Reggie And The Full Effect - Songs Not To Get Married To (2005) (MP3 VBR ~220 kbps) [Muzyka zagraniczna]

2005-06-23 23:54:53


 Polski opis

Typ : LP Advance
Gatunek : Synth, Metal, Emo
Rok Wydania : 29.05.2005
Jakość : MP3 VBR ~220kbps Stereo
Okładki : -
Releaser : RTB

Synth, Metal, Emo, Punk, HC, Techno, Pop (w tej kolejności). Hmm... a może lepiej w skrócie? Dlaczego nie ochrzcić tej mieszanki gatunków właśnie Reggie And The Full Effect? Bo nie wmówicie mi, że jest ktoś lepszy w takim mixie. Do rzeczy.

James Dewees, były członek Coalesce (słyszał ktoś? :D) i Get Up Kids (a o tym? ;)) postanowił założyć w 1998 roku grupę grającą połączenie elektronicznego brzmienia i melodyjnego hardcore'u. W tym samym roku na świat wyszła ich płytka o enigmatycznej nazwie Greatest Hits 84-87. Potem był Promotional Copy, płyta nader wybitna, następnie Under The Tray, z którego niektórzy mogą znać utwór 'Congratulations Smack + Katy' (OST z Burnouta 3), który BTW jest chyba ich najlżejszym kawałkiem :). W 2005 roku ukazało się Songs Not To Get Married To. Skąd ta nazwa? James ostatnio się rozwodził, z dość negatywnym wynikiem dla jego psychiki. Postanowił wylać swe żale w tekstach kawałków do tej płyty. No i wyszło. Można prawie czuć ból, wsłuchując się w te prawie wiersze (Caving).

Co do płyty, jest świetna. Rozpoczyna ją już dzieło sztuki, grindująco-klawiszowy 'What The Hell is Contempt?', by przejść do melodyjnego (dzięki elektronicznemu 'posmakowi') 'Get Well Soon', następnie lirycznego 'Caving' do znowu metalowo-świnio-charcząco-prowokującego 'The Trooth'. A potem przerywnik (Reggie and the Full Effect - Voted best smelling Reggie in North Alabama :D) i znowu elektroniczno-popowe 'Take Me Home, Please'. Potem balladki i 'Love Reality' - techniawa jak się masz :D. Dobra wiadomość - znów głos dał Hungary Bear, no i oczywiście wyszło to piosence 'Deathnotronic' na dobre, piknie, wręcz industrialowo się robi (może nie w stronę NINu, może bardziej Mindless Self Indulgence). Doskonałe "Slayero-podobne riffy" towarzyszą nam jeszcze do samego końca.

Jak oceniać taki majstersztyk? Jest na pewno dużo poważniejszy niż poprzednie płyty, chociaż nie zabrakło tak znanego z poprzednich produkcji zespołu humoru. Płyta się nie nudzi, sporadyczne 'chrząkanie' nie przeszkadza zbytnio, jest zróżnicowanie. Teksty są świetne. No, mi się podoba. A jak wam? Przekonajcie się :) Namawiam serdecznie.

 English description

Type : LP Advance
Genere : Synth, Metal, Emo
Year : 29.05.2005
Quality : MP3 VBR ~220kbps Stereo
Covers : -
Releaser : RTB

On Reggie and the Full Effect's new record, Songs Not To Get Married To, James Dewees is ready to come clean about his role as songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and mad scientist behind Reggie and the Full Effect. "Paco's dead now," proclaims Dewees, AKA Reggie, AKA Paco, AKA Klause from Common Denominator, AKA Fluxuation. "This record's more about me getting divorced; about working really hard for a really long time, then having everything taken away from you for no reason whatsoever other than somebody has the power to do it," he says. "Big man crushes small man syndrome." Granted, the history of the band's comical antics, song titles such as "The Fuck Stops Here," and the record's seemingly too-literal-to-be-true title might lead one to believe that Dewees merely jests about his inspiration for Songs Not To Get Married To. But Dewees insists that he is all too sincere about the theme for his latest masterpiece. The album opens with "What the Hell is Contempt?" a song, he says, inspired by his divorce court proceedings. "They called me up and said that were going to sue me for contempt," remembers Dewees. "And I was like 'what the hell is contempt?'" I don't even know what it is and I'm going to get sued for it."

But don't get out your handkerchief just yet. Songs Not to Get Married To, isn't all seriousness. Songs like the grinding metal number "The Trooth,"—which Dewees says is "about me having to go get a tooth pulled in the middle of recording. I tried to save it but they threw the tooth away. It was fucking gross."— and the dance-y "Dethnotronic" featuring Common Denominator and Hungary Bear, as well as snippets like "Guess Who's Back" and "Laura's Australian Dance Party" are all classic Reggie: switching genres at the drop of a hat, mixing irreverence and humor with razor-sharp guitars and sugar-coated melodies. And like Under the Tray, Songs Not To Get Married To was recorded at producer Ed Rose's Black Lodge Studios in Kansas, and includes guest spots by what Dewees refers to as his "all star friends," including Ryan and Robert Pope of The Get Up Kids, Benjamin Perri of From Autumn to Ashes, and Sean Ingram and Cory White from Coalesce. "I can always call in my all-star friends to help me out when I need them," says Dewees with a laugh. "With everybody being from the same small scene, we're all friends. Even as the scene is getting bigger, our friendships are all still like they were before. We all go out and get drunk together and bum cigarettes and money from each other all the time."

Though there is still the requisite silliness and genre-melding that fans of Reggie and the Full Effect have come to expect, Song Not To Get Married To is nevertheless a cathartic, one might even say serious record, at least by Reggie standards. "Everybody who's heard it so far has noticed that it was more serious," agrees James Dewees. "There's actually lyrics and songs not just about girls running away." But there are also plenty of fake accents, techno dance beats and Slayer-esque metal riffs to allay any concerns that Reggie has gone totally straight. "It’s still Reggie," says Dewees. "There's still the humor there, it's just taking things a little more serious, doing it a little bit more subtly."

Songs Not To Get Married To is a look at the man behind the curtain, the record that finally proves once and for all that James Dewees is Reggie and the Full Effect, and that Reggie and the Full Effect is, in fact, James Dewees. Such a personal record deserves a personal bio, or at least a personal end to a regular bio. So here is a message from James Dewees, AKA Reggie, to you, the recipient of this bio. The message is as follows: "This is my new record. It is a little less silly than the last three, but I recently got divorced and lost everything so I don't have much to celebrate these days. However, I am still a happy camper, just single camping now. I hope you enjoy the new record and if my ex-wife is one of those unknown people who gets one of these bios…wow, you scored hella good huh?"

01. Reggie And The Full Effect - What The Hell Is Contempt [3:13]
02. Reggie And The Full Effect - Get Well Soon [3:34]
03. Reggie And The Full Effect - What The Hell Is Stipulation [3:48]
04. Reggie And The Full Effect - Caving [4:09]
05. Reggie And The Full Effect - The Trooth [2:40]
06. Reggie And The Full Effect - Guess Who's Back [0:36]
07. Reggie And The Full Effect - Take Me Home, Please [4:10]
08. Reggie And The Full Effect - Thanks For The Misery [3:46]
09. Reggie And The Full Effect - The Fuck Stops Here [3:43]
10. Reggie And The Full Effect - Love Reality [2:49]
11. Reggie And The Full Effect - Laura's Australian Dance Party [1:32]
12. Reggie And The Full Effect - Deathnotronic [2:23]
13. Reggie And The Full Effect - Playing Dead [4:15]