Ann Banfield

Ann Banfield, is a professor Emeritus of English at the University of California, Berkeley.[1]

Banfield has taught at Berkeley since 1975 and is a specialist in linguistics, critical theory and the use of philosophy as a cornerstone of modernism.[2] In the field of narratology, Banfield has been given lasting credit for her concepts of narratorless subjectivity and addresseelessness in narration.[3] Unlike linguists who apply linguistics to literature, Banfield has the sensitivity of a literary critic who has mastered linguistics.[4]




  1. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2010-06-09. Retrieved 2010-03-05.
  2. Ann Banfield, Professor of English Archived July 19, 2011, at the Wayback Machine. on the website of the University of California, Berkeley's French Studies Program
  3. Meir Sternberg: "Self-consciousness as a Narrative Feature", in: A Companion to Narrative Theory, edited by James Phelan and Peter J. Rabinowitz, Blackwell Publishing, Malden/Massachusetts and Oxford 2005, paperback edition 2008, ISBN 978-1-4051-1476-9 Tabel of contents, pp. 232–252
  4. Christine Brooke-Rose: "Ill locutions", in: Poetics Today 11 (1990), S. 283–293, also included in: Stories, theories and things, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 1991, ISBN 0-521-39181-4, S. 63–80, see footnote 3.
  5. "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2011-06-04. Retrieved 2010-01-06.
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