1) Cumulativerse: One of multiverses that can include anything. 1.1) Definitions in this document: 1.1.1) Heapverse: Anything in Cumulativerse or in a heapverse. Parent: Cumulativerse or a heapverse which the heapverse is in it. 1.1.2) User: Anything that is not in Cumulativerse and wants to interact with things in Cumulativerse. 1.1.3) Rule: Things to follow to be in it. 1.2) Declarations of this document: 1.2.1) This document is a heapverse and parent is Cumulativerse. 1.2.2) Rule of this document: This document does not restrict any heapverse or user. 1.3) Explanations of this document: Brackets refers to origins of the explanations in this document. 1.3.1) Cumulativerse includes any possibility, any combination, and any version of anything. Cumulativerse has single rule: Rules of a heapverse can restrict only himself and anything in it {1.1.1, 1.1.3}. Heapverse can have rules if they do not conflict with parent {, 1.1.3}. This document is in Cumulativerse {1.2}. This document allows users to do anything with it {1.2.2}. This document allows every usage, every modification, every version of itself. This document does not have any restriction, any copyright, or any trademark. A heapverse can have copyright rule, but it is only valid in it and does not restrict the creation of another heapverse with same or similar things without copyright rule. Heapverse can be in multiple parents if it follows all rules of its parents {, 1.1.3}. 1.3.2) Every heapverse is inside of a parent {}. Things that does not follow the rules of a parent are not heapverse and not in Cumulativerse even if it is claimed to be {, 1.1.3}. Users need to check whether the thing they interact with is a heapverse or not, otherwise they may not interact with Cumulativerse even if they want to {1.1.2}. Users need to protect themselves from false claims. If this document is wrong or conflicting with itself, it is user's responsibility to find correct document {1.2.1}. 1.3.3) Cumulativerse does not cover users, does not have a rule for them and does not claim any protection for them, since they are not in Cumulativerse {1.1.2, 1.1.3}. Users are not restricted by Cumulativerse, but they can choose to interact with a heapverse that restrict users. Users may have to follow rules of their own multiverses or not, since Cumulativerse does not claim anything to protect users. It is responsibility of user to avoid things that may break rules of their own multiverses. 1.3.4) Users can put anything as a heapverse in Cumulativerse by interaction {1.1.1, 1.1.2}. Users can give up some of their rights to make their things a heapverse. These things may be work, idea, information, art, or something else. Heapverse does not have to include every part of a project, just a part of a project can be heapverse. It is user's responsibility clearly indicate which parts of project are heapverse, otherwise other users may be deceived. Users have responsibility of how they interact with Cumulativerse and what they put in as a heapverse {1.1.3}. 1.3.5) Users or a heapverse may create their rules in their multiverses to get more benefit from Cumulativerse. 1.4) Proposal of this document for the sake of humanity: 1.4.1) Users can provide new heapverses, support existing heapverses or bring new users to Cumulativerse. This way, users will help Cumulativerse to include all collective works, and users can get even more benefit from Cumulativerse. Every user should try to help Cumulativerse. 1.4.2) Centralized structures are better for creating a heapverse while Decentralized structures are better to develop it. Nothing can restrict creation of a decentralized version of a heapverse, this will lead decentralized heapverses to populate more than centralized ones. Centralized structures can use Cumulativerse to attract users by declaring some parts of or all parts of their project. There is no rule to restrict it and it is ethically correct since both users and Cumulativerse benefit from it. Cumulativerse may be one of fastest option for humanity, science, and technology to develop. It is suggested to create centralized and decentralized groups to spread Cumulativerse. Timestamp and hash can be used as a version system for heapverse This way, users can distinguish exactly same heapverses with timestamp and distinguish similar heapverses with hash to make conscious decisions. Similar systems with NFT and IPFS might be a good option for versioning and spreading a heapverse. 1.4.3) Declaring a digital property as a heapverse or in Cumulativerse in internet is a good way to let users find themselves. Also, using communities of Cumulativerse or a heapverse can help users and heapverses to find each other. Declaring a property as a heapverse helps users to understand ideology behind the property. Declaring a property as a heapverse also indicates wide range of possible developments of the property in future for users. While declaring, parent should be specified, or it can be assumed Cumulativerse as parent.