Art of Honduras
Art of Honduras is divided into pre-Columbian, colonial, and post-independence periods. The current art of Honduras was influenced by Mesoamerican pre-Columbian art, by Spanish settlers and African slaves, and by the arrival of Garifuna people in 1797. The population of the country has native, European, and African roots.
Pre-Columbian art
Honduran art before the arrival of Europeans in the 16th century can be divided into cultural zones, formed by various indigenous groups. Two of the zones or cultural geographic regions had greater influence in the current area of Honduras:
- Cultural region Mesoamericana: mainly populated by tribes raising corn
- Cultural region Circuncaribe: mainly populated by hunting and fishing tribes
The cultural expressions of the first cultural had their foundations in the crop of the corn while the second pre-Columbian cultural region based their cultural expressions in the harvesting of fruits, hunting and fishing. The Maya civilization left deep traces in the culture of Honduras, found both in archeological monuments such as Copán as well as in traditions of indigenous groups including the Tolupanes, Chortíes, Lencas, Tawahkas. These cultures developed diverse forms of artistic expression, which still follow discovering and restating the existent paradigms.
Said villages developed of ways very diverse and varied the arts, between them architecture, the rupestrian paintings, ceramics, sculpture, music between others, in addition to diverse sciences like biology, botany, chemistry, medicine, mathematics and astronomy. Varied examples of these works can be observed in the different museums that exist in the country, highlighted at the National Gallery of Art and in the Museum of National Identity.
Colonial art
The arrival of the European colonists wrought a series of radical transformations in the life of the native peoples of the continent and of Honduras, as the arrival of the conquistador gave a dump vertiginous in front of the imposition of the patterns of the invader and of the western Christian culture.
Along with the genocide and physical ethnocide of the native populations, a process of miscegenation that has marked the profile of the population of Honduras, that still affects all the fields of their cultural identity. During the Spanish colonisation, new arts and technical advances flourished in the country, brought by the colonising Europeans and imposed in the forms and styles of native cosmogony that suffered colonial imposition and redesign in the resultant miscegenation, like this in this context of the process of accumulation of capital culminated in the Baroque and Rococo style. Many of these works can be found in the National Gallery of Art. During this period stand out the professional painter José Miguel Gómez, in addition to praises painters Zepeda and Villafranca.[1][2] Two colonial writers are Francisco Carrasco of Saz and Antonio of Paz and Salgado.[3]
Visual arts

The painting in the territory of the current Honduras exists from pre-Columbian times, which finds still in full process of discovery as it has not existed the resources and necessary wills to find these roots of the pre-Columbian culture in Honduras as they show it the recent processes of investigation of the White City in the region of the Mosquitia in the orient of the country.
With the arrival of the colonising European give diverse technicians that entered during the Spanish colonisation and that suffered modifications like effect of the miscegenation that afterwards of the independence deepen even more by endogenous factors and exogenous like effect of the valid transformations in said coyuntura.
The most stood out painters that has had Honduras are José Antonio Velásquez and Carlos Garay, the painter Velásquez, was recognised like the first painter primitivista of America.[4] It exposed his works in EE. UU. And Latin America, as well as in a good number of countries of Europe and Asia. They highlight during the period of consolidation of the State of Honduras painters like Pablo Zelaya Sierra until Arturo López Rodezno.
With a goal of enriching and teaching the future painters of Honduras, the National School of Fine Arts (Honduras) in Comayagüela was founded in 1940.
