Ultimate Fantastic Four [EN] [Komiksy]

2009-02-21 16:59:25


 Polski opis

Ultimate Fantastic FourPrzygody Fantastycznej Czwórki tym razem w odmłodnionej wersji, przeniesione do czasów współczesnych. Zaczyna się tak niewinnie - Reed Richards, młody geniusz, którego talent zostaje zauważony przez odpowiednie osoby, trafia do Budynku Baxtera, gdzie w pełni może rozwinąć skrzydła swoich umiejętności. Jego marzeniem jest przenieść się, a co za tym idzie, eksplorować równoległe do naszego wymiary. Nie wie jednak, że jego marzenie przyniesie ze sobą konsekwencje, nie tylko dla niego, ale również dla jego przyjaciół.

Scenariusz:różni autorzy
Rysunki:różni autorzy
Jakość skanów:różna, kolor

 English description

Ultimate Fantastic FourOn a tour of the think tank, Reed was shown a massive viewer of his alternate universe, which they called the N-Zone, where the Baxter Building’s technicians showed him his toys that he sent over the years, floating in space.

Reed continued to work at the Baxter Building, alongside its head, Dr. Franklin Storm, and became very close friends to his daughter, Susan Storm, and her brother, Johnny. Reed’s project was to use the N-Zone to transport objects from one part of his own universe, to another. Years later, he cracked the necessary calculations, along with the help of an egotistical Victor Van Damme, and they soon prepared to test the transporter in the deserts of Nevada. Reed’s childhood friend, Benjamin Grimm, showed up to watch the trial and find out how his friend continued to avoid having to attend high school and college. But at the last moment, Reed dismissed an argument that Victor put to him regarding their calculations, and the Baxter Building’s scientists were unaware that Victor had changed the proper calculations behind their backs.
When the test commenced, a strange accident occurred, and instead of transporting the apple that they had meant to, the machine transported Reed, Susan, Johnny, Ben, and Victor into the N-Zone, and back out again-where they landed at random points across the globe. Reed appeared next to the transporter, but changed, and the military automatically fired on him, thinking him an alien from the N-Zone.

They soon realized that he had transformed into something fantastic, a barely human being with the ability to stretch any part of his body to amazing lengths. They soon found most of the rest of the group; including Ben; who landed in Mexico and was changed into a super-strong, rocky monster; as well as Johnny; who appeared in France, with the ability to light himself on fire, fly, and emit these flames in powerful blasts.

Quality:different, coloured