Web3 and AI Enthusiast | Crypto Investor | Blogger | Videographer | Private Masseur | Esthetician
I am Tuwailib-(Talib)-Faruq: Saiful-Haqq-El; a 36 year-old father of 3 boys, from Baltimore, Maryland; currently domiciled in Atlanta, Georgia. I am a US Army Veteran and an experienced creator of value, videographer, private masseur, esthetician, life coach, marketer, trader, authorized representative for DEVIN D. MARSHALL d.b.a. THE OFFICIAL DM; and Founder of SAIFUL HAQ ORGANIZATIONS. I’m also a bit of a Web3 enthusiast, researcher, artist, event planner, trader, and blogger; I draft business documents & contracts, and advocate for privacy in my spare time. I find that because I realize that enduring happiness comes only through helping others find it and that no act of kindness is without its reward, even though it may never be directly repaid, I will do my best to assist others when and where the opportunity appears.