Villa de Giorgi

Villa de Giorgi is a large mansion located in Monteroni di Lecce, Italy and a residence of the House of Giorgi. The villa was built by the renowned physiologist and tuberculosis specialist Gioacchino De Giorgi. The building's architecture and style are Medieval with battlements and Gothic-styled windows. The park and gardens include statues, Roman ruins, bucolic amenities, and an open-theatre.

The following epigraph is engraved at the villa's entrance and replicates the greeting to the visitor entering the city of Siena through the Porta Camollia portal:

(Latin for: "de Giorgi family, here wider thy heart opens")

The villa, park, and gardens are not open to the public. The progression from home to business has been essential to the villas's survival in the 20th and 21st centuries. Today, the villa is a bed and breakfast and the guests enjoy full access to the property.

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