X-men: The Official Game (2006) *RIP* [Gry PC]

2006-06-06 23:46:45


 Polski opis

Producent: Z-axis
Wydawca: Activision
Kategoria: cRPG
Premiera Świat: 16 maja 2006
Premiera Polska: listopad 2006
Tryb gry: single
Wymagania sprzętowe:
1.2GHz, 256MB, karta grafiki 64MB (gf3)
X-Men: The Official Movie Game to gra akcji przygotowana równolegle z obrazem kinowym zatytułowanym X-Men: The Last Stand. Nie bazuje ona jednak na fabule filmu, lecz stanowi swego rodzaju pomost pomiędzy drugą, a trzecią częścią pełnometrażowych ekranizacji opowiadających o wyczynach X-Menów. Oznacza to, iż mamy tu okazję poznać wydarzenia, które doprowadziły do tego, co dzieje się w X-Men: The Last Stand.

Jak pamiętamy, druga część filmu zakończyła się zwycięstwem X-Menów i zniweczeniem planów Williama Strykera i Magneto, jednakże nasi bohaterowie przypłacili to stratą Jean Grey. W trzeciej zaś, profesor Charles Xavier i spółka muszą poradzić sobie z odrodzoną Jean, znaną teraz jako Dark Phoenix oraz rozwiązać tajemnicę preparatu zatrzymującego mutację ludzkich organizmów, w wyniku których zyskują one nadprzyrodzone moce. Akcja X-Men: The Official Movie Game rozpoczyna się w kilka tygodni po zakończeniu X-Men 2, kiedy to podpopieczni Charlesa Xaviera powracają do kompleksu Alkali Lake, który służył Strykerowi jako baza i gdzie znajdowała się replika maszyny wzmacniającej moce telepatyczne, zwanej Cerebro. Ich celem jest zebranie elementów, z jakich skonstruowano kopię. Jednakże na miejscu okazuje się, iż siły HYDRY przybyły tu z podobnym zadaniem. Prowadzi to oczywiście do pierwszej, z wielu, potyczek, jakich doświadczymy w grze.

Opowieść przygotowana przez tak znanych autorów, jak: Zak Penn (autor scenariusza do filmów X2: X-Men United i X-Men: The Last Stand) oraz Chris Claremont (twórca komiksów z tej serii), podzielona została na trzy akty, w obrębie których występuje 28 misji. W X-Men: The Official Movie Game możemy pokierować poczynaniami trójki bohaterów: Wolverine’a, Nightcrawlera i Icemana. Warto dodać, iż Nightcrawler nie występuje w obrazie kinowym, a opisywany tu tytuł odpowiada nam na pytanie, dlaczego. Oczywiście autorzy dołożyli starań, aby oddać w ręce grających wszystkie nadzwyczajne moce tych postaci, a także by przygotowane przezeń lokacje, wymuszały użycie tychże umiejętności. Zatem na poziomach wymagających dyskrecji niejednokrotnie skorzystamy z teleportacyjnych i akrobatycznych zdolności Nightcrawlera, tam gdzie trzeba będzie po prostu pokazać przeciwnikom surową siłę doskonale sprawdzi się Wolverine wyposażony w swoje adamentowe szpony, a gdy znajdziemy się na otwartych przestrzeniach nieoceniony okaże się pozostający w ciągłym ruchu Iceman (ślizgający się po lodzie) i jego pociski lodowe czy możliwość rażenia przeciwników gradem. Przy czym, na pewnych etapach rozgrywki gracz ma dowolność w wyborze postaci, którą wykorzysta, na innych zaś twórcy nie pozostawili nam żadnego pola manewru w tej kwestii i narzucili bohatera jakiego musimy użyć by przejść dalej.

