{"item_number": "92", "name": "Day 5, 18:50", "external_url": "https://metahistory.gallery/warline/92", "description": "The prohibition on all russian registred and russian controled aircraft to land, take off and overfly the territory of the EU was made by Ursula von der Leyen", "description_uk": "Європа анонсувала закриття повітрянного простору для усіх російських літаків", "artist_url": NaN, "image": "ipfs://QmWYTbSse2cUNQo1FBpeAS9S7scU8H5655MYSuwFuT5wUE/92.jpg", "twitter": {"url": "https://twitter.com/therecount/status/1497977454237044741?s=20&t=HcLOzH0esdzBib7gZyOnEw", "username": "therecount", "Tweet": "Breaking: European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen announces all EU countries will close their airspace to Russian aircraft, including private jets of oligarchs."}, "attributes": [{"display_type": "number", "trait_type": "Edition", "value": "4", "max_value": 22}, {"trait_type": "Artist", "value": NaN}, {"display_type": "date", "trait_type": "Date", "value": "1646074200"}]}