you are achieving whatever it is you're hoping to achieve with your blog, maybe an Aeonic goal of some kind by making the Tradition accessible to those who are looking? My goals are similar; I'll be sure to set aside copies of the Sinister Tradition, Hostia, and the Sinister Way for you, as I'll be publishing them independently next year. Perhaps get a Post Office Box I can send them to, your type seems to fear having your identity known.

I do not need to justify my partaking of the Sinister Tradition to anyone, much less a mere human such as yourself. If you wish to meet me in person to discuss any personal issues you have with me, I am happy to do so. Hell, I'll even buy you a coffee. I would invite you to not be a coward, and instead of crying on the internet, put your money where your mouth is and do what a real Satanist would do. I'm sure you have a really good intellectual reason to continue hiding and pretending like you're doing something "unseen".

Have a good rest of your evening, Wyrm.

Cordially yours,

Cameron "Wilder" Shea'

We were absolutely delighted to receive this bit of fan mail from Cameron. His response was anticipated, and much to our amusement, he did exactly as we predicted - and in more or less the exact manner.

See here, an arrogant, cocksure attitude borne of complete ignorance. I suppose that's what being out of the loop gets you! For many of us, the only thing being so brazenly open would accomplish is an oh-so-friendly meeting with MI5, delightful chaps that they are. You see, when one is up to much more important things than attention-seeking on social media, there is a high level of risk involved, and only the foolish or dubious are as nonchalant about their information being publicly tied to some things. Sometimes people become so consumed by their need for attention that they throw caution to the wind, just to appease a circle of anonymous orbiters. Other times, there is a certain protection they might enjoy, so they can do almost anything - practically getting away with murder - and have nothing to fear from others. So which is it - is Cameron foolish, or perhaps dubious?

Oh and yes, the same diluted and neutered versions of Traditional text which spawned a generation of dim-witted ingrates. On the contrary, there is little desire for any of this to be accessible to anyone who does not possess the sheer balls - literal or figurative - to look beyond such a ghastly reputation as the Sinister has cultivated. Horrid tales of murder, rape, terror, et cetera weave a tangled mire of things which might or might not be true, and it is up to the fearless to sift through such an appalling narrative and witness the true horror for themselves. That is, if they can even find the appropriate materials...

It is true, one does not need to justify their path to anyone, but they are not absolved from consequences by this notion. Cameron has claimed on his store page that he is of the Black Order, which he is not. Therefore, this is effectively a response to such a fraudulent claim, and in a way, a rare benevolent act to the poor fools who might have believed him 'buyer beware!'. If he has been dishonest about that much, pray tell what else he might have stretched the truth about?

At any rate, there is a kind of goading here which belies just how clueless, how out-of-touch Cameron is - surprising, given that he was a part of Atomwaffen. Surely they of all people would understand the need for certain measures...? The second half gravely misunderstands the nature of our commentary. We have not singled him out because we are upset (perhaps a tad annoyed), but because he represents exactly what has gone so terribly wrong in the past decade-plus. We have elected to put him up as a poster child for this issue, the watering-down and pandering to the broadest possible audience, a sacrifice of anything real or 'occult' for the sake of a few measly shekels. Typical of this sort, he assumes we care enough to do anything more than exactly this - our dear boy is a blessing from the Dark Gods in ways he can't see, and a delightfully unexpected twist of Wyrd. We could not have made this happen if we tried.

This is no quarrel - This is a Crucifixion.

- The Black Order, YF134

Stolen Valour

October 31st, 2023

The advent of the internet, and later, social media, has poisoned seemingly everything they touch.

At a glance, this global network of information seems a fantastic device! Imagine - the entirety of human knowledge contained in a singular network that most anyone can access. Edgar Cayce would be delighted at such an advancement.

Alongside the development of instantaneous access to various pieces of media - including literature - there was a parallel development of instantaneous messaging. Networking. The ability to share all manner of content to a potentially global audience. In theory, this would be practically messianic to anyone who might be fed up with reigning information monopolies.

The reality is much less sunny in many respects.

I suppose I could wax blackly, bleakly poetic about the overall negative impact of quick and easy networking on western society (though this would be needlessly indulgent in pessimism, a trait I find unbecoming of the aspiring conqueror), but I shall instead narrow my focus to the darkened corners of LHP, or more precisely, those spaces occupied by the Tradition in various forms.

Pretenders, frauds, carnies, conmen, and all-around fakes will always be something to contend with when you have something desirable, something precious. In regards to LHP philosophy, this is especially the case. Everyone wants to feel like a demonic Ubermensch in some way, some devil among men, and so, fed on all manner of popular culture bollocks, they will don titles and labels which they have scarcely earned, and instead of being secure in themselves, they will proudly display this 'Stolen Valour' to an audience of orbiters. Sometimes, this sham is meant to drive sales 'I am this-or-that grand magus of the Ordo Doofus Satanicus, 69th degree! Buy my trinkets and worthless baubles/subscribe to my nonsense lectures/YouTube channel/Onlyfans!' They all might as well be the same person.

A quick and convenient platform which has been designed to spread one's message far and wide, and with almost no effort, is of course appealing to this kind of attention-whoring charlatan. For them, the appearance of a Tradition is all that matters, and they couldn't be less bothered with the substance of whatever they have decided to play dress-up as.

