Truncated tetraheptagonal tiling

Truncated tetraheptagonal tiling

Poincaré disk model of the hyperbolic plane
TypeHyperbolic uniform tiling
Vertex configuration4.8.14
Schläfli symboltr{7,4} or
Wythoff symbol2 7 4 |
Coxeter diagram
Symmetry group[7,4], (*742)
DualOrder-4-7 kisrhombille tiling

In geometry, the truncated tetraheptagonal tiling is a uniform tiling of the hyperbolic plane. It has Schläfli symbol of tr{4,7}.


Poincaré disk projection, centered on 14-gon:


Truncated tetraheptagonal tiling with mirror lines.

The dual to this tiling represents the fundamental domains of [7,4] (*742) symmetry. There are 3 small index subgroups constructed from [7,4] by mirror removal and alternation. In these images fundamental domains are alternately colored black and white, and mirrors exist on the boundaries between colors.


See also

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