aebrer’s no FOMO zone zine

the only 100% verifiable way to get updates, links, and roadmaps from aebrer

you should always be able to find the latest edition of this zine at , unless I’ve stopped trusting DNS providers lol, then we have bigger problems

to verify contents, check tezos objkt at (created by tz1ZBMhTa7gxSpaeXoqyc6bTCrxEHfZYSpPt); at present I will only mint it there directly to my main profile

tezos is a Proof-of-Stake “green” blockchain, it requires very small amounts of energy to run and grow

and remember: never share your private seed phrase with ANYONE
and use a password manager, don’t reuse passwords!

if there are spelling mistakes, or also likely, missing words, please just accept it

table of contents

project, portfolio, and social links


June Tweetcart Token Club Piece: emergence III

highlight: curated ideocart bootlegs

highlight: sedimentary city

highlight: the city is burning

highlight: The Trace Gallery

what’s my wallpaper

current plans, previous plans, and updates

working on the July TTC Tweetcart

working on the June TTC Tweetcart

need to get a new AI art generation pipeline figured out, due to closure

more community curated pico_punks to mint! they’re coming, I promise!

WIP ideocartography piece, p5js, for fx(hash)

unannounced collab [on hold, awaiting new AI art pipeline]

unannounced ideocartography collab


normal talk for people to treat with generosity

fancy talk for lawyers to argue about

project, portfolio, and social links


June Tweetcart Token Club Piece: emergence III

I seriously had a blast making the tweetcart for June. I’ll probably go back to the emergence series at some point, but for now this is the end of it. The whole concept behind this series is that very high randomness and simple primitives (in this case short lines ranging from 1-16 pixels long) can become “entropically locked” using seed looping, creating stable emergent patterns that are really enjoyable to look at. With emergence III I think I really nailed that goal.

In this case in particular, I did a live stream describing the algorithm, and answering questions from chat. You can watch a recording of that here:

It’s about 30 minutes long, and it includes some minor inaccuracies when I’m discussing some of my own code, but I think you will find it interesting if you want to know more about how my tweetcarts work. In terms of what is inaccurate, I’m just making too many strong claims about the exact seed looping mechanics. I honestly am here in glitch city just messing around, creating and harvesting bugs, it would be wrong to create the impression that I know 100% with certainty the full bounds of my generators, and the full extent of their behaviors.

Anyway, I won’t re-explain here what I explained so thoroughly in the video :) . Let me know what you thought in the comments!

Also, it’s a random flex, but I’m oddly impressed with myself for the code golf in this one. While still being a tweetcart, it has code for a click/touch based UI, including generating new outcomes, and saving gifs of what you generate.

highlight: curated ideocart bootlegs

tldr - too long, didn’t read:

It’s getting weird in here. If you’re paying attention, you may have noticed that I’ve launched a new series on I’ve been meaning to mint a collection there for a long time, but I was really waiting for the perfect opportunity. This particular generator is a continuation of the newish p5js ideocartography series I’m exploring. The more I worked on it, the more I continued to be frustrated by two things:

1. high frequency of amazing outputs, which blow me away

2. high frequency of super boring mega lame outputs, which make me wanna cry

Despite originally thinking of this as a long-form genart project, for fxhash, point number 2 was really starting to push me away from that. I realized I was spending so much effort to improve the generator to avoid bad outcomes, I was also losing a lot of the magic that made me really like the generator in the first place.

So, now I’ve realized how to best use this generator. As I generate things, I curate the best of the best and save them for minting. I will also change the algorithms from time to time, as it suits me, because I’m an experimenter and you can never take that away from me lol. For this series, expect only pieces that I really love, all 1/1. Let me also explain the concept behind the series:

The Department of Ideocartography is a branch of the Foundation, an organization originally created to study Vestiges of the Dead God. As the Foundation grew, many different branches and departments needed to be created, to address the many new discoveries arising from the study of the Vestiges of the Dead God. The DOI specifically is charged with the study and containment of Informational Entities, beings of the same nature (but not order) as the Dead God. Think of them as the lesser angels and demons in this plane of existence. The DOI has been around for almost as long as the Foundation, and Ideocartography is a time-tested method for both the summoning AND containment of Informational Entities. Eventually, other methods, originating from outside the DOI, have arisen for conducting Ideocartography. The DOI refers to these as “Bootleg Ideocarts”, or just “bootlegs”. Typically, they are extremely dangerous. The containment methods in use tend to be haphazard and poorly executed, compared to the time-tested (but massively secret) methods used by the DOI. Nonetheless, study of these methods often yields interesting insights into both novel containment methods, as well as the Informational Entities themselves. Thus, it is deemed worthwhile to study these bootlegs.