Architecture and sculpture

The architecture and sculpture from pre-Columbian times in Honduras highlights the Mayan civilisation, several of these works found in the city of Copán, El Ponte and The Naranjos to only mention three ceremonial centres of the civilisation in question still continue discovering works of the native populations as in the case of White City. – In the colonial period highlights in the field of the architecture the directed to the military field of defence like being the Fortresses of the Castle of Saint Fernando in the bay of Omoa and the fortress of Santa Barbara in Trujillo in the department of Colón; in the case of the civil architecture the bridges in the cities of Tegucigalpa and Comayagüela like the Bridge Mallol and in diverse places of the country of big importance in our colonial history which will recognise by his glorious temples in Guarita, other temples of big beauty in the capital of the province Thank you of the department of Lempira and in Comayagua with his more than twenty temples or in Tegucigalpa with his representations of baroque cut American in the most ancient Temple of this city the one of "San Francisco" or in the Cathedral "San Miguel Arcángel" of style American rococo.[5]
In cinema projects the Honduran film-maker Sami Kafati, who produced the short film My Fellow Ángel (1962) and the feature film there is not Earth without Owner (2003). Also they project Vilma Martínez and Mario López with the short films Corn, Copal and Candela, World Garífuna, José Cecilio of the Valley and Ticha Kings (1977–1980). Also Hispanic Durón, producer of the film Anita the hunter of insects (2000), Juan Carlos Fanconi producer of the film Souls of the Midnight (2001) with Mario Jaén; and the recently produced documentary made by Manuel Farias and Vilma Martínez, based in the book of Julio Escoto and musical arrangement of Guillermo Anderson, "Morazán is in the Streets" (2009).
Performing arts
In Honduras historically practises European theatre from the 16th century; the first theatrical presentation in Honduras was the Devil Cojuelo, a work of the dramatist Spanish novelist Luis Vélez of Guevara. The presentation was carried out in the year 1750, in the open air, in the city of Comayagua. It is very little known the development of the art in this period the works of Fr. José Trinidad Kings Seville, founder of the National University and exponent of the movement in defence of the rights of the woman.
With the end of the First World War, in the period of bonanza of the Economy of Enclave, the Theatre went back a need for the groups to be able to and arises the urgency of construction of Theatres, like this with the Mining Enclave establishes the theatre in the city of Saint Juancito and in The Mochito of the mining company and with the Company UFCo of the Enclave Frutero that supports the diets of where will arise the traditional parties establish Theatres to entertain to the village laborante in the fields but is with the diet of the founder of the National Party that initiates the construction of the National Theatre that carries his name Manuel Bonilla Chirinos and the Avellaneda in the city of Comayagüela. At the same time it arises the need of the folk art to express in the art of the tables, resultant of the pressure of the village gives the public education and is in the schools where will go out the first steps of the popular theatre. After the second half of the 20th century highlight among others Miguel Murillo Selva.
Honduras has more than 141 folkloric dances, divided in three cultural areas and representative in its folklore: the creole dances, the autochthonous dances, and afro-caribeñas dances.[6]
Ballet has developed very little in Honduras. However, one of the names that stands out is Daniel Bouquets.
Schools of ballet
Honduras has several schools, among them Ángel Dance Academy, in San Pedro Sula, directed by Daniel Bouquets who studied in Costa Rica and obtained his degree in classical ballet, where fungió like first dancer of the Company Free Dance. He began his work as director of Angel Dance Academy in June 2011, and since has made successful presentations, titled Dancing with the Angels, Fantasies in black and white, Retro Dance, The House of Santa, the technician that uses is of the 0Royal Academy of Dance.
In May 2014 a group of students of the Centre Sampedrano of Artistic Education, (Censea) won the medal of titanium for choreography Can-Can during the tournament Sheer Talent in Costa Rica.[7] H
The music has developed from Pre-Columbian periods, the ancient Mayans already had his own musical instruments like the aerófonos and the frogs of mud of Yaxchilan. During the colonial period received new musical influences and afterwards of the independence of Centre America continued the crop of the music in Honduras, begins to rescue the music and traditional instruments.
