World of Synnibarr [EN] [RPG]

2007-03-28 09:17:40


 Polski opis

Synnibarr to bardzo nietypowe miejsce. Dlaczego ? A czy widzieliście by cała planeta stała się statkiem kosmicznym ? To właśnie stało się z Marsem, który po "przeróbkach" stał gigantycznym okrętem, mającym bronić mieszkańców Ziemi. World of Synnibarr stanowi mieszankę gatunkową. Docelowo jest to space opera, jednakże w świecie gry zostały wmontowane liczne elementy fantasy, sprawiające, że gra ta to równoważne połączenie obydwu tych opcji. Inną ciekawostką w mechanice gry jest brak jakichkolwiek klas postaci.
(by harfista)

 English description

Wonderworld Press has just released the second edition of The World Of Synnibarr, and apparently they decided the time had come to make a few changes. As it seems to be the trend with second editions, the designer (Raven c.s. McCracken) felt compelled to add to the original ideas and expand expand, expand! The end result 478 pages of rules background and character classes like none you're likely to see anywhere else. Synnibarr is not a planet, but rather a gigantic flying starship send on a journey to save the inhabitants of Earth from a galactic holocaust. What does all this mean? It means that Synnibarr is a well thought out multi-genre RPG with just ooldes of places to to go creatures to see or even -play!

From Amazons to barbiarns to cybernetic warriors to shapeshifting monsters Synnibarr has over 1200 possiable combinations and thats just in the first chapter of the book! And just to add to the fun Synnibarr has eliminated the need for Character classes. Some people don't want to play a specific class and in Synnibarr you can choose from 192 skills and play along side the best of them.

Basically Synnibarr let YOU choose the style you want to play. From deep role playing to epic power gaming, Synnibarr can be made to suit any style of play: anything is possiable with this system. From mortality to the realms of the gods, Synnibarr covers it all in a style that is hard to beat.

The World Of Synnibarr is the ultimate in Role-playing games. The single book system contains all the rules, guidlines required to play. The original multi-genre role playing game, Synnibarr contains the elements of fantasy science fiction and epic saga. The compolation designed to push every boundry of the imagination. Synnibarr is actually Mars: hollowed out and transformed into a starship. Come explore this realm of unparrelled imagination and undreamed of adventure. Created for the stifled adventurer within all of us; for we have the hearts and the imaginations, but not the powers or the frontiers.

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