State park (Brazil)

A state park (Portuguese: Parque Estadual) in Brazil is a legally defined type of protected area operated by one of the states. Their goal is to preserve important or beautiful natural ecosystems. Public access is allowed subject to regulations defined by the responsible agency.


State parks fall under the same regulations as national parks, defined by law 9.985 of July 2000.[1] The park's basic objective is preservation of natural ecosystems of great ecological relevance and scenic beauty. This enables the conduct of scientific research and the development of educational activities and environmental interpretation, recreation in contact with nature and eco tourism. The park is publicly owned, and private areas included in its limits will be expropriated when it is established. Public visitation is subject to the rules and restrictions set out in Unit Management Plan, rules established by the body responsible for its administration, and those provided for by regulation. Scientific research requires prior authorization from the agency responsible for managing the unit and is subject to conditions and restrictions established by the agency.[1]

State parks are classed as IUCN protected area category II (national park). They are administered by the government institute of each state responsible for the environment.[2] For example, in São Paulo they are administered by the Instituto Florestal (Forest Institute) and in Rio de Janeiro by the Instituto Estadual do Ambiente (State Environment Institute).[2]


Name State Area (ha) Created Biome
Acaraí Santa Catarina 6,667 2005 Atlantic Forest
Águas Quentes Mato Grosso 1,487 1978 Cerrado
Araguaia Mato Grosso 223,170 2001
Bacanga Maranhão 2,634 1980 Amazon
Boguaçu Paraná 6,052 1998 Atlantic Forest
Cachoeira da Fumaça Espírito Santo 162 1984 Atlantic Forest
Campina do Encantado São Paulo 3,200 1994 Atlantic Forest
Campos do Jordão São Paulo 8,341 1941 Atlantic Forest
Cantão Tocantins 90,018 1998 Amazon, Cerrado
Canudos Bahia 1,321 1986 Caatinga
Caverna do Diabo São Paulo 40,220 2008 Atlantic Forest
Chandless Acre 695,303 2004 Amazon
Charapucu Pará 65,181 2010 Amazon
Corumbiara Rondônia 384,055 1990 Amazon, Pantanal
Costa do Sol Rio de Janeiro 9,841 Coastal Marine
Cristalino Mato Grosso 66,900 2001 Amazon, Cerrado
Cristalino II Mato Grosso 118,000 2001
Dom Osório Stoffel Mato Grosso 6,422 2002
Encontro das Águas Mato Grosso 108,960 2004 Pantanal
Forno Grande Espírito Santo 730 1998 Atlantic Forest
Graciosa Paraná 1,190 1990 Atlantic Forest
Gruta da Lagoa Azul Mato Grosso 12,513 1999 Cerrado
Guajará-Mirim Rondônia 216,568 1990 Amazon
Guariba Amazonas 72,296 2005 Amazon
Guirá Mato Grosso 100,000 2002
Ibitipoca Minas Gerais 1,488 1973 Atlantic Forest
Igarapés do Juruena Mato Grosso 227,817 2002 Amazon
Ilha Anchieta São Paulo 828 1977 Atlantic Forest
Ilha do Cardoso São Paulo 13,500 1962 Atlantic Forest
Ilha Grande Rio de Janeiro 12,072 1971 Atlantic Forest
Ilha do Mel Paraná 393 2002 Atlantic Forest
Ilhabela São Paulo 27,025 1977 Atlantic Forest
Intervales São Paulo 41,704 1995 Atlantic Forest
Itapuã Rio Grande do Sul 5,566 1973 Coastal Marine
Itaúnas Espírito Santo 3,481 1991 Atlantic Forest
Itinguçu São Paulo 5,040 2006 Atlantic Forest
Jacupiranga São Paulo 150,000 1969 Atlantic Forest
Jalapão Tocantins 158,885 2001 Cerrado
José Inácio da Silva Mato Grosso 66 2000
Lagamar de Cananéia São Paulo 40,758 2008 Atlantic Forest
Lajeado Tocantins 9,931 2001 Cerrado
Mãe Bonifácia Mato Grosso 77 2001
Mananciais de Campos do Jordão São Paulo 503 1993 Atlantic Forest
Massairo Okamura Mato Grosso 51 2000 Cerrado
Mata das Flores Espírito Santo 800 1992 Atlantic Forest
Matas do Segredo Mato Grosso do Sul 178 2000 Cerrado
Matupiri Amazonas 513,747 2009 Amazon
Mirador Maranhão 500,000 1980 Cerrado
Monte Alegre Pará 3,678 2001
Morro do Diabo São Paulo 33,845 1986 Atlantic Forest
Parcel de Manuel Luís Maranhão 45,237 1991 Coastal Marine
Pau-Oco Paraná 905 1994 Atlantic Forest
Paulo César Vinha Espírito Santo 1,500 1990 Atlantic Forest
Pedra Azul Espírito Santo 1,240 1991 Atlantic Forest
Pedra da Risca do Meio Ceará 3,300 1997 Coastal Marine
Pedra Selada Rio de Janeiro 8,036 2012 Atlantic Forest
Pico do Marumbi Paraná 8,745 1990 Atlantic Forest
Pico Paraná Paraná 4,334 2002 Atlantic Forest
Prelado São Paulo 1,828 2006 Atlantic Forest
Quineira Mato Grosso 31 2006
Rio Ivinhema Mato Grosso do Sul 73,345 1998 Atlantic Forest
Rio da Onça Paraná 1,660 1981 Atlantic Forest
Rio Negro North Section Amazonas 146,028 1995 Amazon
Rio Negro South Section Amazonas 86,601 1995 Amazon
Rio do Peixe São Paulo 7,720 2002 Atlantic Forest
Roberto Ribas Lange Paraná 2,698 1994 Atlantic Forest
Rio Turvo São Paulo 73,894 2008 Atlantic Forest
São Camilo Paraná 385 1990 Cerrado
Serra Azul Mato Grosso 11,002 1994
Serra da Baitaca Paraná 3,053 2002 Atlantic Forest
Serra do Conduru Bahia 9,275 1997 Atlantic Forest
Serra de Santa Bárbara Mato Grosso 120,092 1997 Amazon
Serra do Aracá Amazonas 1,818,700 1990 Amazon
Serra dos Martírios/Andorinhas Pará 24,897 1996
Serra do Tabuleiro Santa Catarina 84,130 1975 Atlantic Forest
Serra do Mar São Paulo 315,000 1977 Atlantic Forest
Serra do Papagaio Minas Gerais 22,917 1998 Atlantic Forest
Serra dos Parecis Rondônia 38,950 1990
Serra dos Reis Rondônia 36,442 1995 Amazon
Serra dos Reis A Rondônia 2,244 1996 Amazon
Serra Ricardo Franco Mato Grosso 158,621 1997
Sítio Rangedor Maranhão 121 2005 Amazon
Sucunduri Amazonas 808,312 2005 Amazon
Sumaúma Amazonas 53 2003 Amazon
Terra Ronca Goiás 57,018 1989 Cerrado
Três Picos Rio de Janeiro 46,350 2002 Atlantic Forest
Tucumã Mato Grosso 80,945 2002 Amazon
Utinga Pará 1,393 1993
Vassununga São Paulo 2,071 1970 Cerrado
Vila Velha Paraná 3,122 1966 Cerrado
Xingu Mato Grosso 95,024 2001 Amazon
Xixová-Japuí State Park São Paulo 901 1993 Atlantic Forest

