[[A ghost flies over to a couple of people.]] Ghost: ...ooOOOOOOOOooo... Tiiiime is passiiiing! Person 1: Ugh. Timeghost. Person 2: Huh? Person 1: Here come the factoids. [[The ghost flies around in little circles as it speaks. Person 1 turns away.]] TG: Forrest Gump came out closer to the Vietnam War than to the present daaay. P1: Go away! TG: The average new grandparents are younger than Keanu Reeeeves! P2: That can't be right... [[The ghost is out of panel. Person 1 is plugging their ears.]] TG: Today's new parents were ten when Eminem got big - DaAaaAaad MuuUuUuSic - They remember Simpsons Season 5 or 6 at the earliest. P1: Argh! P2: How long has it been doing this? [[The ghost floats above them. They look up.]] TG: The staaaaart of my haunting is now further away than your deaaaths! P1: Will you sto--WHAT!? {{Title text: 'Hello, Ghostbusters?' 'ooOOoooo people born years after that movie came out are having a second chiiiild right now ooOoooOoo'}}