Character #1 [[Raising his hands]]: We are the knights who say... Ni!! Two guys and a girl: hahaha [[written]] Does anyone else find it funny that decades later, people are still groting --word-for-word-- a group loved for its mastery of shock, the unexpected and defiance of cocnvention? [[Two guys looking at a third]] Third guy: We are the knights who... Oh, God, I'm so sorry [[Close up to Third guy's face]] Third guy: So sorry the car just came too fast and [[Words crumpled inside the panel, there's barely enough space for the third guy]] Third guy: She was right there and I sasw her and then it was a blur and so much I ran to help didn't know she wasn't moving I'm so sorry ... so sorry [[Same two guys looking again at the third guy]] Third guy: Anyway, yeah, knights who say "Ni". [[Written centered, in markee format]] Honor < u> Monty Python: Promote surreal humor. {{Tag: I went to a dinner where there was a full 10 minutes of Holy Grail quotes exchanged w...}}