Jack Reacher - Jack Reacher: Jednym strzałem (2012) *1:1* [DVD]

2013-05-13 19:06:30

angielski, węgierski, polski

 Polski opis

..:: Opis ::..

Film zrealizowany na podstawie książki Lee Childa. Dowody przeciwko mordercy Jamesowi Barrowi są niepodważalne. Jednak oskarżony nie chce rozmawiać z adwokatem, a jedynie z tajemniczym Jackiem Reacherem. Jest bardzo dziwne, gdyż właśnie jego zeznania mogą dodatkowo obciążyć Jamesa. James zostaje dotkliwie pobity w więzieniu i zapada w śpiączkę. Jego siostra Rosemary postanawia pomóc bratu i wynajmuje młodą, ambitną prawniczkę.


..:: Obsada ::..

Tom Cruise - Reacher
Rosamund Pike - Helen
Richard Jenkins - Rodin
David Oyelowo - Emerson
Werner Herzog - The Zec

..:: Info ::..

Tytul oryginalny: Jack Reacher
Rezyseria: Christopher McQuarrie
Rok produkcji: 2012
Kategoria: Kryminał / Akcja
Czas: 130 min
Format obrazu: 16:9, PAL
Dzwiek: DD5.1: EN, HU, CZ, PL
Napisy: polskie, portugalskie, angielskie, arabskie, bułgarskie, czeskie, greckie, estońskie, hebrajskie, hinduskie, chorwackie, islandzkie, łotewskie, litewskie, węgierskie, rumuńskie, słoweńskie, słowackie, serbskie
Video: nietkniete
Menu: tak
Dodatki: tak

..:: Kopia 1:1 ::..

 English description

..:: Plot ::..

When 5 seemingly random people are shot by a sniper an investigation leads the police to former Army sniper who has a history of shooting people in the streets when he was in the Army. When he meets his lawyer, Alex Rodin, all he tells her is to find Jack Reacher. She learns that Reacher is a former Army Criminal Investigator. Reacher upon hearing the news arrives. He learns Rodin wants him to help her defend the guy but Reacher doesn't want to help him. It seems that Reacher was the one who investigated the shootings he committed when he was in the Army but the Army opted not to prosecute. He told the man that if he did it again, Reacher will come after him. Reacher agrees to look into it if Rodin tries to look at the people he killed. She does and Reacher goes to tell her that the shootings were not the man's m.o. Reacher suspects someone is framing him. So he and Rodin try to find out why and who.


..:: Cast ::..

Tom Cruise - Reacher
Rosamund Pike - Helen
Richard Jenkins - Rodin
David Oyelowo - Emerson
Werner Herzog - The Zec

..:: Info ::..

Original Title: Jack Reacher
Director: Christopher McQuarrie
Year: 2012
Category: Crime / Action
Runtime: 130 min
Aspect Ratio: 16:9, PAL
Audio: DD5.1: EN, HU, CZ, PL
Subtitles: Polish, Portuguese, English, Arabic, Bulgarian, Czech, Greek, Estonian, Hebrew, Hindu, Croatian, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Romanian, Slovenian, Slovak, Serbian
Video: Untouched
Menu: Yes
Extras: Yes

..:: 1:1 Copy ::..
