We visit a bio lab: [[Man and woman visit a bio lab where they look into a tank that the scientists point at.]] Scientist- "These are cuttlefish." [[Image of a cuttlefish]] They're frighteningly smart, have manipulating arms and tentacles, have ink jets, can dart backwards and see the polarization of light through their w-shaped pupils. And their sides are 200 dpi display screens which they use for camouflage and communication. Scientist - "When we realized how intelligent they were, we began to teach them. They've advanced quickly. Cuttlefish: GO." [[Cuttlefish float out of the tank at man and woman]] Cuttlefishes- "Kill the physicists... kill the physicists" [[Cuttlefish zap the man and Megan as they fall]] Man- [[Waking up from his sleep]] "Oh god. I knew it." XKCD - Salutes Bio Majors [[Bottle is pouring into a flask, and a man takes the flask and drinks from it]] If we join you against the chemists, will you train your fleshy minions to leave us alive? {{Alt-Text: Unless the CS Majors finish the robot revolution before you finish the cephalopod one}}