[[A woman sits at a desk with a laptop.]] Woman: Aaaa! I'm so bad at estimating how long projects will take. [[A second woman walks on panel.]] Woman 2: Don't panic - there's a simple trick for that: take your most realistic estimate, then double it. Woman: Okay, but: Woman 2: Now double it again. Add five minutes. Double it a third time. Woman: Okay... [[The second figure has her arms in the air. The first runs around screaming.]] Woman 2: 30 seconds have gone by and you've done nothing but double imaginary numbers! You're making no progress and will never finish! Woman: Aaaaaa! Woman 2: Paaaniiic! Woman: Aaaaaaa! {{Title text: Corollary to Hofstadter's Law: Every minute you spend thinking about Hofstadter's Law is a minute you're NOT WORKING AND WILL NEVER FINISH! PAAAAAANIIIIIIC!}}