Exposing a corrupt government / USA

I am exposing this Nazi government for what it really is. Nazis.

A corrupt pile of shit that has spent all of its existence exploiting the starving, poor, and oppressed, while at the same time engorging white "settlers" with extreme power.

My personal story of harassment by these Nazis (btw I'm a minorty if that means anything... oh right racism by a country built on racism and slavery)

It began when I moved to Colorado to find employment two years ago. I noticed that whenever I would go out for a walk or car ride cops would drive past me.

As if that wasn't belittling enough these harassers began passing sirens past my home daily.

I worked for one year at a grocery store in El Jebel, CO and daily these stalking cops would arrive and walk around the store pretending to shop for groceries. Of course this is all their intimidation tactis to make me feel insane and unsecure. I don't know why they keep bothering me but I just want them exposed to the world as Nazis.

This government cannot be trusted and they are the biggest threat to our species and humanity.

Proof that they arrive to places I'm about to visit (Snowden exposed them for spying and I believe they have root access to anyones cellular phone in America):