Bon Jovi - These Days (1995) (APE) [Lossless]

2006-10-11 13:15:11


 Polski opis

Gatunek :   Rock 
Rok Wydania :   1995 
Jakość :   APE  

W 1995 roku Bon Jovi wydają kolejną, siódmą już, płytę - "These Days", udowadniając tym samym, że nie mają zamiaru zakończyć działalności zespołu, a Alec zostaje zastąpiony przez dawnego kolegę Jona - Hugh McDonalda. Płyta bardzo różni się od poprzednich - jest dużo spokojniejsza i bardziej nastrojowa - ale sprzedaje się równie dobrze...

 English description

Genre :   Rock 
Year :   1995 
Quality :   APE  

This is, in my opinion, Bon Jovi's best record. However, the remastered version kills it. This is a raw rock'n'roll album with tons of acoustics, classic Fender guitar tones and throat wrenching vocal performances. The original release captured all of that beautifully - light EQ, light compression, full bottom-end, etc. The remastered version runs it through the generic cookie-cutter mastering settings that have destroyed the sonics of music in the recent decade. Here's a general tip for the music consumer - "Digitally remastered" is almost always code for "thin, brittle, bright, sparkling noise." "These Days" is no exception.

A record like this is not supposed to sparkle. It's Bon Jovi's darkest offering, with songs like "Hey God," "Something To Believe In," and the title track "These Days." It is also their rawest record, an acoustical snapshot by producer Peter Collins of the passion being expressed by the band at that time. The dry vocal of "Lie To Me," the timeless, weeping harmonies of Jon and Richie in "It's Hard," - these are best experienced on the original release, where the mastering is far truer to the character of the songs, mixes and performances.

#01 Bon Jovi - Hey God [6:11]
#02 Bon Jovi - Something For The Pain [4:48]
#03 Bon Jovi - This Ain't A Love Song [5:06]
#04 Bon Jovi - These Days [6:28]
#05 Bon Jovi - Lie To Me [5:34]
#06 Bon Jovi - Damned [4:34]
#07 Bon Jovi - My Guitar Lies Bleeding In My Arms [5:42]
#08 Bon Jovi - (It's Hard) Letting You Go [5:52]
#09 Bon Jovi - Hearts Breaking Even [5:07]
#10 Bon Jovi - Something To Believe In [5:26]
#11 Bon Jovi - If That's What It Takes [5:17]
#12 Bon Jovi - Diamond Ring [3:47]
#13 Bon Jovi - All I Want Is Everything [5:16]
#14 Bon Jovi - Bitter Wine [4:34]