Cryptoeconomy for Science & Research
9-10 May 2018
Zürich / Zug
Prof. Lawrence Rajendran, Dr. Martin Etzrodt
Twin symposium together with SPONBC2018
***The unconference evolved away from its initial intention and division in a publishing part and cryptoeconomy part – which is great! – now it will span the whole bandwith of blockchain for science in all locations. We are very excited that we can bring many blockchain for science projects and likeminded people to the table. Please be advised that networking, socialising, etc. will be an important part. The program is intentionally unstructured in parts so that the community can take over ***
The token and cryptoeconomy, ICOs, etc. are a hot topic. Grown structures around value and value transfer are questioned. Even the existence of banks is questioned… Well, in any case, science and knowledge creation will be affected by it as well. From ICO crowdfunding to tokenization of inventions, patents, and such a like are emerging and a very interesting field.
On the long term, blockchain will make it possible to open up current silos and fix media breaches in knowledge creation. Ideally, financing, research, publishing will become a continuous and open process. While the Web 2.0 for science made larger parts of the research process open, research money distribution was not significantly affected by it. This is easily understandable, because, technically the service Web 2.0 provider could alter altmetrics or attributions and money provider couldn`t trust them not to do so. With blockchain this will change and hence the cryptoeconomy for science bears hugh potential to really influence the scientific conduct. For the first time, a ‘tech’ revolution will affect science funding.
The aim of this 2 day unconference is to coordinate efforts in the realm of the emerging cryptoeconomy for science.
Unconference (9th May, Day 1 in Zürich: Prof. Lawrence Rajendran)
Meeting location: c/o, Bahnhofstrasse 3, Zürich, close to Zürich mainstation.
Start 8:45, 13:00-14:00 lunch break.
Lenght of talks: About 15-20 min plusdiscussions, all common data formats can be used (PPT, keynote, PDF), there will be a laptop available (Mac with PPT), but if you want, you can bring your own. Wifi will be available. Upload presentations anytime using google drive link below or use an USB stick.
08:45 Welcome, house-keeping (Lawrence Rajendran)
9:00 Opening Lecture, Sciencematters & Blockchain (Thomas Bocek, Lawrence Rajendran) & discussion
9:50 Quick overview of the first two days in Vienna (Sönke Bartling)
10:00-11:30 Session I: Tokenized research platforms
- “Fractal flows: putting scientific knowledge at the service of society” (Imad Abdallah)
- “Decentralized rewarding models for Knowledge creation” (Alex Shkor)
10:30: Keynote: “Excellence by Nonsense? Absurd Competitions in Science” (Mathias Binswanger)
11:30-13:00 Lunch break
13:00-14:30 Session II: ICOs et al for science funding
- ICOs for science projects and meta science projects (tbd)
- Continuous financing methods (tbd)
- Task group: Good practices for ICOs for science projects (Sönke Bartling)
- “Investing into the scientific value… novel value propositions for science and knowledge creation” (Sönke Bartling)
- ….
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00 – 17:30 Thinktank and workshop on how to collaborate
e.g. presentations of work groups from Open Science Ecosystem
- Science publication standards
- Decentralized peer-review
- Reputation systems for open science
- Scientific claim consensus
- Open science expansion
- Funding & Intellectual property
- New collaboration tools
- Legacy interoperability
17:30-18:30 Apero (swiss fingerfood and networking, provided)
18:30 – 19:30 Public meetup with open doors – will be announced separately via meetup-App
18:30 Quick intro to Blockchain (for Open Science) (Sönke Bartling)
18:45 “Sciencematters” (Prof. Dr. Lawrence Rajendran, Prof. Dr. Thomas Bocek)
19:15 “Collaborative Research – Killer App for Blockchain” (Martin Etzrodt)
Closing remarks by Daniel Gasteiger, CEO of Procivis, Trust Square, Blockchain Swiss Made
Social (tbd)
Excursion to Zug (10th of May, Day 2: Dr. Martin Etzrodt)
Lenght of talks: About 15-20 min plusdiscussions, all common data formats can be used (PPT, keynote, PDF), there will be a laptop available (Mac with PPT), but if you want, you can bring your own. Wifi will be available. Upload presentations anytime using google drive link below or use an USB stick.
Meeting location:
We will meet Thursday at 8 am in Zürich mainstation, under the train billboard inside at a cubic clock, we will take the 8:21 train (S24) direction Zug from Zürich main station from track 4.
In case you are late come to: Validity Labs, Postplatz 1, 6300 Zug, Switzerland
9:30-9:45 Welcome and Housekeeping (Martin Etzrodt)
AKASHA: A decentralised social media network (Mihai Alisie, AKASHA Founder & Ethereum Co-founder)
- Science incentivation structures today and what should change (Lambert Heller)
- (Lawrence Rajendran)
- Orvium.IO (Manuel Martin Marquez Big Data Project Leader at CERN)
10:30-10:45 Coffee break
10:45-12:30 Session II: Collaboration and Cooperation
- “How we can work together and what it is there at the moment” (Pierre-Elouan Rethore, will be replaced by Imad)
- Show case of task groups, by representative of each group
12:30-13:30 Lunch break
13:30 Free Session IV: Formal foundation of task groups with foto shooting at the lake, walking discussions, networking, optional boat trip, Facebook check-in ‘We have been to the cryptovalley’, coffee at the lake
(See this document on an overview on Blockchain For Science projects)
(Program is prelimnary and subject to changes, if you want to show case your project, etc. please let us know – everyone is welcome, there will be open mic)
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