[[A character is posed in a series of positions across a landscape. The implication is that the character is progressing forward in time towards the right side of the panel.]] I love these dreams [[The character leaps into the air, the word 'jump' above them.]] Each jump is a little longer [[They leap down a small incline, traveling a fair distance.]] Each push off the ground a little softer [[The character leaps a third time.]] Until I [[The character does not touch the ground again.]] G L I D E [[The character continues to hover over the landscape, above scrub grass, a wind barrier, sand dunes, and a beach. Birds can be seen in the distance as the character drifts out to sea.]] [[The character passes a small fish jumping.]] Character: ...I hope this is a dream. {{Title text: I hope I'm at least following the curve of the Earth around to land ...}}