W miarę postępów w rozgrywce bohaterowie zyskują doświadczenie, które można wykorzystać do nauczenia ich nowych zdolności lub rozwinięcia już poznanych. Mechanizm rozwoju postaci nazwano „Mutant Evolution System”, a zasadą działania przypomina do pewnego stopnia system talentów znany z World of Warcraft. Oznacza to, że po zabraniu odpowiedniej ilości punktów jesteśmy w stanie np. wydłużyć czas trwania „furii” Wolverine’a. Ponadto w X-Men: The Official Movie Game dostępne są także liczne ukryte dodatki i cechy do zdobycia. Gra została wykonana w całości przy pomocy nowoczesnej, trójwymiarowej grafiki. Zachowano oczywiście zgodność stylistyczną z obrazami kinowymi, widzimy zatem autentycznych bohaterów w ich kostiumach oraz znane lokacje Alkali Lake, the Statue of Liberty, Dark Cerebro. Całości dopełniają również rzeczywiste głosy aktorów występujących w filmach (np. Patricka Stewarta).

Sumy kontrolne podał colin2005
Z gry wycięto muzykę, filmy i muzykę.

 English description

Developer: Z-axis
Publisher: Activision
Genre: cRPG
Release Date: 16 maja 2006
Game Modes: single
Hardware requirements:
1.2GHz, 256MB, Video 64MB (gf3)
"Since the dawn of existence, there have always been moments when the course of history shifted. Such a turning point is upon us now. The conflict between the better and worse angels of our very nature, whose outcome will change our world so greatly, there will be no going back. I do not know if victory is possible. I only know that great sacrifice will be required… And because the fate of many will depend on a few, we must make the last stand."

These words were spoken by Professor Charles Xavier and featured in the first trailer for X-Men: The Last Stand, foreshadowing an ominous and deadly war that quickly approaches. While tensions between Charles' students and Magneto's forces had been growing to a head, it's not exactly clear what events brought the two sides to penultimate battle. Activision's X-Men: The Official Game aims to tell us why. Taking place between the events of X2 and The Last Stand, X-Men: The Official Game acts as something of a bridge between the two movies, explaining how and why certain mutants chose sides, and more importantly, what lead the mutants to war.

We recently had a chance to get our claws on the game and play a couple levels for each of the game's three playable characters, Wolverine, Iceman and Nightcrawler. One thing that was readily apparent from our time with the game is that each of the three X-Men play entirely different than one another. Wolverine is all about brutal, close combat, Nightcrawler is about popping around to and fro while taking out enemies, and Iceman doesn't even appear to ever walk to on solid ground.

For each of the three characters, we first played a tutorial level to learn how to control our new mutant powers, and then moved onto a major battle sequence. In the case of Wolverine, he begins the game atop of the Statue of Liberty, just like at the end of the first movie, entangled in a battle with Sabretooth. His move set is made up of quick, strung-together attacks and punishing strong attacks.

He's very much the type of character you'd assume he would be, slashing his claws through an enemy's chest at close range over and over again in quick succession. He's also incredibly agile with regards to defensivement movement, as flicking the right stick while blocking will send him quickly rolling in any direction, enabling you to either quickly retreat from an attack or even close in from behind and execute some undefended attacks.

Wolverine's strongest power is his ability to regenerate and recover health after an attack. He essentially has two health meters, one inside of the other in a way. Light attacks will take away his "short term" health, which will auto-regenerate on the fly, even while in combat. If Logan takes major damage or multiple hits from weaker attacks, this will cause major wounds which take more focus to recover from. After a battle, pressing L2 will heal any major wounds over a short period of time, but it leaves him entirely vulnerable, so you can't really do it while in the midst of a fight.

After the introductory level with Sabretooth and an assortment of armed gunmen, we were placed into a vicious fight with Lady Deathstrike. The battle takes place in the middle of a tornado, so should either mutant fall back into the "walls" of the tornado they would be lifted, spun about and deposited back in the middle of the battle. As Lady Deathstrike has the same regenerative powers as Logan, knocking her into the funnel was really the only way to cause any permanent or lasting damage. This one-on-one battle lasted a good 10 or 15 minutes as both characters just kept fighting back, so expect some epic fights in X-Men: The Official Game.