In regards to the Dark Tradition, I am addressing each and every one who decides to shamelessly whore out something many Ἀθάνατοι - known and unknown - have devoted their entire lives to. Social media profiles bedecked with all manner of Sinister cliches which they do not fully comprehend. Boastful posturing and long, pretentious tirades from the mouths - fingertips - of those who speak like masters and mistresses and yet have not even passed beyond the Moon. Entire personalities formed around their misunderstanding of our Tradition, and if you were to take it away, nothing would remain of them.

They lean on it, not out of sincere, genuine desire to create beyond themselves, but because they are functionally nothing on their own. It has become an escape, a magnificent game of make-believe so that they can avoid looking themselves in the mirror for what they are.

The 'psy-op generation' of the past half-decade or so has been among the worst offenders.

There is one case in particular that we - The Black Order - found especially annoying. We have been observing an individual since they first came back online after three years in the American prison system. What we saw perplexed us to no end. It was as though all of the most irritating aspects of social media faux-Traditional LARP were combined into one person. Were it the other idiots chattering and yammering darkly for the slightest scraps of attention, it wouldn't annoy us so much. However, this individual was part of Atomwaffen Division, and they do so love to let everyone in earshot know about it.

I speak of Cameron Shea/Wilder. Practically daily, there is a new bout of spasticism issuing forth from him on various outlets, which often consists of shameful chuntering as he conveys his gross misunderstanding of what the Tradition is about. And for what? What in the name of Sapanur is the purpose of all this? The Tradition has never wanted or needed a vast following and in fact, we'd prefer that most fuck right off. We can only deduce, after befuddled discussion on the matter, that he must be an absolute junkie. Not for anything material, but for the immaterial fix of being noticed. The entire thing must be masturbatory for him. Would that he merely had a good wank instead!

Stolen Valour 1

...That is, until we recently learned of his charming little store. And his work history! let's take a look here, shall we?

Stolen Valour 2

It appears that Cameron Shea considers himself an affiliate of the Black Order. How strange. Neither I nor any of my brothers within this small, elite, closed Mannerbund have had any contact with this person, and certainly, after their gratingly public displays which achieve nothing of value, we would not even dream of inviting such an absolute git.

Further driving the point home, a more recent post on his charming little shop drops a very... risqué name.

Stolen Valour 3

'Temple ov Blood' my good man? Is Uncle Sam trotting out that tired old mare once more? Is that perhaps the whole game here? Your nauseating visibility in a Tradition which prides itself on the ability to move unseen? I understand that your name is very widely known. I also understand that you had a surprisingly short prison sentence. Were you a good boy, Cameron? Perhaps even too good?

Regardless of his motivations, let it be known that the Black Order, the actual Black Order as decreed by succession and the honoring of agreements, does not acknowledge Cameron Shea/Wilder as one of their own, nor have they ever - nor will they ever. Cameron can ramble to his heart's content, selling snake oil to unfortunate dupes, but deep down, he will know he is not wanted, and he will forever be denied a place at the table.

He may claim the Tradition, but the Tradition has spat him out and rejected him.

- The Black Order, YF134


October 15th, 2023


…He who lays with snakes, rises a Cobra…

I was in high school when I had my first encounter with what I then interpreted as being my totem animal for lack of better words.

It was about 2003, I was in grade 11 Drama class; we would do relaxation exercises at the beginning of class before starting. The teacher would have us all lay on the floor with the lights off and do guided meditation. First he would lead us from our toes to our head, tightening the muscles in the specified location for a set amount of time, then releasing the muscles to relax them before moving on to the next part of the body. After our bodies were fully relaxed we would begin breathing exercises. After a few moments when our breathing cycles had been slowed down our teacher would begin guided meditation via visualized suggestion.

We had been doing these guided meditations for some time throughout the timeline of that course as well as another class I had with the same teacher. This particular day however for whatever reason, I projected my consciousness into another place, verily another space time dimensional-axis.

There is a slight comical aspect to where this took place. If you have ever seen the film Fight Club, you’ll know exactly what I’m referring to. In the film Tyler Durden escapes/leaves his material experience and into an ice cave where he finds Marla smoking a cigarette and blowing smoke in his face.

The slight comical aspect to my experience in relation to the film was that mine also took place in an ice cave.

Continuing on, as I said we were laying on the floor engaging in the teachers guided meditation, where I suddenly found myself in medium room sized ice cave of sorts that was more shaped like a wide hallway in that it lead to a destination. I was walking forward, looking around at the crystal blue ice all around me. It was pure ice, no rock or shrubs; just endlessly thick ice. Was very serene and tranquil.

As I moved forward, I could see ahead of me, a body of water appear as the ice went down underneath the ice wall in front of me. It was a subterranean tunnel to another ice chamber.

I walked in and submerged myself into the icy water tunnel and swam through it. The water wasn’t cold or unpleasant oddly; it was more like a liquid without temperature but as fresh as an Alaskan spring.

When I emerged out the other side and stood up I found myself in another chamber which was larger than the first, having a big open area at the center and bereft of any secondary access point, door or tunnel. In the middle of the icy blue chamber there was what appeared to be a large black Eel moving through the air as if swimming through it.

I stepped towards it and we made eye contact. Its black eyes were like obsidian pearls; diabolic dolls eyes that stared right through me and into my core. As it stared into me I also stared into it in a locked gaze and had some kind of shared communion with each other; it was if I was meeting my shadow or acausal self in this extradimensional blue ice chamber. We held this locked contact with each other for a time and then once seemingly complete so to speak, it began swimming about the room again as if in a way to complete our rendezvous and see me off to return to my physical experience. I turned around and submerged into the liquid tunnel once again to return to where I came; as I stepped out from the other side of the tunnel into the first chamber and opened my eyes finding myself back in my body lying on the floor of the Drama Class theater floor among the rest of the students. I remained laying on the floor for a few moments while I collected my thoughts of the experience before sitting up to wait for class to start.

