Kelli Thompson

Web3 Educator & Project Strategist

➡️ Connect with leading-edge Web3 companies and match them with entrepreneurs who want to incorporate technology into their businesses. ➡️ Idea and strategy generation incorporating digital collectibles and blockchain technology in marketing strategies. ➡️ Build and manage communities to foster communication, education, and connection. Create onboarding experiences that are welcoming for new users. ➡️ Conduct technology conversions with CRM, accounting/financial databases, productivity, and point-of-sale software. ➡️ Develop unique and entertaining employee and client education content for more excellent retention of information. ➡️ Create interactive meetings, training sessions, and projects for up to 50 people that encourage participation and collaboration. My strengths: 1. Individualization 2. Responsibility 3. Futuristic 4. Learner 5. Analytical