List of characters and names mentioned in the Quran
Quran |
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List of characters and names, mentioned in Quran. The names are sorted alphabetically. Standard form: Islamic name / Bibilical name (title or relationship).
Non-human life-forms
God in Islam (Allah)
- Israfil
- Izra'il/Azrael (Malak al-Mawt)
- Jibra'il/Gabriel (Al-Ruh al-Amin) & Holy Spirit (Al-Ruh al-Qudus) & Al-Ruh (The Spirit)
- Mika'il/Michael
- Harut and Marut
In Heaven (Jannah)
Prophets and apostles (messengers) of God
- Ādam/Adam
- Alyasa'/Elisha
- Ayyub/Job
- Dawud/David
- Dhul-Kifl/Ezekiel?
- Harun/Aaron
- Hud/Eber?
- Ibrahim/Abraham (Khalilullah)
- Idris/Enoch?
- Ilyas/Elijah
- Imran/Joachim (father of Maryam)
- Isa/Jesus
- Isḥaq/Isaac
- Isma'il/Ishmael
- Isma'il the Truthful (Sadiq-al-Wa'd)
- Lut/Lot
- Muhammad or Ahmad/Paraclete
- Musa/Moses (Kalimullah)
- Nuh/Noah
- Saleh/Shelah?
- Shu'ayb (Shuaib)/Jethro (Reuel, Hobab)?
- Sulayman/Solomon
- Uzair/Ezra
- Yahya/John the Baptist
- Yaqub/Jacob (Israel)
- Yunus/Jonah (Dhul-Nun, Sahib al-Hut)
- Yūsuf/Joseph
- Zakariya/Zechariah
Implicitly mentioned
Good people (before Islam)
Implicitly mentioned
- Asiyah bint Muzahim/Bithiah (wife of Fir'aun)
- Asif ibn Barkhiya (vizier and successor of Sulayman)
- Bilquis (Queen of Saba/Sheba)
- Believer of Fir'aun Family (Hizbil/Hizqil ibn Sabura)
- Beniamin/Benjamin
- Habib the Carpenter (believer of Ya-Sin)
- Kaleb/Caleb (companion of Yusha')
- Khidr
- Magicians of Fir'aun
- Simon Cephas/Simon Peter
Other people (before Islam)
- Āzar (father of Ibrahim)
- Fir'aun/Pharaoh
- Haman
- Jalut/Goliath
- Qarun/Korah (cousin of Musa/Moses)
- Sāmiri/Zimri
Implicitly mentioned
- Abrahah
- Bal'am/Balaam
- Barsisa
- Nebuchadnezzar II
- Nimrod
- Potiphar (Al-Aziz)
- Shaddad
- Simeon (son of Ya'qub)
- Slayers of Saleh's she-camel (Qaddar ibn Salif) & Musda' ibn Dahr)
- Valid ibn Rayyan (king of Egypt in the account of Yūsuf)
- Zuleikha (wife of al-Aziz)
Mentioned people (after Islam)
Specified good relatives
- Daughters of Lut/Lot (Ritha, Za'ura, et al.)
- Elizabeth or 'Ishā' (wife of Zakariya, mother of Yahya)
- Habil/Abel (son of Adam)
- Hawwa'/Eve (wife of Adam)
- Kulthum/Miriam (sister of Musa)
- Ṣaffurah/Zipporah (wife of Musa) & Layya (Saffura's sister)
- Sarah (wife of Ibrahim, mother of Isḥaq)
- Yukabed/Jochebed (mother of Musa)
Non-specified good relatives
- Abiona/Amtelai daughter of Karnebo (mother of Ibrahim)
- Bathsheba (wife of Dawud, mother of Sulayman)
- Daughters of Muhammad
- Hājar/Hagar (wife of Ibrahim, mother of Isma'il)
- Hannah/Anne daughter of Faquz (mother of Maryam, wife of Imran)
- Imran/Amram (father of Musa)
- Lamech (father of Nuh)
- Rāhil/Rachel (wife of Ya'qub, mother of Yūsuf)
- Rahma/Dinah (wife of Ayyub)
- Shamkha bint Anush/Betenos (mother of Nuh)
- Son of Luqman
- Tārah/Terah (father of Ibrahim)
Other relatives
- Brothers of Yūsuf
- Children of Ayyub
- Dead son of Sulaiman
- Muhammad's wives
- Qabil/Cain (son of Adam)
- Umm Jamil (wife of Abu Lahab)
- Wali'ah or Wa'ilah/Waala (wife of Nuh)
- Walihah or Wahilah (wife of Lut)
- Yam or Kan'an (son of Nuh)
Tribes and groups
Tribes and ethnicities
- 'Ād (people of Hud)
- Arab & Ajam
- Children of Israel/Israelites
- Companions of the Rass
- People of Ibrahim
- People of Ilyas
- People of Lut (Mu'tafikat)