This concludes my first interaction with the serpentine Athushir archetype.

Nyhtmar; 134 yf

Vampiric Aphorisms - A Commentary

May 24th, 2023

1. The Vampire is the All-Consuming, All-Controlling, taking heed to neither the requests nor complaints of the lower slave species; the mundane human race.

The Vampire is an embodiment of the devouring current of the Universe seeking total Maha-Pralaya (Great Dissolution). It is in this sense that all Vampires are Nexions to the Great Dread Mother, individual reflections of that Supreme Devouring Spirit, the Lawless and perfect Darkness, the Darkness beyond darkness. The Vampire is Predatory, and is radically adherent to it's place given in the Cosmic Balance, which is to consume, to hunt, the Vampire harvests the fields. Above all focused on the Actualization of a Higher calling, the Will to Power, all those who refuse to embrace this will be subject to our Sadistic pastimes and Predatory Shadows.

2. The Vampire is Elitist and sees himself superior to all forms of Life.

Elitism is a fundamental fact of life, our Sinister aim is to continue to ascension of life into the Acausal(or an Acausal joining of Essences) which would lead to a collective expansion of Consciousness and final Day of Wrath that shall separate the Higher Man from the Lower once and for all. Though we look like others, speak like them, feel pain, feel fear, we are not them, we are Darkness inhabiting a Vessel, awakened to our Krsna Consciousness (Sinister Presence) we seek to dominate and express the Will of the Dark on this Earth, nothing will stop this pursuit.

3. The Vampire reserves the right by the very blood running through his veins to DOMINATE all living beings, bodies of light and consciousness.

The Vampire is a child of Darkness, possessing his own rightful place in the flow of Nature. Thus he is free of the moralic acid among other illusory rules and strictures, he steps in line with the Cosmic Terrorist, working and plotting towards the total Annihilation of all that is, once the Vampyric Queen opens her Wings of Dissolution and all returns to All.

4. The Vampire makes neither excuse nor apologies for his actions, for his are the Will of the Abyss.

The Vampire is shameless, beyond Good and Evil, dissolving the garment of humanity and civility, and obliterating the chains of Psychic Slavery that the sleep walking dross kneel towards. The Vampire is pure, unadulterated Lawlessness Incarnate. As Vampires we stand as emanations of the Void, Nexions reaching back into the Backwards Darkness, when a true possession and devotional mindset is reached, The Vampire exists as Abyss and thus his actions follow in line with that great vortex of ruin.

"Do thou fight for the sake of fighting, without considering happiness or distress, loss or gain, victory or defeat - and by so doing you shall never incur sin" - Bhagavad Gita 2.38

"One who is not motivated by false ego, whose intelligence is not entangled, though he kills men in this world, does not kill. Nor is he bound by his actions." - Bhagavad Gita 18:17

5. The Vampire is not part of the day side world. He is outside of mundane moral and law. He condemns the light for he is the Shadow of the Sun.

The Vampire exists in a state of extreme separation from the mundane world, treading this earth as a God in human form. He has fanatically shed and done away with his human aspects, remaining in a state of Transcendental Consciousness, his former self eroded away by the torrent of the Abyss, detached yet engaged. He has placed himself above this World, he rules the game as he does not play it. Vampirism is a path of Self-Deification, the human is sacrificed on the Altar of Gnosis and what remains is an inexplicable state of Darkness. He treads fanatically towards the center of the storm, through calamity and horrors untold, the Dread Mother's embrace leading him towards a state of Void Consciousness, freedom in it's truest sense.

"Therefore, Arjuna, you should always think of Me in the form of Kṛṣṇa(Darkness) and at the same time carry out your prescribed duty of fighting. With your activities dedicated to Me and your mind and intelligence fixed on Me, you will attain Me without doubt." - Bhagavad Gita 8:7

6. The Vampire is a force of Corruption in the world intent on dismantling and disrupting all established order.

The Vampire is a child of the Abyss, a link in the chain of Terror that reaches back into the entropic womb of the Void. The Vampire is thus inimical to the Cosmic Manifestation, existing as a corrosive element infesting and bringing the Cosmos closer to it's Annihilation and reintegration with the Great Darkness.

7. The Vampire is not a Life-Lover, He is a Life-Eater.

The Vampire recognizes that the Cosmic Manifestation is illusory and inferior, the Abyss hungers to consume this Matrix back into itself, returning the unity of All. Thus through induced possession and dehumanization techniques, he drains the Egoic Self allowing the Immortal Dark Essence to take hold and shred apart Maya mercilessly.

9. The Vampire is inherently and absolutely a Son of Darkness.

Quintessential to Vampirism is the entrance of the Abyss into one's being, tapping into the alien current of it's dreadful intrusions into this world through the auspices of fervent Devotion and shedding of humanity. The Abyss does not intrude directly into the Cosmos, rather it's immanent pull gradually infects and integrates all manifestations back into it's own Darkness. Through our Consciousness we can willingly hasten this process and bring forth the Abyss into ourselves, reclaiming our place as it's children, thus becoming a Nexion for it's further infestation into Maya. Thus we become Darkness in human form, we walk the Earth yet we are no longer of it, We are the Sons of Daughters of pure Lawless Chaos.

