David Thiérrée

David Thiérrée[1] is a French artist born in 1970 in La Rochelle (France). Self-taught, he is contributing since 1989 - 1990 to create images and logos for several Metal bands. For his own band, then for other bands, labels and fanzines worldwide, like Behemoth,[2][3] Mutiilation, Vlad Tepes, Osculum Infame, The Ancients Rebirth, Graveland, Warloghe, Malleus Maleficarum, Anwyl, etc... His works can also be seen on several materials from the following bands : Gorgoroth, Mortiis, Gehenna,[4] etc... Or linked to the promotion of other bands, like Strid, Enslaved,[5][6] etc... Since 2000, he's more focused on classic Fantasy illustration,[7][8][9] and recently came back to artwork for Metal bands. His works have been shown in several exhibitions (France,[10] Belgium, England), and several books are available, in collaboration with Edouard Brasey,[11] Le Pré aux Clercs, Les Moutons électriques,[12] Spootnik éditions, including an artbook,[13][14][15] out in May 2011.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/pages/David-Thi%C3%A9rr%C3%A9e/165504642288
  2. Sventevith (Storming Near the Baltic)
  3. Grom (album)
  4. http://blackmetalmuseum.no/museum
  5. http://www.metalunderground.com/news/details.cfm?newsid=68775
  6. http://avantgarde-metal.com/content/stories2.php?id=226
  7. http://windling.typepad.com/blog/2011/02/on-your-desk-3.html
  8. http://idavoll.e-monsite.com/galerie-des-artistes/david-thierree-virginie-ropars/
  9. http://www.spootnik-editions.com/actualites/page/david-thierree-elu-parmi-les-meilleurs-artistes-de-l-annee-2008
  10. http://littexpress.over-blog.net/article-septiemes-rencontres-de-l-imaginaire-23-24-juillet-2011-84570712.html
  11. http://www.encrenoire.be/livres/fantasy/la-grande-bible-des-fees
  12. http://www.moutons-electriques.fr/auteur.php?a=466
  13. http://autrecotedumiroir.net/david-thierree
  14. http://peuple-feerique.com/2011/06/28/entrez-dans-les-mondes-imaginaires-de-david-thierree/
  15. http://www.khimairashop.com/166-mondes-imaginaires.html
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