Tafsir Zia ul Quran

It is a Quran Tafsir written by Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari. He was a Sunni scholar specialized in the Hanafi Fiqh . He also belonged to the Chishti Sufi order. It has been published in 5 volumes.[1]


Mostly the names of Islamic texts are kept in Arabic , even if the text is in a non Arabic language. Following this de facto rule, Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari named his book, which is also considered as his magnum opus as "Diya ul Quran fi Tafsir ul Quran" meaning The light of Quran in the Exegesis of Quran, commonly referred to as Diya ul Quran or Zia ul Quran.[2]


This book won the hearts of the scholars as well as the masses for its simple yet complete tone making it easy to understand for the public . In this tafsir he heavily quoted the Quran itself as well as the authentic Ahadith. He also mentioned the lexigraghic, morphologic and the grammatical points whilst also quoting relevant historical narratives pretaining to Asbab ul Nuzul. His tafsir is considered as one of the most important 20 th Century Sunni tafasir.[3]


This book was compiled in the author's life . It was later recompiled and published in five volumes by a newly founded publishing house name after the tafsir—The Zia Ul Quran Publishers.


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