- Bhairava Skull

May 12th, 2023


Unholy Discipline of the Undead


May 12th, 2023

Discipline of the Undead

 The necessary ordeals and transformative events that embody the descent into the Great Abyss must necessarily be challenging and Horrific, as to enter into the currents of the Backwards Darkness a gradual yet extreme shedding of humanity and slaughter of the Egoic remnants is required to empty the vessel and allow the Holy Will of Darkness to flood one's being. The Darkness desires to eradicate the Ego to allow further convergence into Undeath, the process and methodology in enacting such is unquestionably cruel and brutal, all is necessary, the human within must be slaughtered totally and completely to allow the Undead Gods to flood one's being. The Undead are cruel and calculating entities, with an insatiable appetite, fundamentally Reptilian in nature, you shall seek to become as they are, ruthless agents of Chaos working towards the ultimate demise of the Cosmos, Embodiments and workers of pure hungering Darkness.

Among the many cultural Vampiric archetypes we find commonality between them, this being that the Vampire embodies a complete separation from humanity, from it's morals, from it's laws, the Vampire is an outlaw, in the truest sense of the word. The Vampire inhabits a state that remains completely inimical to life and quintessentially subterranean, the twisted Alchemical shift producing a Dark resonance within.

The merkstave Laguz rune remains a excellent symbol for this process, the Shadow Self stirring within the dark pool of the Neonate's being which vomits forth nightmares, malevolent ideation, and madness. This loss of control allows one to gaze deeper into the Backwards Darkness. Along the early stages of the path a greater demand for shock and discipline is placed upon the aspirant, as has been stated, the key to Hell is not granted, but must be TAKEN. Smashing through the obstacles with monomaniacal Will and Inhuman outlook, aiming for complete BREAKTHROUGH. The aspiring Noctulian must hone his mind for cruelty unrestrained, true Predators hunt indiscriminately, uncaring and without compassion for their prey.

The ruthless discipline of the Undead must be fanatically pursued and adopted, cementing in the psyche one's position as a Predator of the night. Confrontation with the Undead, abandoning oneself to the Alchemical Change Process, and allowing that Undead State to blossom within oneself leading to ever increasing ordeals and traumatic experiences and granting the taste of what it truly means to become a Vampire.

There is no dressing up or softness of what exactly it is, as some may attempt to eschew it all for rhetoric and attach aspects of white light attitudes into the texts, it remains as it is, and should be taken as such, pure and unbridled Darkness, and a consistent and extreme immersion into said Darkness.

– Bhairava Skull

134 YF

Auspices of Trauma

May 12th, 2023


The horrific heights of what we call Transcendental strays quite far from typical white light attitude to such, in this we are mostly referring to the impotent passivity and "compassion" promoted among Eastern sects, we detest such pathetic attitudes. Rather our appetites are suited to those who desire to go beyond, who dare to transgress beyond all abstract limitations the slaves have crowned "Morality" or "Law". We plumb the depths of the Shadow of both ourselves and the world, exploring the flesh, pain and pleasure, achieving advancement through such hideous rites, disciplining and honing the mind and body for inhumane Wrath unrestrained. It is through our ceaseless devotion to those Vampiric Gods, and our ever increasing hunger for more that we ascend towards Undeath, Trauma and Terror are the auspices through which the Dark Gods enter through.

We are no victims, but acolytes and priests of such horrible bliss, opening the gateways of Consciousness, and entering into holy states of inhumanity, becoming something fundamentally of Hell, of the Void, rather than of this waking Cosmos. Where others cower away, limit themselves, we cruelly go beyond, transfiguring ourselves closer to Gods, indifferent and uncaring creators and destroyers, heralds of the winds of Chaos that will soon ravage this earth, in a Final Harvest, in which the Aeon shall shift, and sanctified in bloodshed and genocide on a global scale, those Bestial Deities shall descend from their Dimension into ours, beginning a new Age of Fire.

Can you withstand the pain? Can you push through the trauma of ordeal after ordeal, can you fall head first into that Bloody Abyss and be reborn into an Undead God yourself? The backwards and bleak current of the Abyss will shed that will you have come to know as 'yourself', you must slay the human within completely and totally to allow the entrance of the Holy Dark Gods into one's flesh, transmuting the body from a prison into a temple, transformed through the hideous Alchemical Change Process.

The Path will remain as it is, it is up to the Aspirant to walk it, to embody the Vampiric in reality and go to the necessary lengths to actualize such dark glories upon oneself and the earth, their return draws closer with every second, will you step up and join them or be left as a failure, destroyed and soon forgotten, the choice is yours.

– Bhairava Skull

134 YF

The True Way of the ONA

April 6th, 2023

Let us be quite clear what the Way of the ONA involves – it involves practical experience, manifest in undertaking the Grade Rituals [see the Order MS A Complete Guide to the Seven-Fold Way], and their associated tasks, as well as Aeonic Insight Roles: tasks which through direct, challenging, dangerous, experience breed personal character, self-insight, and the beginnings of Aeonic understanding. “Theoretical study” is only ever a beginning; a prelude; a mere means to inspire action in-the-world, for it is action which breeds experience, tests and creates real individual character. The Way of the ONA involves real heresy – it involves defying the norms, the laws, of the society the individual finds themselves in: it involves a quest to transcend beyond the labels, the isms, the categories, the restrictions, imposed upon us by governments, by laws, by organizations, by “ideas”. The Way of the ONA involves striving to change, to disrupt, society, other individuals, governments – any and all forms – so that by such practical presencing of the sinister, genuine sinister change and thus evolution will occur.

