Guide to Converting to Metric The key to converting to metric is establishing new reference points. When you hear "26 degrees centigrade", instead of thinking "That's 79 degrees fahrenheit" you should think, "that's warmer then a house but cool for swimming." here are some helpful tables of reference points: Temperature: 60 degrees centigrade - Earth's Hottest 45 degrees centigrade - Dubai Heat Wave 40 degrees centigrade - Southern US Heat Wave 35 degrees centigrade - Northern US Heat Wave 30 degrees centigrade - Beach weather 25 degrees centigrade - Warm Room 20 degrees centigrade - Room Temperature 10 degrees centigrade - Jacket Weather 0 degrees centigrade - Snow! -5 degrees centigrade - Cold Day (Boston) -10 degrees centigrade - Cold Day (Moscow) -20 degrees centigrade - FuckFuckFuckCold -30 degrees centigrade - Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck! -30 degrees centigrade - Spit goes "ckink" [[Stick figure next to last three lines]] Man: <> [[Man spits]] Spit: <> [[Spit bounces off ground]] Length 1cm - Width of microSD card 3cm - Length of SD card 12cm - CD Diameter 14cm - Penis 15cm - BIC pen 80cm - Doorway width 1m - Lightsaber Blade 170cm - Summer Glau 200cm - Darth Vader 2.5m - Ceiling 5m - Car-length 16m4cm - Human tower of Serenity crew [[Human tower of Serenity crew stick figures depicted taking up from second line of panel to bottom]] Speed 5 kph - 1.5 m s - Walking 13 kph - 3.5 m s - Jogging 25 kph - 7 m s - Sprinting 35 kph - 10 m s - Fastest Human 45 kph - 13 m s - Housecat 55 kph - 15 m s - Rabbit 75 kph - 20 m s - Raptor 100 kph - 25 m s - Slow Highway 110 kph - 30 m s - Interstate (65 MPH) 120 kph - 35 m s - Speed you actually go when it says "65" 140 kph - 40 m s - Raptor on Hoverboard Volume 3mL - Blood in a fieldmouse 5mL - Teaspoon 30mL - Nasal Passages 40mL - Shot Glass So when it's {{Nasal Passages}} blocked, the mucus in your nose could about fill a shot glass. [[Image of a shot glass]] Related: I've invented the worst mixed drink ever. 350mL - Soda Can 500mL - Water Bottle 3L - Two-Liter Bottle 5L - Blood in a Human Male 30L - Milk Crate 55L - Summer Glau 65L - Dennis Kucinich 75L - Ron Paul 200L - Fridge [[Stick figure shoving stick figures of Ron Paul, Summer Glau, and Dennis Kucinich into fridge]] [[Above fridge, circled, is 55+65+75 < 200]] Mass 3g - Peanut M&M 100g - Cell Phone 500g - Bottled Water 1kg - Ultraportable Laptop 2kg - Light-Medium Laptop 3kg - Heavy Laptop 5kg - LCD Monitor 15kg - CRT Monitor 4kg - Cat [[Drawing of cat]] 4.1kg - Cat (With Caption) [[Drawing of cat, going "Mrowl?", and holding a caption]] 60kg - Lady 70kg - Dude 150kg - Shaq [[Stick figure of lady and dude beside previous 3 lines]] 200kg - Your Mom 220kg - Your Mom (incl. cheap jewelrey) 223kg - Your Mom (also incl. Makeup) {{Alt-text: According to River, 'adequate' vacuuming systems drain the human body at about half a liter per second.}}