[[White Hat guy and another person are walking along.]] WH: In Jurassic World , we've used genetic engineering to invent a better Dinosaur. OP: Tyrannosaurus is the most charismatic animal that ever lived, and you think you'll upstage it? [[They continue to walk along.]] WH: Tyrannosaurus was cool, but it's two decades old! OP: I think it's a little older than that. [[As they walk along, White Hat points up at something in front of them.]] WH: We took Tyrannosaurus and we improved it. Made it scarier, deadlier, smarter. == Look- there it is! [[The pair are dwarfed in comparison to the T-Rex from Dinosaur Comics.]] {{Title text: Hey guys! What's eating you? Ha ha ha it's me! Oh, what fun we have.}}