The Way of the ONA involves the individual working mostly unaided – with perhaps some guidance from someone who has followed the Way. That is, it is a true Left Hand Path Way, unlike nearly all other “ways”, groups, organizations, which claim to be sinister and which lyingly claim to be breeding individual enlightenment:

The LHP in its methods is non-structured. In the genuine LHP there is nothing that is not permitted – nothing that is forbidden or restricted. That is, the LHP means the individual takes sole responsibility for their actions and their quest. This makes the LHP both difficult and dangerous – its methods can be used as an excuse for anti-social behaviour as they can be used to aid the fetishes and weaknesses of some individuals as well as lead some into forbidden and illegal acts. However, the genuine Initiate of the LHP is undertaking a quest, and as such is seeking something: that is, there is a dynamic, an imperative about their actions as well as the conscious understanding and appreciation that all such actions are only a part of that quest; they are not the quest itself. This arises because the LHP Initiate is seeking mastery and self-knowledge these being implicit in such an Initiation. Accordingly, the LHP Initiate sees methods as merely methods; experience as merely experience. Both are used, learned from and then discarded.

Because of this, the LHP is by its nature ruthless – the strong of character win through, the weak go under. There are no `safety nets’ of any kind on the LHP – there is no dogma or ideology to rely on, no one to provide comfort and soften the blows, no organization, individual or `Being’ to run to when things get difficult and which will provide support and sympathy and understanding. Or which, just as importantly, takes away the responsibility of the Initiate for their deeds. (The LHP – An Analysis)

The follower of the Way of the ONA must find their own contacts; must form their own ceremonial group; must find their own “magickal partner”. That is, they must put into practice the philosophy, the ethos, of the sinister Way itself: the Way of the elite, of those strong defiant individuals who desire to exult in life and who desire to change, to evolve, to achieve more than ordinary mortals.

The Way of the ONA also and most importantly involves striving to change others, society – striving to provoke change; striving to disrupt; to presence the dark, the sinister itself. That is, it is not a reclusive Way – it is and is meant to be dangerous; it is and is meant to encourage genuine and open defiance of norms, of laws, of governments, of all those things that keep individuals in thrall and which prevent them from exulting in life and taking themselves to higher levels of existence.

As has been said and written many times, all these, and other, things make the Way of the ONA difficult. Many become interested; some may even begin to follow the Way. But few continue once difficulties arise. Individuals begin to make excuses for their failure to throw themselves, Satanically, into life, for their failure to exult – for their failure to challenge themselves in all the way they can and should and must be challenged to exult, to learn, to evolve, to inspire others.

Some of these failures indulge themselves with fantasy – too afraid for instance to do an Insight Role or take themselves to their limits in physical and moral terms. Some of these failures indulge themselves with trying to make-up their own easy “way”, cobbled together from all the theories, ideas, forms, or whatever, that they have imbibed – cobbling such a “way” together because they simply do not have the guts to be sinister in real life. Some of these failures – who have never done anything Satanic, let alone tried to follow our Way with sincerity – even begin to criticize the Way of the ONA, perhaps hoping thereby to detract attention from their failure to live in a sinister way, shouting in their childish way that “you don’t need to do such things anymore…” – especially in reference to the culling of opfers; Insight Roles, such things as the Grade Ritual of Internal Adept, and disrupting society in a practical, revolutionary, way. Some of these failures like the Satanic, the sinister, ethos – but do not have the inner strength, the sinister intent, to defy the norms, the laws, the forms, of “society”, of governments, by doing real heretical deeds – by being a genuine revolutionary, for instance.

Whatever – there are as many excuses for failing to act Satanically as there are failures. Such people, such failures, will be around for a long time yet – but the Way of the ONA, with all of the techniques and teachings and methods now fairly openly available, gives those who dare the chance to excel, to defy, to strive, to take themselves, and others, to the dark realms beyond from where Chaos, Change and evolution arise.

Anton Long


Art as Ritual and Nexion

April 2nd, 2023

According to Tradition, human history can be classified into seven successive aeons; each with its own corresponding attributes, stages, and civilizations (NAOS p.24). Nonetheless, while art definitely is in a category unique in and of itself—that is to say, universal and pan-aeonic it can very much function in a similar way to both ceremonial workings and the star game in order to strengthen the (presencing of) dark energies in our causal realm that such aforementioned methods achieve alongside practical and disruptive machinations necessary for bringing down the White Lodge‘s foundations and strongholds. While it is in- deed an interesting subject to explore and expand upon—that of Esoterrorism—the emphasis I would like to focus on would be the place and utilization of art not only as a sacred working but as a potential nexion or the opening of one. Art is in all things, as all things are in art. Yet there are a few missing pieces that we must first find and assemble before we can make sense of the whole. So let‘s identify them.

Before art can become a nexion, we must first understand it as a ritual and the components that

makes it a ritual. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines the word as a: (1) of or relating to ceremonial rites,

(2) according to religious law, (3) done in accordance with social custom or normal protocol; (3) the established form for a ceremony, (2a) ritual observance/a system of rites, (2b) a ceremonial act or action, (2c) an act or series of acts regularly repeated in a set precise manner. Art can be understood, in this context, as a ritual because it is a repetitive process (cf. #2c) that requires an appropriate and conductive setting (cf. #2) to which the practitioner applies to express the wordless, sinisterly-numinous spirit of his genius specific to the O9A‘s tradition (cf. #3) such as drawing/painting his own version of the tarot cards or perhaps even using art as an artistic expression resulting from a working with a particular dark god (cf. #2a) as I have in the neonate stage of my quest. I found it very cathartic and satisfactory.

