Border vista

The vista along the Canada–United States border, as seen from a wayside on the Alaska Highway.

A border vista or boundary vista is any defined cleared space between two areas of foliage intended to provide a clear demarcation line between the two areas. Border vistas are most commonly found along undefended international boundary lines and in landscaping.[1]

The best-known border vista is a six-metre (20 ft) cleared space around unguarded portions of the Canada–United States border.[2]

Similar clearings along the border line are provided for by many international treaties. For example, the 2006 border management treaty between Russia and China provides for a 15-meter wide cleared strip along the two nations' border. [3]

See also


  1. Aul, Henry B. How to plan modern home grounds. Sheridan House, 1959. p. 280.
  2. Schiff, Stacy. "Politics Starts at the Border", The New York Times. July 22, 2007. Accessed August 16, 2009.
  3. Соглашение между Правительством Российской Федерации и Правительством Китайской Народной Республики о режиме российско-китайской государственной границы (Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the management of the Russia-China international border)
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