In 1936 the National Conservatoire of Music Francisco R. Díaz Zelaya was founded. In 1984 approves the incorporation of the national conservatoire of music to the national educational system, his graduates obtain the title of bachiller in music, where forms to the students in diverse instruments of rope like the violin, violates, violonchelo, double bass, guitar, piano, of wind like the flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, corno, saxofón, trumpet, trombón, tuba, and also in instruments of percussion with theoretical classes-practical.[8]
Between the diverse groups and national orchestras have to the national symphonic Orchestra, the juvenile symphonic Orchestra, the band of the supreme powers and the marimba national "Soul of Honduras".[9]
Culinary art

Honduras has a variety of traditional cymbals, between them the baleada, the meat roasted with chimol, chicken in rice of corn, fried fish with encurtido of onion, and the typical garífuna dish that is fried fish in coconut oil.
Other cymbals are the montucas, enchiladas, nacatamales of corn, "mondongo" or soup of gut. In the coastal areas and in the Bay Islands Department seafood is prepared many ways and some cymbals prepare with coconut. The tourist areas have restaurants of international cuisine and cymbals American style. There is also a wide variety of soups, desserts, prepared to base of corn, drunk alcoholic between others.
The literature in the territory of the current Honduras goes back more than one thousand fifty years to the Maya civilisation in the city of Copán, known, writings employing the Writing maya of our ancestors that employed logogramas and glyphs syllabic, the literature maya finds conserved in the trails, pyramids and temples in Copán. The city of Copán houses the most informative pyramid of America, the pyramid of the hieroglyphs that has more than 2.500 glyphs.
In the current Honduras there have been several periods of literature having a lot of authors in the periods of the romanticism, modernism, post modernism, etc. Between the most remarkable writers of Honduras are Froylán Turcios Juan Ramón Molina, Rafael Heliodoro Fence in, Antonio José Rivas, Clementina Suárez, Edilberto Cardona, Bulnes, Víctor Cáceres Lara, Amaya Loves Ramón dor, Marco Antonio Rosa, Roberto Sosa, Juana Peacock, Lucila Gamero of Medina, Amanda Castro, Javier Abril Espinoza and Roberto Quezada. In theatre project the works of the father José Trinidad Kings Seville founder of the Autonomous National University of Honduras, nowadays the ones of the renowned Rafael Murillo Selva.
With the independence and the movements of the illustration, enciclopedismo and classical liberalism developed to the pair cultural artistic movements as is the case of the writings of the próceres patrios, refer us obvious to José Cecilio of the Valley, José Dionisio of Herrera, José Francisco Morazán Quesada, etc., invite you to that you explore his writings, is a trip without return… To them owe the peak of the letters in the isthmus, is Morazán the one who brings the printing and Valley one of the Parents of the Journalism.
With the advent of Liberal Reform breathed airs of renewal, inside the project bourgeois of the Industrial Revolution the scientific positivism, explodes under the neo-classical movement that in the case of Honduras expresses with his greater exponent to world-wide level the Nicaraguan Rubén Darío and in the case of Honduras with Juan Ramón Molina the generations until the first chamber of the 20th century.
In the 20th century when in our country highlight writers of continental size that echo in our senses until today, some with positions found by his postures of life eat: Álvaro Contreras, Rafael Heliodoro Valladares, Paulino Valladares, Froylán Turcios, Eduardo Barh, Clementina Zelaya, Roberto Sosa, etc.
See also
- ↑ "Los trazos de la pintura en Honduras - Diario El Heraldo".
- ↑ "El arte colonial es un gran tesoro histórico que enriquece la capital - Diario El Heraldo".
- ↑ Topi. "Apuntes: La lectura en Honduras".
- ↑ "Country of Honduras News, Sports, Tourism, Food, Diving, Vacation -".
- ↑ «Templo de Guarita».
- ↑ "Historia de la Danza folklórica hondureña".
- ↑ "Ballet hondureño Censea triunfa en Costa Rica".
- ↑ Sistema Nacional de Cultura, Informe Honduras
- ↑ Sistema Nacional de Cultura, Informe Honduras