In addition, the usage of art as a form of ritual/ceremony has long predated contemporary history as with the history of art itself making it a hidden and often unseen strand of its long and complex growth over the centuries. But what separates the usage of art as a form of ritual/ceremony from other mundane, and otherwise purely artistic, movements such as the various ―—isms‖ of various movements is that there is something legitimately sinister and numinous or even otherworldly within such captivating and haunting works of art. Take for example the multitude of historical religious paintings/artifacts found from all over the world. While others may see in them nothing more than a byproduct of their specific timelines—be it a piece of European Catholicism such as Jerónimo Cósida‘s The Holy Trinity (1570) and its other derivatives, one of which is the anonymously painted Trifacial Trinity (1750) or a religious artifact from a bygone aeon such as the famous engraving of Anzu and Nimrod (883-859 BC) often identified with Tiamat and Marduk, the Queen of the Night relief (likely representing either Ereshkigal or Ishtar, another identifying it with the Sumerian (and later on Jewish) demoness Lilitu/Lilith, and the statue of Zurvan—there truly is an essence, an infernal/divine inspiration, that had animated such otherwise inanimate scribbles/engravings.

This essence—this spirit—becomes even more pronounced in the works of both Francis Bacon and Zdzislaw Beksinski, whose artistic legacies I personally consider to be one of the best examples of Satanic artistry—truly presencing and therefore unleashing the nameless horrors bound within their own psyches, accumulated from their harsh experiences, into the world of men from where it was originally inspired by. Whether it be those inside the Tradition or outside of it, the Dark Immortals smile upon those who genu- inely let their own bodies—their vessels—be possessed by and commune with Them; expressing, therefore, that possession or communion which the artist have been so privileged to experience in a way that is pure, orgasmic, and nourished by the sacrifice of your own blood essence (and sometimes literal blood) upon an indefinite amount of canvases you scribble with your own literal life-force; raw, unfiltered.

Since we have discussed the components of art as a ritual, let us now proceed to how the art itself can become a nexion. The subject is tricky because—by definition—acausal understanding is oft received, as you know, wordless. Hence, to express a ―nexion‖ is also futile since words cannot give it justice. But, as one learns, one also observes a few general outlines that have been outright stated repeatedly in the Fenrir journal. And what are some of those general outlines? In my experience, it is the black deeds of a Satanist which attracts the Demonic best. To put it simply: Evil Without Limits. Of course plenty of individuals that are familiar with this notorious mantra will object in one way or another. My personal praxis, as far as arts

are concerned, has nothing to do with the blasphemy of social taboos or norms. If I do so, I do on my own, for my personal indulgence; without the pretense of occult, religious, or political reasons.

What even is ―Evil Without Limits‖? The battle cry of federal informants dressed as mages? Sure, it did cause quite stir. But the ‗Evil‘ I am mentioning here has nothing to do with moral codes. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true. I am a Satanist. I am amoral. I am remorseless. I do not subscribe to morality, be it ―good‖ or ―evil‖, because its definition is inherently Nazarene. The ―Evil‖ in my ―Evil Without Limits‖ is a ruthless quest for constant self-overcoming, and in time, mastery and immortality. In order to reach Heav- en‘s highest echelons, your pyramid of skulls must first reach Hell‘s lowest pits. After all, isn‘t the root for

―evil‖ simply means ―to go beyond‖? I want to go beyond the limit and push even further beyond that. One life, one chance; remember? What makes the grass grow, Private Bonn? Blood! Blood! Blood! I grabbed the knife I prepared earlier slashed my left upper wrist just enough where blood poured freely into the mark- ers. From personal research, I‘ve learned that two of the most important elements in sorcery are either sexual fluids or blood. I chose blood instead because I don‘t feel like the idea of jizzing inside sharpies.

During the time I was already starting with my next batches of artworks, I made sure to remember that the goal for my work was either communion or possession. A week before I initially started drawing, I had performed the Rite of Defiance. It was for a different occasion but I felt that it also had a bit of help in my work. As I was preparing the pens and papers, I kept calm and locked the door. It was already 12:00 of midnight; the traditional witch‘s hour. No rituals were done, just my phone and earplugs for playing con- ductive music. At this point, I have already done some pieces for Conflagration. I was ready to take it up a notch. I am quite a fan of heavy metal; my two bands of choice are King 810 and Code Orange. I made sure to keep the playlist on repeat during the entire session. I learned that technique from the late Dr. Michael Aquino when he conducted his ‗famous‘ Wewelsburg working and evoked Set. After that, I began drawing. I just drew. No words, nothing special or spooky. Just my feelings, thoughts, emotions; very, bad ones that I feel you would much rather have on paper with a marker than on someone‘s body with a knife.

I barely noticed any time had passed, occasionally standing up to stretch. After a few more hours, I looked at the clock and it was already 3:23 AM. It was as if time had stopped. During my resting periods, I occasionally would hear a few noises in the ceiling as if something was scratching it. We didn‘t have rats. Some dogs began barking and howling. I didn‘t pay it much attention. They were just probably in heat that night. I waited until 3:33 to recite the TOTBV‘s rendition of the ―Our Father‖ and went to sleep. Heavy rain, more barking, and more howling. I slept like a kitten. I immediately fell asleep and by far that was the best sleep I had that week. I woke up the usual time, probably 9:23-12:45 AM or so and had breakfast. After the night, I let a whole day passed without looking at it. Next morning came and I opened the folder that I was hiding it under. Unsurprisingly, it still looked like shit. But something was different this time. I knew that I tapped into something that night; a source. I had contact with something and it was enough for me.

