頭髮長短、汽油價格 - 古德明

頭髮長短、汽油價格 - 古德明

問:小兒試卷有以下選擇題,愚以為應選longest,但其教師卻說shortest才正確。先生認為怎樣?──Many girls in my class have long hair, but Emily's hair is the longest/shortest。
答:這一句應選longest。全句是說:「我班裏不少女孩都留長頭髮,但頭髮最長的是愛蜜莉。」句中的long和longest可以相比較。至於shortest,卻無short字可以比較,並不妥當。要說「我班裏不少女孩都留長髮,但愛蜜莉的頭髮很短」,英文是Many girls in my class have long hair / wear their hair long, but Emily's hair is short / Emily wears her hair short。
問:以下一句,with a litre costing $1.3 可不可改為with $1.3 a litre?──Petrol prices were particularly high in January, with a litre costing $1.3(汽油價格一月分特別高,一公升賣一元三角)。
答:說每公升、公斤等的價錢或每天、每小時等的進度,英文會用at帶出,例如:(1)Beef is sold at around $50 per pound(牛肉每磅賣五十元左右)。(2)He was driving at 100 kilometres an hour(他以每小時一百公里速度開車)。讀者示下那一句,with a litre costing $1.3改為at $1.3 a litre也可以。
With則可用來帶出片語(phrase),其中名詞之後常用分詞(participle,即ing或ed動詞),例如:(1)With him helping us, we were able to finish the job(我們獲他幫忙,得以完成工作)。(2)He quietly passed away, with the letter still clasped in his hand(他安詳去世,去世時手裏還緊緊握着那封信)。With a litre costing $1.3就是這句式。