# FUND MainNet Network Upgrade ## 1-init_ibc **MainNet ONLY** The MainNet network will be upgraded to use the latest `und` application, v1.6.x, which upgrades the Cosmos SDK to the v0.45.x branch, implements IBC v3, and has several improvements and fixes for the BEACON, WrkChain and Enterprise modules. This is a scheduled upgrade that will occur automatically via the `upgrade` module at the height specified below: **Upgrade Height:** 2002620 **Upgrade Plan Name:** 1-init_ibc **Predicted Upgrade Time:** Wed Oct 19 2022 11:00:00 AM (GMT) The predicted date/time for this block is an **approximation**. The actual time may vary by a couple of hours either way due to fluctuating block times. The upgrade will happen in-place, such that validators will **not** be required to export and migrate a new genesis. The recommended method for handling this and future upgrades is via Cosmovisor. In order to prepare Cosmovisor for the upgrade, node operators will need to implement two processes on all nodes: 1. Migrate `und` to be managed by `cosmovisor` A guide to migrating to Cosmovidor for MainNet in preparation for the upgrade can be found here: https://github.com/unification-com/mainnet/blob/master/cosmovisor.md, or here: https://docs.unification.io/mainchain/migrations/cosmovisor.html 2. Configure the binaries and `cosmovisor` directories for the upgrade A guide to setting up the required binaries and directory structure for the `1-init_ibc` upgrade can be found here: https://github.com/unification-com/mainnet/blob/master/1-init_ibc_upgrade.md, or here: https://docs.unification.io/mainchain/migrations/1-init_ibc_upgrade.html The above should be implemented on **all** nodes (Validators, Sentries, RPCs, Seeds etc.) before block **2002620**. Manual upgrade is possible, but may incur additional time and effort for the node operator.