That was my communion with THEM and I think I did well for my first time.

―Through their own, individual, acts of Satanic striving against the mundane limits put before them, through their own and often than not trauma-laden pursuance of Sinister agendas, Sinister goals, the Sinister adherent will have pushed themselves above and beyond any status of life that would have been had, regularly, sans the path outlined by the ONA and thus, whatever regrets might blossom, from time to time, the reality of their Sinister quest – what has been done – and what, indeed, remains to be done – will be the stark reality which presents itself excluding all else. For these few, legitimate (Sons and) Daughters of Baphomet, mundanity is, simply, no longer an option. Any adherent of the ONA Way, if such are, in fact, vigorously pursuing the same, will, after only a few years‘ time (and even for the most fanatic, less than that) have, is to say, be possessing within themselves, the rudimentary foundation of a new type of being – an iron, calculating and mission-driven living entity…‖ {1} 

Virulent Darkness

Song: Desperate Lovers by KING 810
Tools: Pencils, Markers, and Pens Possession, Hatred, Depravity, Murder Dedicated to the Great Demon

Virulent Darkness

Wamphyric Ascension

Song: Forever by Code Orange
Tools: Pencils, Markers, Pens, and Crayola Death, Destruction, Collapse, Wamphyrism Dedicated to the Great Demon

Wamphyric Ascension

Demonic Austerities

Song: Wild Walker by S.N.
Tools: Pencils, Markers, Pens, and Crayola Blood Essence, Offering, Suicide Dedicated to the Great Demon

Demonic Austerities

Lurker at the Threshold

Song: (Complete Silence)
Tools: Pencils, Markers, Pens, and Crayola Choronzon, 333, Blood Current Dedicated to the Great Demon

Lurker at the Threshold

Sinister Oligarchy ov the Saturnian Black Nobility

March 11th, 2023

Saturnian Black Nobility

The Supernal Predator

March 7th, 2023

Supernal Predator

The Supernal Predator is an acausal non-being of a divine nature that is beyond cosmic limitations and the universal superstructures of Maya. Much like the Sumerian primal chaos dragon Tiamat, and the Indian Death Goddess Kali, The Supernal Predator is the source of origin and of final destination for all things. This divine wamphyric powerhouse of negative black energy can be found under different names from various cultures and is often identified as being the All-Consuming, All- Controlling Darkness beyond the duality of light and dark; creation and destruction.

According to ancient Sumerian mythology, the primal abyss is personified by the chaos dragon MUMMU TIAMAT. Tiamat mixed the ‘primordial waters’ with her male consort Absu and gave birth to the Elder Gods. Among these was Kingu, the true son of the the Chaos Bloodline. Kingu was the leader of the Legions of Darkness, waging war against the Legions of Light headed by Marduk. In the Enuma Elish, Tiamat and Kingu are slayed by Marduk who in turn, used the blood of Kingu to spawn the human race, unbeknownst that the ancient bloodline of Darkness would be carried on within those who have been awakened to their Vampiric Origin. Tiamat is the great womb; origin of all things divine and otherwise. She was first before the Gods of creation and shall remain whence all creation has been annihilated. If this is so, creation and/or the material existence, will eventually die and flow backwards into the hungry belly of the Dragon – the primal womb of void. In this sense, Tiamat is the All-Consuming Darkness without end, and therefore according to Sumerian mythos, the SUPREME VAMPIRE. For all of life and creation in totality shall be consumed; vampirized.

In the Vedic mythos we generally see three different divine incarnations or “Godheads” which all share the same origin or root word for their names; Kali, Kala and Krishna. All three names translate to “Black” or “Black One”. Much like Tiamat, Kali is the great womb of origin from which all emerged and shall descend back into. She is beyond material causal existence and shall ultimately devour the cosmic matrix, vampirizing the core of life itself. In the Devi Mahatmyam, Kali is mentioned when Durga is battling with the demon Raktabija. Every time Durga would attack Raktabija with her sword and spill blood, clones of the demon would rise from the blood drops. This goes on for a while until Durga becomes so enraged by her inability to kill Raktabija that the fearsome Kali emerges from the forehead of Durga as the Goddess’s internal KILLING POTENCY. Armed with sword and noose, Kali begins viciously slaughtering Raktabija. Every drop of blood which fell, Kali devoured until she became frenzied in outright blood lust and began killing and drinking the blood of everything she saw.

“Out of the surface of Durga's forehead, fierce with frown, issued suddenly Kali of terrible countenance, armed with a sword and noose. Bearing the strange khatvanga decorated with a garland of skulls, clad in a tiger's skin, very appalling owing to her emaciated flesh, with gaping mouth, fearful with her tongue lolling out, having deep reddish eyes, filling the regions of the sky with her roars, falling upon impetuously and slaughtering the great asuras in that army, she devoured those hordes of the foes of the devas.”
Kala or Mahakala, is one of the many names of Shiva the destroyer and is the masculine form of the name Kali. Kala translates literally to “black” or “time”. Time is often interpreted as DEATH and vice versa, for they hold the same meaning. “Time” or death, consumes all things, therefore Kala is a Supreme Vampire; Supernal Predator of all life. Having said however, Kali will in the end devour Kala thus, devouring even death.
Krishna, whose name means “Dark one” or “Black one”, is revered by his worshippers as being the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Krsna is the personification of Darkness before light and space-time, and the emittance of both. Krsna in his first expansion is known as Ananta or Sankarshana; the black energy that is the abyss itself called Tamasi.

