Structure of the French Army

The structure of the French Army is fixed by Chapter 2 of Title II of Book II of the Third Part of the Code of Defense, notably resulting in the codification of Decree 2000-559 of 21 June 2000.[1]

Chief of the Defense Staff of the Armed Forces

The Chief of Staff of the French Army (Chef d'état-major de l'armée de terre,C.E.M.A.T) is a direct subordinate of the Chief of the Defence Staff of the Armed Forces (Chef d'État-Major des Armées,C.E.M.A).

In terms of Article R.3222-3 of the Code of Defence,[2] the Army comprises:

Structure of the French Army (click to enlarge).

Chief of Staff of the French Army

Land Forces Command

The CFT (Commandement des Forces Terrestres or Land Forces Command) commands the two divisions and the four specialized commands.

French Army

Army Light Aviation
Armoured Cavalry
Troupes de marine
French Foreign Legion
Chasseurs alpins
List of current regiments
Structure of the French Army
Chief of Staff of the French Army
Modern Equipment
Military history of France
List of senior officers of the French Army
Ranks in the French Army
Croix de guerre
Médaille militaire
Légion d'honneur

Corps de Réaction Rapide - Rapid Reaction Corps

1re division – 1st Division

Based in Besançon.

7e brigade blindée – 7th Armoured Brigade

Based in Besançon.

9e Brigade d'Infanterie de Marine - 9th Marine Infantry Brigade

Based in Poitiers.

27e brigade d’infanterie de montagne – 27th Mountain Infantry Brigade

Based in Varces.

Brigade franco-allemande – Franco-German Brigade

Main article: Franco-German Brigade

Based in Müllheim, Germany

French contribution:

3e division – 3rd Division

Based in Marseille. Carries the traditions of the 3rd Algerian Infantry Division.

2e brigade blindée – 2nd Armored Brigade

Based in Illkirch-Graffenstaden.

6e brigade légère blindée – 6th Light Armoured Brigade

Legionnaires in parade uniform

Based in Nîmes.

11e brigade parachutiste – 11th Parachute Brigade

8th RPIMa insignia

Based in Balma.

Commandement du renseignement – Intelligence Command

Based in Strasbourg.

Commandement des systèmes d'information et de communications – Information and communication systems Command

Based in Cesson-Sévigné.

Commandement de la logistique – Logistics Command

Armoured medical transportation vehicle

Based in Lille.

Commandement de la maintenance des forces - Maintenance Command

Based in Lille and Versailles.

Other Commands

Commandement de l'Aviation légère de l'Armée de terre - Army Light Aviation Command

The Aviation légère de l’Armée de terre (ALAT) controls the army's light aviation units and training establishments. ALAT is headquartered at Vélizy-Villacoublay.

4e brigade d'aérocombat - Air-Combat Brigade

Based in Clermont-Ferrand :


The Commandement des Opérations Spéciales (Special Operations Command, COS) is the command, which coordinates the use of the French special forces of all military branches (Army, Navy, Air Force and Gendarmerie). The Special Forces units of the French Army are united in the Commandement des forces spéciales terrestres (Army Special Forces Command, COM FST).

Commandement des forces spéciales terrestres - Army Special Forces Command

Based in Pau.

Commandement de la Légion étrangère - Foreign Legion Command

Based in Aubagne.

Commandement pour le territoire national - National territory Command

Commandement de la formation et de l'entrainement interarmes - Training Command

Direction centrale de la Structure intégrée du maintien en condition opérationnelle des matériels terrestres - Industrial maintenance Service

Based in Versailles.

Army units permanently deployed overseas

Africa and Middle East


French Guiana

Indian Ocean

Pacific Ocean


  1. "Version du décret avant abrogation" (in French). Retrieved 2013-01-25.
  2. CDEF(R), no. R3222-3 Code de la défense, art. R.3222-3
  3. CDEF(R) no. R1212-4, Code de la défense, art. R.*1212-4.
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