:The History of TOBV &
its Chronicle of Succession:

November 27th, 2024


The origin and history of the Tempel ov the Black Vampire is steeped in conspiracy, espionage, paranoia, violence, horror, madness, terror and death.

Begotten via line of dynastic succession, according to vampiric ordinance within the Noctulian line of the Dark Tradition’s enneadic triumvirate, from which the Order of Nine Angles was collectively formed.

The Noctulian Blood Family has taken causal form under various evolving banners, names and incarnations, and continues to do so to date. Guided along its own twisting, corrupting and subversive wyrding way via dark providence of the Fates, the Temple of Noctulius in its ever shapeshifting evolution of forms, is verily the Black Hand of Nonagon as it pertains to its darkest aspect; ever darkening still...

Deus Mia Luna Hostilis

Temple to Satan

In the pre-formative days, back in the late nineties, the Temple to Satan took its first bitter breath of befouled air; bringing with it a long crooked path of pain, heresy and sadomasochistic predatory spirituality to come.

Temple to Satan endorsed itself as part of the ALM (Anton Long Movement), setting specific focus on the predatory nature of sadomasochism and blasphemic rites of passage within Traditional Satanism.

Temple to Satan was short lived, serving as a brief prelude to what was to come; an embryonic fertilization of a coming herald of horror.

“Pay close attention to certain thematic elements in the Razor Freak cassette which you recently received - this is inundated with the spirit of suicide propagandistically - [redacted] - during the spring of two-thousand and one. There is a second demo tape of this particular project, which as you see is linked to the legacy of the Temple to Satan, which was recorded directly after the manifestations of September 11th, 2001, in which much deification was made of [redacted], malefic devils of the desert, etc.

Very controversial, very in-your-face especially considering that the A.L.M. Discipline Center was located less than two hours from the site of the [redacted].

A.L.M. Discipline Center was not located at the [redacted], in a room that had been specifically built in a basement of a house from the early nineteen-hundreds.

All walls (which were stone) were painted black, the ceilings were covered in black plastic, chains hung and discipline ensconced the surroundings. In this chthonic temple, the floor was stone and contained several large drain holes so that whatever fluid could simply flow downward. Often acolytes would offer devotion before these holes and have strange insects manifest from them such as large centipedes and other satanic fetches.

A.L.M. Discipline Center also was an executive command post, as from the outside it was the quaintest of dwellings, this including all exterior and first and second floors - the room to the basement was also concealed, one could walk to the very entrance and not have any idea what laid inside.

[redacted] the latter happening after the formation of the Tempel ov Blood from out of the Noctulian blood abyss. Contained within were also stockpiles of food, communication devices and general accruements of the “Black Arts” - as well as subtle atmospheric conditioning tools such as a dehumidifying machine which ran constantly; draining the immediate altar area of all moisture.

The female, whose partially exposed backside you were able to view in the linear notes, was a twenty- seven year-old insane woman, recruited by members of the family from a day-program mental health facility located within walking distance from the A.L.M. Discipline Center, going into a primarily black ghetto area. She was very easily persuaded into the sinister tasks which the Noctulians put before her.”

- Excerpt from an email sent by Czar Azag-Kala (Joshua Sutter) to Tyrant Nirrta

Tempel of Azagthoth

Temple to Satan evolved its course, taking on a more direct approach to the darker arts of the vampiric current as it relates to the Septenary path promulgated by the Order of Nine Angles; re-establishing itself as a principality of a larger organization (Society of the Dark Sun) under the name Tempel ov Azagthoth.

Tempel ov Azagthoth became closely aligned with the Black Order of the Dragon at the time that Vilnius Thornian was holding the office of Outer Rep for ONA in America and continued to work with them for some time in co-operation; bearing the torch of the North American Blood Current under the banner of the Sevenfold Sinister Way.

In the early 2000’s, TOA went underground, becoming “defunct” (at least publicly) following the arrest of Emperor Norduk under various weapons charges; carrying with them a two year sentence in federal incarceration.

Whilst in prison, E. Norduk underwent extensive immersion into the bleak realms of the Wamphyric nightside; increasing the predatory impulse of the alchemical change process towards the undead state.

It was during this lengthly ordeal that the Tempel ov Azagthoth reverted into a cocoon of transformation. The resulting organism to emerge in its wake became known as the Tempel ov Blood.