Some formidable notes on Ananta as follows:
Ananta is the first and foremost expansion of Lord Krishna.
Ananta awakens lustful longings in women.
Deceives mundane men by keeping the ignorant in ignorance, illusion of ego "I am the enjoyer of the Universe".
Ananta is worshipped by Shiva, Lord of Destruction. Because of this, Ananta is known as Tamasi ( Darkness ).
Ananta is the source of, and is at the heart of Shiva.
Ananta wishes to destroy the cosmos. When the time of devastation comes, Ananta transmits the power and knowledge to Shiva on how to destroy the cosmos.
Ananta's name means endless.
Ananta is a massive pre-cosmic serpent with thousands of hooded cobra heads and mouths.
When Ananta uncoils, creation emits. When Ananta coils up, the cosmos are devastated.
Ananta when angered, releases Rudra from his brow to destroy the world.
Anantadeva is equated with primordial darkness and is the personification of the formless primordial ocean.
Anantadeva's main mission is to dissolve this material creation.
Ananta is King of the Nagas ( Snake King ).

Thus is the sinister mantra of Ananta:

Krishna is one of the many names of Vishnu and vice versa, and is mentioned in the Bhagavat Gita in chapter 11 as being a most fearful God with terrible devouring flaming jaws.

Chapter 11, Verse 25.
”O Lord of lords, O refuge of the worlds, please be gracious to me. I cannot keep my balance seeing thus Your blazing deathlike faces and awful teeth. In all directions I am bewildered.”

Chapter 11, Verse 26-27.
"All the sons of Dhrtarastra along with their allied kings, and Bhisma, Drona and Karna, and all our soldiers are rushing into Your mouths, their heads smashed by Your fearful teeth. I see that some are being crushed between Your teeth as well.”

Chapter 11, Verse 29.
”I see all people rushing with full speed into Your mouths as moths dash into a blazing fire.“

Chapter 11, Verse 30.
”O Visnu, I see You devouring all people in Your flaming mouths and covering the universe with Your immeasurable rays. Scorching the worlds, You are manifest.”

Czar; Tyrant NSK
Vinland 9 Nexion
126 yf



March 7th, 2023

Written by: Prince Nicholas De Vere

Some of the earliest evidence of Ritual Vampirism comes from Tartaria in Transylvania and stems to the fifth millennium BC. Remains of a human body were found buried in a fire pit along with clay tablets upon which were inscribed the names of the Sumerian god Enki and the ranking number of Father Anu. In the Central Eurasian region known as Scythia are also examples of early Vampirism. The descendants of these early vampires were the Sacred Ubaid Race who, one millennium later, settled in Mesopotamia and founded the Anunnaki religion of the Sumerians in 3500 BC. Their Transylvanian ancestors were the Anunnaki Gods. The Annnunik had a great love for social order, which was echoed in Transylvania where vampires had a reputation for meticulousness. Dracula ran his kingdom with the precision of a well oiled machine.

The Vampire was and is a God-King amongst the race of human kings, the Vampire descends from the supernatural Dragon Royalty of Sumeria back to the Ubaid Overlords of what was to become known as Transylvania and Greater Scythia. The Vampire - witch or druid - by genetic inheritance was a Scythian High Queen or King: an Overlord (a distinct royal caste in Scythian-Celtic society). In their heyday the fairies practiced familial vampirism which established the folk tradition that they returned from the dead - rose from the tombs - to feed from the blood and life force of their living relatives. They selected their rulers and druids from an “Atheling Pool” of Brehon Families. From this same group they chose females who became known as “Grail Maidens”. These sacred, royal princesses, virgins of High Birth and Pure Blood were chosen to deliver blood to the vampires.

The Scythians didn’t prey on peasants, merchants, human nobility or so-called “royalty” because those not of the fairy race had “dead blood” trickling through their veins. The blood of the victim was consumed as a Eucharist in thanksgiving for the monks’ safe arrival to the Island of Iona. Early Christianity was tied up with the cult of the head, as was the Johannite Cult of the Baptist, who himself was a sacrificial king of Dragon descent.

Recruitment in times of hardship occurred and “listeners” had to drink the blood of the Officiate. This classical, pre-Christian practice acted as a Eucharist, where the recruit would take on the nature of the Leader by infusing their own being with his or her genetic material. This form of pact lasted 7 years. After 7 years the recruit would have to drink the blood again. The nocturnal habits of the Dragon people, typically those of the Cimmerian Scythians, were noted by their contemporaries and the swan's wings of the dragon glyph attributed to them.

Vampirism was not the prerogative of the merchant or peasant classes. The Victorians also indulged in recreational activities like Cannibalism and Nymphomania; including such acts as oral sex, buggery, simultaneous multiple penetration and bestiality. Vampirism was confined to the environs of the nobility, often as an adjunct to rites of the Noble and Royal Witch Covens of Scotland, members of the pre-Christian and anti-Christian high nobility and royalty. The most famous vampire stories, those of Dracula, Bathory and de Rais, support this conclusion.

See the coat of arms of the infamous vampire Elisabeth Bathory (1560 – 1614):

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