- People of Nuh
- People of Saba'/Sheba
- People of Shuaib (people of Madyan & people of Aykah/Wood)
- People of Tubba
- People of Yunus
- Quraysh
- Romans
- Thamud (people of Saleh, companions of Hijr)
- Ya'juj and Ma'juj/Gog and Magog
Implicitly mentioned
- Christian apostles
- Companions of Noah's Ark
- Companions of Sabbath (Aşḥāb al-Sabt)
- Companions of the Cave/Seven Sleepers & Companions of al-Raqaim
- Companions of the Elephant
- People of al-Ukhdūd
- People of the City (People of Ya-Sin)
- People of the Burned Garden (Aşḥāb al-Jannah)
- People of Yathrib & People of Madinah/Medina
- Folk of Dawud
- Folk of Lut
- Folk of Musa & Folk of Harun
- Nation of Nuh
- Progeny of Ibrahim
- Progeny of Imran
- Progeny of Yaqub
- Ulu'l azm prophets
Implicitly mentioned
- Ahl al-Suffa (People of the Verandah)
- Aus & Khazraj
- Copts (People of Fir'aun)
- Hezbollah
- Muhajirun (The emigrants) & Ansar (The helpers)
- People of Mecca
- People of Quba
- Ummah of Islam (Ummah of Muhammad)
Religious groups
- Ahl al-dhimmah (Dhimmi)
- Christians (People of Injil)
- Jews
- Kafir (Infidels)
- Majus
- Munafiq
- Mushrik
- Muslims
- People of the Book (′Ahl al-Kitāb)
- Sabians
- Ahbār (Jewish scholars)
- Qissis (Christian priest)
- Rabbani/Rabbi
- Ruhban (Christian monks)
Other names
- Ahqāf
- Al-Aqsa Mosque
- Arafat & Mash'ar al-Harām
- Bābil/Babylon
- Badr
- Door of Hittah
- Hijr/Hegra
- Holy Land (Palestine & Levant)
- Hunayn
- Iram
- Ka'bah/Kaaba (Bayt al-Harām/Sacred House, Bayt al-'Atīq/Ancient House)
- Madyan/Midian
- Madinah/Medina (formerly Yathrib)
- Majma' al-Bahrain
- Makkah/Mecca (Umm al-Qura, Balad al-Amin), Bakkah)
- Maqām Ibrahim
- Masjid al-Dirar
- Masjid al-Haram
- Mount Judi
- Mu'tafikat (Sodom)
- Rass
- Saba'/Sheba
- Safa and Marwah
- Tur Sinā' /Mount Sinai & Jabal al-Tur
- Egypt
- Valley of Tuwa
Implicitly mentioned
- Antioch
- Ayla
- Barrier of Dhul-Qarnayn
- Bayt al-Muqaddas & 'Ariha
- Black Stone (Al-Ḥajar al-Aswad) & Al-Hijr of Isma'il
- Canaan
- Cave of Hira & Ghar al-Thawr (Cave of the Bull)
- Cave of Seven Sleepers
- Dār al-Nadwa
- Hudaybiyyah
- Jordan River
- Ma'rib Dam
- Masjid al-Nabawi (Prophet's Mosque)
- Mesopotamia
- Nile River
- Nineveh
- Palestine River
- Paradise of Shaddad
- Quba Mosque
- Sinai Desert & Tīh Desert
- Ta'if
Religious locations
Non-human physical entities
Religious texts
- Injil/Gospel (Holy Book of Isa)
- Quran (Holy book of Islam)
- Suhuf-i Ibrahim (Scrolls of Abraham)
- Tawrat/Torah, Suhuf-i-Musa (Scrolls of Moses) & Tablets of Stone
- Zabur (Holy Book of Dawud)
Relate animals
- Cow of Israelites & Golden calf
- Dog of Seven Sleepers
- Fish of Yunis
- Hoopoe of Sulayman
- She-Camel of Saleh
Related objects
- Forbidden fruit of Adam
- Heavenly Food of Christian Apostles
- Noah's Ark
- Staff of Musa
- Tabut al-Sakina (Casket of Shekhinah)
- Throne of Bilqis
- Trumpet of Israfil
- stick of sulaiman
Mentioned idols (cult images)
- Battle of Badr
- Battle of Hunayn
- Battle of Khaybar
- Battle of Tabouk
- Battle of the Trench (Battle of the Confederates)
- Battle of Uhud
- Conquest of Mecca
- Hadith of the Pond of Khumm
- Incident of Ifk
- Layla al-Mabit
- Mubahala
- The Farewell Pilgrimage (Hujja al-Wada')
- Treaty of Hudaybiyyah
- Umrah al-Qaza
- Yawm al-Dār
See also
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