Tempel ov Blood

While it is widely accepted that Czar Azag-kala was the founder and head of the Tempel ov Blood, this is ultimately a grand misconception.

Preceding the release of Emperor Norduk (now taking on the identity of Czar Azag-kala) from federal incarceration, another leader from the proto-TOB group Temple of Azagthoth founded “Tempel ov Blood” in 2003 (going public in 2004) - Blood Lord Karnac Velton (BLKV), otherwise known as “Blood Father”.

As founder and Blood Father over the ToB, BLKV took on the role of Vindex within the Tempel structure, with Czar Azag-kala taking on the role of Falcifer to BLKV’s Vindex. In addendum to this incubation process which birthed the TOB from the retraction of TOA, there was, unbeknownst to the rest of the Blood Family, a secret collusion forming. The relationship in reference would later herald the chain of events which engineered the disgraceful decomposition and ultimate finality of the TOB.

The history of the TOB is a 333 page long bloodstained book of blood soaked in controversy, conspiracy, federal intelligence agencies, infiltration, crime, sabotage, war, bloodshed, suicide and murder. The name speaks for itself as does its notoriety; this is a fact that cannot be challenged despite the following course of dishonourable events and self-involution by anyone.

Black Vampire Temple

Back in the late 80's a man known by the nom de guerre “Mephistopheles" who led a vampiric organization called the Society of the Dark Sun; SDS for short. Simultaneously, another American group called the Temple of the Vampire “ToV" which also started in the 80's was around (still is to this day). Czar Azag-Kala got involved with both groups in his late teens which later attributed to the birth of the Temple Azagthoth. Temple of Azagthoth was a principality of the greater body of the SDS.

Temple Azagthoth became associated with the Black Order of the Dragon in the form a dark blood alliance of clans within the North American vampiric underground. Ford was at this time the acting Representative for the ONA on American soil. Blood Lord Karnac Velton "BLKV" (My initial contact and handler in the ToB the first time around) came into the picture about this point in time.

SDS went underground into the shadows somewhere around this time and the TOA and BOTD had a falling out. Shortly after after this, E. Norduk came into contact with both [redacted] This ended with E. Norduk being busted in an FBI sting for [redacted]. Needless to say the Tempel Azagthoth came to a screaming halt with E. Norduk in prison.

It was during this time that Blood Lord created the Tempel ov Blood and he and CAK proceeded to teach and feed from each other in an incestual way almost in a marital sense of the term as odd as that sounds. CAK and BLKV began writing Discipline of the Gods at this point. Since CAK was still incarcerated, BLKV got in contact with Ixaxaar and had the first ToB publication arranged. With its release, ToB was born in 2004 and ToA disappeared into obscurity. About 3 years later I found out about ToB and reached out to the available contact point. It was BLKV who answered the door as he had been overseeing all the activities and operation of the ToB since E.Norduk/CAK’s incarceration. I was 18 or 19 at this time and got spooked after a few months from BLKV sharing some of his pastimes and explaining what would be required of me for the Tempel. I simply was not ready yet to embark on my journey.

A year later I was running Black Light Distribution and came across the first copy False Prophet Internal Journal of the ToB on Ravenwood Archives. I wanted to publish a new edition of it seeing as all but the 1 of 30 or so copies were sold out. I ordered the last remaining copy then got into contact with Rick from House of Ravenoir afterwards to request any way to get into contact with Czar Azag-Kala. He was able to fill my request.

I got into contact with CAK and before I knew it, without any intention of joining ToB I found myself quickly becoming fully intertwined in it, then continuing on earned my membership, then rose quickly up the ranks until eventually I was running the Tempel ov Blood all across the board in tandem with him.

Moving ahead several years, I had completed the first half of my book (The Black Art of Vampirism) and CAK and I began talks about the ToB fading into obscurity to make way for the Tempel ov the Black Vampire (now named Weltfeind) to take up the torch and carry it forward into the future. He wanted to fall out of the limelight I think and let things fall, forge and form as they may. Then something spawned his interests, seemingly all of a sudden to start amping everything up on the ‘direct action’ front.

This is what inevitably led to the collapse of ToB and the eventual exposing of CAK as an F.B.I. informant.

And the rest is history.

- Tyrant Nirrta

Email between Tyrant Nirrta and Czar Azag-Kala officiating the succession

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