Elfdalian alphabet

The Dalecarlian alphabet consists of 32 letters, 25 derived from the Swedish alphabet, and seven additional letters: vowels with an ogonek diacritic, denoting nasality: (Ąą, Ęę, Įį, Ųų, Y̨y̨, and Ą̊ą̊) as well as the consonant Ðð (eð), denoting voiced dental fricative, as 'th' in 'father'. The letters Cc, Qq, Xx and Zz are only used in names and foreign words. The alphabet is used for the Elfdalian language and for other Dalecarlian dialects.


Majuscule forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)
Minuscule forms (also called lowercase or small letters)


External links

See also

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