The 2008 XKCD Christmas Special Narrator: Due to the slowing economy, we could only afford to produce the prime-numbered panels. Narrator: You should be able to infer the missing parts of the story easily enough. Narrator: We apologize for the inconvenience. [[The first panel is blank]] [[Girl carrying Christmas lights and guy watching]] Girl: I'm going to one-up those Christmas light displays on YouTube. [[Girl thinking]] Girl: Hmm. Needs more flair. Do you know what happens when you fire sodium pellets into a snowbank? Guy: No. Girl: Me neither. [[The next panel is blank]] [[Girl sitting in front of a console]] Girl: Whoops, one of the Arduino control boards sublimated. Girl: If only I could make it self-repairing... [[The next panel is blank]] Girl: Shit. The system has become sentient. Guy: Friggin' Python. System: GRAAARR! [[The next three panels are blank]] [[Girl showing laptop to guy]] Girl: But according to this email forward, Santa is secretly a Muslim! Guy: It explains everything! [[The next panel is blank]] Girl: Okay, the cloned raptors are hunting the last of the cyborgs. We're safe. Guy: Are you sure you thought this through? [[The next three panels are blank]] [[Two couples appear in this next panel]] Guy: Are the raptors contained? Second girl: Sure. Unless they figure out how to build lightsabers. [[The next panel is blank]] [[Guy with hat fighting with a raptor using lightsabers]] Guy: It's all right. I've got her. [[Lightsaber appears from behind]] <> Guy: ...Clever girl. [[The next three panels are blank]] [[Bill Gates is holding a weapon over Santa's body. The two girls are watching]] Girl: Great. Bill Gates kills Santa. Bill Gates: I thought it was Stallman with a dyed beard. [[The next five panels are blank]] [[Girl and guy with hat are looking at a tree]] Girl: Where did you get this Christmas tree? Guy: Nowhere. Girl: Did you cut down the Yggdrasil? Guy: ...Maybe. [[The next panel is blank]] [[Girl and guy holding hands and looking at reader]] Narrator: Merry Christmas from XKCD <3 [[The last panel is blank]] {{title text: 'How could you possibly think typing 'import skynet' was a good idea?'}}