2020-08-24 Physical Therapy_TEMPLATE ------------------------------ Please describe your symptoms: ------------------------------ 0000-00-00 Symptoms: Pain in shoulder Inability to move shoulder Inability to move shoulder to full range of motion. ----------------------------------- Have you had these symptoms before? ----------------------------------- Y/N = Y 0000-00-00 Yes: Shoulder Dislocation: 2018-03-00 - 2018-05-28 --------------------------------------------- How long have you been having these symptoms? --------------------------------------------- Select = For more than a month 0000-00-00 Since: Shoulder dislocation (2018-03-00 - 2018-05-28) Shoulder Surgery (Dr. Gonzales CHNO - 2018-05-28) Shoulder Surgery (Dr. Gonzales CHNO - 2019-01-04) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Please list any medications you are currently taking for this condition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0000-00-00 Lidocaine Injection (Shoulder) Every 3 - 6 months (Dr. Gonzales CHNO) ------------------------------------------------------ Please describe any probable cause for these symptoms: ------------------------------------------------------ 0000-00-00 Shoulder Dislocation: 2018-03-00 - 2018-05-28