Death Spiral Press

Psycho Politics ov Predation

“First Liber 333”

Originally compiled in 2009, this book was the first of two prototypes for what would later be rebranded and published in 2013 under the title “Liber 333”.

After the subsequent prototype was finalized, which was much larger and closer in design to the Liber 333 published through Czar Azag-Kala’s publishing front “MP”, Psycho-Politics ov Predation was set to be put to print via the auspices of NSK’s old publishing house; The Black Press.

Liber 333, in fact only deviated slightly in content and design from the aforementioned final print ready (second prototype) version of “PPOP”.

For the purpose of preserving the archival history of the genuine Noctulian Blood Family as it was, we have decided to publish this previously un-released and original (first draft) prototype for all you Tempel ov Blood, die-hard blood pool legions; the DISCIPLES OV THE LASH.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Psycho Politics ov Predation

Hostility - Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister

Issue Three: Man's Usefulness Ends Not In Death

We present the third installment of our wamphyric circular for the Cult of Abhartach: Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister.

The publication offers a dark synthesis of Traditional Satanism, Black Vampyrism and techniques rooted in Monarch Programming - whereby the poison-laced chalice of Choronzon is offered unto all those desiring the nectar of Transcendental Predation.

May you commune, ascend and breakthrough.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Hostility #3

Liber Noctis - Book of the Black Dragon

Death Spiral Press presents for the first time, the compendium of Coven Nachttoter's literary primordium. Coven Nachttoter was the central organ of the 90's era North American vampire temple known as Black Order of the Dragon.

This dark and historic tome provides the initiate with the necessary instructional praxis, education and philosophical bricks, with which to lay the foundation for their bloodstained and wyrdful path of Predatory Spirituality.

Included herein are the following core vampiric manuscripts from the Coven Nachttoter: Book of Wamphyri and Shadows, The Shadow Tradition; and the highly coveted English translation of The Art of Wamphyrism.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Liber Noctis

Codex Karnac - Black Bhakti & the Nectar of Noctulian Devotion

The following compilation of MSS were written by the original “Blood Father” and founding member of the ToB which reveal the authentic gnosis, ethos and praxis of the 7 Fold Vampiric Way prior to the organization being tainted, tarnished and defiled internally by degenerate hubris, federal informants and hedonist trash; those whom sought to exploit the Tempel for their own deplorable pleasures and self-serving gratuitous profanities.

Attention: this book is for educational purposes and historical context.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Codex Karnac

Wamphyri - The Vampire Undead Texts

In the writings of Tempel Azagthoth, the ethos of the Black Vampire is manifested and made accessible through an eclectic black magical practice. First appearing in the 1990s, the now defunct temple has brought together various aspects and strands of vampiric lore, whether from Eastern Europe, Sumer or India, and placed them at the service of the vampiric practitioner seeking the sinister, ghastly and all-transgressive transmutation into one of the Dark Immortals.

Click cover to order, or order here.


Hostility - Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister

Issue Two: The Hand That Cracks The Whip Rules The World

As a follow up to the inauguration of HOSTILITY, we present the sequel for our circular of the wamphyric Cult of Abhartach: Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister

The publication offers a dark synthesis of Traditional Satanism, Black Vampyrism and techniques rooted in Monarch Programming - whereby the poison-laced chalice of Choronzon is offered unto all those desiring the nectar of Transcendental Predation.

May you commune, ascend and breakthrough.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Hostility #2

Hostility - Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister

Issue One: Something Wicked This Way Comes

HOSTILITY - The newly inaugurated circular of the wamphyric Cult of Abhartach: Journal of Black Vampyrism & the Sinister - Issue One.

The publication offers a dark synthesis of Traditional Satanism, Black Vampyrism and techniques rooted in Monarch Programming - whereby the poison-laced chalice of Choronzon is offered unto all those desiring the nectar of Transcendental Predation.

May you commune, ascend and breakthrough.

Click cover to order, or order here.

Hostility #1

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