Nathan K.M. Bowie

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My Book:

Every day it seems theres something new in the news regarding information or the lack thereof. Many countries are becoming more authoritarian in how they censor their society. Asking the wrong, perhaps even innocent, questions may just put you on a watch list, and you can forget about sharing details of''wrongdoings' else face the consequences. Okay, maybe a bit hyperbolic, especially in most western nations. But hey, if Harvard and Princeton are implementing pseudonymity to discuss Chinese politics for fear of political persecution then digital anonymity might not be such a bad skill to learn.

In this book youll find 80 straightforward pages of instructions that will allow you to set up an ideally secure computer system that will then allow you to use free and open source software to access the internet and similar communications both securely and anonymously, as well as the ability to locally encrypt your data to prevent unwanted recoveries'. This involves regular uncensored web, email/web-based communications, phone services, file sharing, payments, and more. Instead of the usual Install Tor on your personal machine you will find on many articles and books this will delve a bit deeper and focus on more serious security. No conspiracy BS, no off the grid mentality, certainly no claims that all information should be leaked, and overall a theme of remaining ethical.

Amazon Link: How to Leak Documents and Surf the Web Anonymously: Becoming Anonymous


My Videos:

I also keep a YouTube channel which covers everything from Tutorials, Crypto Speculation, Information Security, and more. You can find it here. Additionally, I am also mirroring the content on DTube & Hive if you are on those crypto based networks or interested in checking them out.


About Me:

Hi, wanna here about me? No? Well I'm gonna tell you anyway.

I'm Nate. Im from Buffalo NY and I am early twenties. I enjoy the outdoors, I like to read, and Im a strong supporter of the oxford comma. I'm also a certified hacker (yes, thats really a thing) and self identified grey hat hacker, and additionally I am about to become a self published author.

I do not know if I can really call myself an expert in digital security. I have talked to the real experts with decades of experience and who had to explain in detail their role just so I could understand what they do. In the world of indie publishing everyone says you need to paint yourself as an expert in order to be respected in your genre, but I dont like calling myself something Im not sure I really am. Nevertheless, I am very much qualified to write a book on the end-user application of the tools that I cover through both experience and education.

If you're wondering about my pen name, I chose Nathan because it is my first name, Bowie after the famous (or perhaps infamous) American Senator who died fighting at the Alamo and his "screw this I'll do what I want" persona, and K.M., standing for Kevin Mcfee, which is a bit of an inside joke between me and my brother.

If you're interested you can check out works by me to find my book, or you can check out my YouTube Channel where I post updates about my works, random opinions, tutorials, and memes. Finally, you can find me on twitter @NathanBowie6.