This series: `curated_ideocart_bootlegs`, is such a study of these bootlegs. The whole thing has been tasked to a single junior employee, and there seems to be very little oversight. The descriptions are written by this employee, and, in theory, are being read by senior researchers at the DOI.

My feeling is that the repeated exposure to these bootlegs is beginning to have an effect on this person.

highlight: sedimentary city

1 tez, 136/256 minted so far

Sometimes you make a piece because you’re kind of in a bad mood and you just want to relax. I’ve said before tweetcarts are my most emotional pieces. I don’t know how it ended up being that the most restrictive medium I enjoy (Pico-8 + tweetcart) ended up becoming my most expressive format. There’s just something about the process that feels so direct. There’s no loss between my intention and the outcome, I can see the full algorithm in my mind’s eye or whatever. So I feel very connected to each tweetcart as I make it. I’ve tried before, and I’m basically incapable of making one unless I have some sort of driving obsession pushing me forward. I mean I can make something that looks alright but:
1. I usually don’t think it’s that good
2. my brilliant wife G also doesn’t think it’s that good 😆

I actually have a lot of tweetcarts that I’ve never published. Maybe 20-40 or so, which means I share maybe 30-40% of them. I’m finding I’m getting pickier as time goes on.

Anyway, I’m rambling, I haven’t really discussed this piece in particular yet.

This piece is composed of scanning horizontal lines, in which ovals and/or rectangles are drawn, with increasing size. Colors are randomized (within the available 32 pico8 colors), and a max of 9 are used in each piece (rarely it can be lower). Once a certain size is reached, seed looping is used to reduce entropy, creating a variety of distinct repeating shapes that tend to be different in each outcome. To me, the first one I made looked a lot like a ruined city, extremely lofi. I didn’t save that output, and I was never able to recreate it. However, as I explored around the concept, I found a lot that I loved, and this final version is one of my favorite tweetcarts so far.

If you want to play with the source code yourself, and make your own versions of this tweetcart generator, you can try it here (the URL itself is the tweetcart data):

If you make anything awesome, you can save it by typing the command: `save @url` and saving the URL that gets generated (in your browser’s address bar). Send the link on twitter or discord and let’s share what we come up with!

highlight: the city is burning

5 tez, 32/64 editions minted so far (and 6 reserved prior to mint via a twitter thread)

This piece is the partner to `sedimentary city` (sc). I thought to myself: what if I ported the algorithm from sc to p5js? So I tried it, and it wasn’t quite the same, but it was still interesting. Next I spent a lot of time playing with the colors, and the dimensions, and eventually the camera angle, exploiting a clipping glitch that causes the flamelike effect (it’s also why the right side of the city is usually taller). The source code is in the fxhash token description.

I was really tempted to make a version with more random colors, but while it looks cool you do lose the feeling of FIRE, and the city is in fact burning so that is not good.

highlight: The Trace Gallery

collect (and/or play) it here:

play it here when IPFS is shitty, or for potentially nicer mobile support:

115 114/128 editions available, 20 tez each

If I was to say I had a “masterpiece” so far, this would be it. It’s strange, it’s weird, and it doesn’t fit neatly into any genres. It exists simply because that’s what it had to be, that’s what was in my mind for the last year, and I had to get it out.

The world of the Foundation, the Vestiges of the Dead God, The Library Ruin, etc. is not finished. This is a world I dream of constantly, and the stories there continue to inspire my art. However, The Trace Gallery is the first “solid” glimpse into this universe. Not a simple peep through a piece of art or a concept, but fully a realized artifact from this universe. Play it for free, and feel what it’s like to succumb to the Dead God...

what’s my wallpaper

monogrid 1.1 CE #27 - by Kim Asendorf (

completely mind-blowing, and on top of that it was a gift

thank you Kim Asendorf!


it runs live! See this tweet (via nitter) by sableRaph to see how:

current plans, previous plans, and updates


normal talk for people to treat with generosity

feel free to take this newsletter page, remove my text and stuff, and just use this format or idea for yourself in any way, with no need to credit me or anything, just do whatever you like, and be nice

this includes any code snippets I’ve included in here

also nothing in here is meant to constitute financial advice in any way, just be cool come on

fancy talk for lawyers to argue about

This is free and unencumbered newsletter format template, released into the public domain. It has been modified (by the addition of creative content).

Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or

distribute this template, either in source code form or as a compiled

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In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors

of this template dedicate any and all copyright interest in the

template to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit

of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and

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