Comparison of CRM systems

This article is a comparison of notable CRM systems. ERP systems are considered a superset of CRM systems.


Only stable releases are mentioned.

System Creator Last Stable Version Release Date License Implementation language(s) Server Operating System Database backend First Release Date
Adempiere Jorg Janke GPLv2 Java Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac 2006
Base CRM Base CRM 2016 2009 SaaS Ruby on Rails, Python Cloud Computing, iOS, Android, Windows Phone MySQL 2009
bpm'online CRM bpm'online 7.8 2016 SaaS or Proprietary C#, Javascript Cloud Computing, Windows MS SQL, Oracle 2011
Casengo Casengo ? 2013 SaaS Java Cloud Computing MySQL 2012
CiviCRM Dave Greenberg, Donald Lobo, Michal Mach 4.6.8 2015 August 25 AGPLv3 PHP 5.3.x Cross-platform MySQL 2004
Dolibarr Rodolphe Quiedeville, Laurent Destailleur 3.9 March 2016 GPLv3 or SaaS PHP 5.3.x Cross-platform MySQL or PostgreSQL 2003
Dynamics CRM Microsoft 2015 2014 October Proprietary or SaaS .NET, ASP.NET Windows MS SQL 2003
Epesi CRM Telaxus LLC 1.8.0 2016 September 26 MIT PHP 5.x Cross-platform MySQL, PostgreSQL, AdoDB, others 2006
GNU Enterprise FSF GPLv3 Python Linux, Unix, Mac OS X, Windows Firebird/Interbase, MySQL, MaxDB, MS ADO (MS SQL-Server/MS Access), Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, SQLite3, CSV files,DBF files (DBase, XBase etc.), INI style configuration files 2003
Group-Office Intermesh BV 6.2.4 2016 AGPLv3, SaaS and proprietary PHP/Javascript Windows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS MySQL 2003
Neolane Adobe v6 2012 Proprietary or SaaS C++, JavaScript Windows, Linux MS SQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL 2001
Nutshell CRM Nutshell CRM 2014 2014 SaaS PHP Web, iOS, Android MySQL 2010
Pipedrive Pipedrive 2016 2016 SaaS Javascript, PHP Web, iOS, Android MySQL 2011
Pivotal CRM Aptean v6.0.10 2012 Proprietary .NET Windows MS SQL, Oracle 1996
QuickBase[1] Intuit Continuous Development Continuous Development Proprietary, SaaS Java Cloud Computing Proprietary, Oracle 2000
Really Simple Systems Really Simple Systems 2016 2006 SaaS VBScript, JavaScript, ASP Cloud Computing MySQL 2006
SageCRM Sage Group v7.3 2014 Proprietary or SaaS ASP.NET, ASP Windows MS SQL, ORACLE, DB2 1981 Marc Benioff Proprietary APEX (Proprietary Language Java-like) Cloud Computing Proprietary 1999
Streak Aleem Mawani, Omar Ismail Proprietary Java Windows, Mac Google App Engine 2012
SugarCRM John Roberts, Clint Oram, Jacob Taylor 2015 Proprietary or SaaS PHP Cross-platform MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, and Oracle ( IBM DB2 and Oracle only in Sugar Enterprise edition ) 2004
SuiteCRM SalesAgility 7.2.2 2015 AGPLv3 PHP Cross-platform MariaDB, MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server 2013
SuperOffice CRM SuperOffice 7.5 2014 Proprietary C++,C# and ASP.NET Windows SQL Server 1990
TeamLab Ascensio System SIA 2011 GPLv3, SaaS ASP.NET Windows Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Server 2010
TeamWox MetaQuotes Software Corp. 2.0 2011 October Proprietary or SaaS C++ Windows Firebird 2009
Tryton Tryton 4.0 2016 April GPLv3 Python, JavaScript Cross-platform PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite 2008
Vtiger CRM Vtiger CRM 6.5.0 2016 July 5 vtiger Public License 1.2 or SaaS PHP Cross-platform MySQL 2003
WORKetc Daniel Barnett v4.0 2013 SaaS C#, .NET Windows Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Server 2009
Zoho CRM Zoho CRM 2016 2005 SaaS Java Cloud Computing, Cross Platform Proprietary 1999


System Office Integration Multi Lingual Languages Supported Web-Based Time Tracking Attaching Emails to Business Objects Desktop Environment Global Search LDAP Support
Adempiere ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Base CRM Yes Yes de, en, es, fr, nl, pl, pt Yes Yes Yes No Yes No
bpm'online CRM Microsoft Exchange, Google Apps Yes en, ru, cs Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Casengo No Yes en, nl, de, ru Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
CiviCRM ? Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ? ?
Dolibarr A module google is available for customer and agenda sync Yes Over 30 Yes Yes Yes (when email is sent from software) ? Yes Yes
Microsoft Dynamics CRM Yes Yes Yes over 40 Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes with ADFS
Epesi CRM Any type of file attachments Yes ar, bg, cs, da, de, el, en, es, et, fa, fi, fr, he, hr, hu, id, in, it, jp, ko, lt, nl, no, pl, pt, ro, ru, sk, sl, sr, sv, th, tr, vi, zh Yes Yes Yes ? ? ?
GNU Enterprise Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
Group-Office Yes Yes Over 20 languages Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
Nutshell CRM Google Apps, Microsoft Exchange No (English) Yes No Yes ? Yes ?
Pipedrive Yes Yes de, en, es, et, fr, it, no, nl, pl, pt, ru Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Pivotal CRM Yes Yes Yes Web/Windows ? Yes ? Yes Yes
QuickBase Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ? No Yes Yes
Really Simple Systems Yes No en Yes No ? ? ? ?
SageCRM Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes ?[2] Yes Yes en, fi, fr, de, es, it, ja, ko, pt-br, ru, sv, th, zh-cn, zh-tw, da, nl-nl Yes No No No Yes No
Siebel Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes ? ? Yes
Streak via Google Docs Yes de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pl, pt, pt-br, ru, zh-cn Yes No ? ? ? ?
SugarCRM If you use Exchange, Riva provides native support for Snow Leopard Mac iCal, Mail and Address Book and Microsoft Entourage for Mac.[3] Yes 26 languages Yes Yes ? ? Yes Yes
SuiteCRM Via Plugin Yes en, es, ru Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
SuperOfficeCRM Yes Yes cn, de, dk, en, es, fi, fr, it, jp, nl, no, ru, se, zh Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
TeamLab Yes Yes en, de, fr, es, it, ru, lat Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
TeamWox Yes Yes 30 languages Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
Tryton ? Yes bg, ca, cs, de, en, es-ar, es-co, es-es, fr, nl, ru, sl Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
WebCRM Yes Yes en, de, dk, fi, se, nl, no Yes Yes ? ? ? ?
WORKetc Outlook Addon and Google Docs Yes de, en, es, fr, it, nl Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ?
Vtiger CRM Office plugin also outlook. Yes Yes Yes ? Yes ? Yes No
Zoho CRM Outlook & MS Office Yes en, fi, fr, de, es, it, ja, ko, pt-br, ru, sv, th, zh-cn, zh-tw, da, nl-nl Yes Yes Yes ? Yes Yes

See also


  1. "Intuit QuickBase CRM Solutions". Intuit QuickBase.
  2. "Compare Salesforce CRM".
  3. "Real Mac OS X sync - Page 2 - SugarCRM Forums". 2010-04-10. Retrieved 2010-06-05.
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