A breeze of my work

A simple portfolio, showing some of my best projects


Can't stop being creative, it doesn't matter if it's in programming, DIY, cooking... My brain is always exploding with ideas ready to be applied in the most diverse fields. I like to create projects of my own, here you'll find some of them, but don't hesitate to visit the following links for more articles and code. https://peakd.com/@macrodrigues https://github.com/macrodrigues


Skills Matcher

This was the final project of a data science bootcamp based in Lisbon. Skills Matcher aims to help both recruiters and job seekers with the use of NLP. In this particular case, we used a NER model to identify key labels in job descriptions. Feel free to test the app in the Heroku application: https://skills-matcher-best.herokuapp.com/

Butterfly Detector

This project was aimed to explore CNN. With steps such as data collection, data augmentation and transfer learning. I was able to create an app capable of detecting 11 different species of butterflies. Finally I built an Android APK to play with it. See the code and .apk: https://github.com/macrodrigues/butterfly_detector


I named this GUI plantasia, just like Mort Garson's album. It serves as a tool to store medicinal plants and mushrooms. Check the code in here: https://github.com/macrodrigues/plantasia


  • I used to be a writer when I was around 7 years old. Sometimes I miss those days writing about distant galaxies, aliens and elfs.
  • At 18, the will to have some money for beers and trips, made me a small artisan, selling crafts in the markets and shops of Lisbon.
  • Ever since I became engineer, the crafts were put apart, but the guitar helped me to feed the artistic soul in the meantime.
  • Not so time ago I became I crypto enthusiast (this domain was actually minted on Ethereum), since then I have been spending a healthy amount of my time, learning about Blockchain, DeFi, DAOs, Markets, etc.
  • Currently programming like crazy, either at work or for my own projects. Still do some blogging and trips in my free time.