Other state parks include:

  • Albert Löfgren
  • Altamiro de Moura Pacheco
  • Alto Ribeira Tourist
  • Areia Vermelha Marine
  • Baleia
  • Biribiri
  • Caldas Novas
  • Camaquã
  • Caminho dos Gerais
  • Campinhos
  • Caracol
  • Carlos Botelho
  • Cerrado
  • Desengano
  • Dunas
  • Espigão Alto
  • Fonte Grande
  • Fritz Plaumann
  • Furnas do Bom Jesus
  • Grão Mogol
  • Guartelá
  • Ibiporã
  • Itapeva
  • Juqueri
  • Jurupará
  • Laje de Santos Marine
  • Monge
  • Morro do Chapéu
  • Nascentes do Rio Taquari
  • Nova Baden
  • Parati Mirim
  • Paulo Cesar Vinha
  • Pedra Branca
  • Pedra da Boca
  • Pico do Itambé
  • Pico do Jabre
  • Pireneus
  • Porto Ferreira
  • Prosa
  • Quarta Colônia
  • Restinga de Bertioga
  • Rio Doce
  • Rio Preto
  • Rio Vermelho
  • Serra da Canastra
  • Serra da Concórdia
  • Serra da Tiririca
  • Serra do Araça
  • Serra do Cabral
  • Serra dos Martírios/Andorinhas
  • Serra dos Pirineus
  • Serra Dourada
  • Serra Furada
  • Serra Negra
  • Serra Nova
  • Serra do Rola-Moça
  • Sete Passagens
  • Sumidouro
  • Tainhas
  • Torres


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