One interesting thing about Wolverine's sections of the game is that while Nightcrawler and Iceman feature free, controllable camera system, his is locked in place. The speed at which you're fighting and rolling about could really screw up a whacky camera system, so the team opted to go the God of War route and set up specialized camera angles from which you'd control the action. You're able to tilt the camera in any direction a short bit to look around, but it remains centered on one point. From what we've seen, this system seems to work pretty well and is likely much less frustrating than a free and possibly confusing camera system.

Next up we took a look at Iceman. Rather than being ground-based and fighting folks with his frozen fists, you play him as something that resembles an action flight game. He's constantly on the move as he surfs on his ice slide, moving here and there through the air at ease. A quick hit of a button pulls off a 180 turn, making him perform a spin that looks like it's straight out of a surfer's handbook. This is especially cool as you get a good look at the tail end of his ice sled as it melts away a short bit behind him.

Unlike Wolverine or Nightcrawler, all of Iceman's attacks are ranged attacks or defensive maneuvers. Pressing and holding the main attack button throws out his ice beam that you can use to cut down enemies, while locking onto them and pressing the strong attack button will unleash an ice storm, something of a rocket-like missile attack.

Iceman's tutorial revolved around putting out a series of fires surrounding the Statue of Liberty with his ice beam, and then taking out a number of robotic air drones with either the same ice beam or the ice storm attack. The next stage featured Iceman battling a gigantic fire serpent that wrapped its body around a rather large building. The serpent was hell-bent on breaking open some nearby toxic canisters, so winning this battle meant that we had to not only kill the serpent, but constantly watch over his fire attacks and take them out before they destroyed too many of the canisters.

Lastly, we had a chance to check out Nightcrawler. His main mutant power is the ability to teleport at will, complete with "Bamph!" sound effect. Nicely, this is set up almost in a pop-anywhere manner. You'll see blue, glowing signals which somewhat resemble smoke that denote where you can teleport to. You're not allowed to teleport anywhere, but the sections we saw had enough hot spots that it almost seemed like you could.We began his section in something of a sewer system or underground water system where we first hopped up onto some nearby pipes and then either climbed or teleported from spot to spot to progress. Once inside a facility, we picked up on Nightcrawler's ability to hack into computer systems, allowing him to bypass security doors that would otherwise be impenetrable.

Combat with Nightcrawler is especially interesting as not only is he able to teleport from vantage point to vantage point and gain tactical advantages on his opponents, but he can actually teleport behind enemies during a battle and wail on them while undefended. Like Wolverine, Nightcrawler features very quick combo attacks, but he's a little more acrobatic with his movements. Plenty of spinning roundhouse kicks, flips and such fill out his combat maneuvers.

While we really only had a chance to see the first tutorial section and then a quick (or at least confined) battle section with each character, it's apparent that X-Men: The Official Game does a great job at keeping each of its three heroes feeling unique and individual. This has been a drawback with some multi-character games in the past, superhero or not, and luckily the developer seems to have really nailed down the feeling and powers of Wolverine, Iceman and Nightcrawler in different and cool ways. Stay tuned to IGN as we'll have more on X-Men: The Official Game as we near its release.

* Become three legendary heroes Players will immerse themselves in the signature powers of their favorite X-Men heroes
* Experience events leading up to the X-Men: The Last Stand feature film and play beyond
* Become a part of the X-Men movie universe
* Battle fierce enemies, join forces with X-Men comrades Face off against villains from both the movie and comic book universes as favorite X-Men allies join forces with the player in gameplay that includes fighting, stealth-style action and time-based missions
* Experience gameplay environments specifically designed to showcase each character's Super Hero abilities

Control sums thanks to collin2005
Ripped: movies, music and ambient sound
