OUTPUT FROM CONSOLE OPERATIONS FROM THE ORIGINAL NAMECOIN CLIENT THAT MINTED QUANTUM name_list d41b8540cbacdf1467cdc5d17316dcb672c8b43235fa16cde98e79825b68709a [ { "name" : "d41b8540cbacdf1467cdc5d17316dcb672c8b43235fa16cde98e79825b68709a", "value" : "I assert title to the file at the URL http://static.mccoyspace.com/gifs/quantum.gif with the creator's public announcement of it's publishing at the URL \nhttps://twitter.com/mccoyspace/status/462320426719641600 The file whose SHA256 hash is d41b8540cbacdf1467cdc5d17316dcb672c8b43235fa16cde98e79825b68709a is taken to be the file in question. Title transfers to whoever controls this blockchain entry.", "address" : "N2nunKeYiYeqDCunDzJ3EQQh1fbAawegPW", "expires_in" : -16587, "expired" : 1 } ] ————————— verifymessage N2nunKeYiYeqDCunDzJ3EQQh1fbAawegPW G3lWiwdDFkRycZZZ5LSwgx4KnFhk9QY/vsqWTtj3bZZ1/WTYDitgJKft9a4d7B0nqCbRRPuvKKX0hi2607j1hN0= "I Kevin McCoy ceated the artwork Quantum and recorded it on the namecoin blockchain from this wallet on May 2, 2014, making it the first of what we now call NFTs. I still own this artwork and control the originating address." true --------------------